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极品飞车15:变速 多版本全DLC终极整合中文破解版 解压即玩




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The critically acclaimed SHIFT franchise returns to the track with SHIFT 2 UNLEASHED. The most immersive racing video game experience to date brings the true driver’s experience to life with all the intensity and exhilaration of being behind the wheel and competing in the Driver’s Battle.

广受好评的SHIFT系列以《SHIFT 2 UNLEASHED》重返赛道。迄今为止,最具沉浸感的赛车电子游戏体验将真正的车手体验带到了生活中,带来了驾驶和参加车手之战的所有强度和兴奋感。

SHIFT 2 UNLEASHED delivers all the violence, energy and excitement of race day in a groundbreaking authentic racing experience.

SHIFT 2 UNLEASHED在一次开创性的真实比赛体验中提供了比赛日的所有暴力、能量和兴奋。

Key Features:(主要特点)

  • Next Level of Immersion - Experience visceral first-person racing like never before. The all-new helmet cam recreates realistic driver head movements that deliver an unparalleled sensation of speed: lean and tilt into the apex of corners, feel the impact of every scrape, bump, and crash, experience true in-cockpit vibrations, and more.
  • 下一级沉浸式体验-前所未有地体验发自内心的第一人称赛车。全新的头盔摄像头再现了逼真的驾驶员头部运动,提供了无与伦比的速度感:倾斜到角落的顶点,感受每一次刮擦、碰撞和碰撞的冲击,体验真实的驾驶舱振动,等等。
  • Change the Game with Autolog - Autolog is a revolutionary system that connects friends and changes the gameplay experience by allowing you to share virtually every aspect of your racing career. Compare Driver Profiles and career status, share and comment on pictures and videos, send challenges, and pull news feeds directly from NFS.com and Speedhunters.com. Autolog recommendations amp up the social competition of real-world racing by delivering challenges based on friend activity, creating a dynamic, competitive, fun new way to play both online and offline.
  • 用Autolog改变游戏-Autolog是一个革命性的系统,它可以连接朋友,并通过让你分享赛车生涯的几乎每一个方面来改变游戏体验。比较车手档案和职业状态,分享和评论图片和视频,发送挑战,并直接从NFS.com和Speedhunters.com获取新闻。Autolog推荐通过基于朋友活动提供挑战,创造一种动态、竞争、有趣的在线和离线新游戏方式,增强了现实世界赛车的社会竞争。
  • True Realistic Racing - SHIFT 2 UNLEASHED redefines the racing simulator genre by bringing the atmosphere of race day to life.. Featuring the FIA GT1 World Championship and GT3 European Championship plus real-world drivers, tracks, and cars, this is truly tomorrow’s sim for today’s adrenaline-fueled racer.
  • 真实真实的赛车-SHIFT 2 UNLEASHED通过将比赛日的气氛带入生活,重新定义了赛车模拟器类型。。以国际汽联GT1世界锦标赛和GT3欧洲锦标赛为特色,再加上现实世界中的车手、赛道和汽车,这真的是今天肾上腺素飙升的赛车手的明日模拟。
  • Amazing Career Depth and Variety - Earn unlocks and participate in multiple racing disciplines on the way to becoming the FIA GT1 World Champion. Featuring everything from new Endurance races to muscle and retro cars, SHIFT 2 UNLEASHED gives you the flexibility to choose the path that fits your individual racing style.
  • 惊人的职业深度和多样性-在成为国际汽联GT1世界冠军的道路上解锁并参加多个比赛项目。从新的耐力赛到肌肉和复古汽车,SHIFT 2 UNLESHED应有尽有,让您可以灵活选择适合您个人比赛风格的路线。
  • Customize for Show or Customize to Win! - Unleash your creativity to turn some of the world’s most elite high-performance vehicles into fire-breathing weapons. Customize the engine, the body, the suspension, and much, much more, then put your ultimate racing machine to the test in any mode. Whether your goal is to race a 1000-horsepower Econobox or a tricked-out GTR, you have nearly limitless options to reign supreme on the track where every second counts.
  • 自定义以显示或自定义以获胜!-释放你的创造力,将世界上一些最精英的高性能汽车变成喷火武器。定制发动机、车身、悬架等等,然后在任何模式下测试你的终极赛车。无论你的目标是驾驶1000马力的Econobox还是经过改装的GTR,你都有几乎无限的选择,可以在每一秒都很重要的赛道上称霸。
  • Photo Real Cars and Tracks – Over 120 licensed cars are available including the Nissan GT-R GT1, McLaren MP4-12C, and GUMPERT Apollo. There is also over 35 real-world locations like Bathurst, Spa de Francochamps and Suzuka as well as fictional circuits like downtown London and Shanghai.
  • 照片真实的汽车和赛道-超过120辆获得许可的汽车可供选择,包括日产GT-R GT1、迈凯轮MP4-12C和GUMPERT Apollo。还有超过35个真实世界的地点,如巴瑟斯特、Spa de Francochamps和铃鹿,以及伦敦市中心和上海等虚构的赛道。






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