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图片[1]-学习版 | 电锯甜心:重置版/电锯糖心:重制版 LOLLIPOP CHAINSAW RePOP -飞星(繁中)-飞星免费游戏仓库

电锯甜心:重置版/电锯糖心:重制版 LOLLIPOP CHAINSAW RePOP -飞星(繁中)

The legendary zombie hunter Juliet is back in 4K!


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图片[2]-学习版 | 电锯甜心:重置版/电锯糖心:重制版 LOLLIPOP CHAINSAW RePOP -飞星(繁中)-飞星免费游戏仓库
图片[3]-学习版 | 电锯甜心:重置版/电锯糖心:重制版 LOLLIPOP CHAINSAW RePOP -飞星(繁中)-飞星免费游戏仓库
图片[4]-学习版 | 电锯甜心:重置版/电锯糖心:重制版 LOLLIPOP CHAINSAW RePOP -飞星(繁中)-飞星免费游戏仓库
图片[5]-学习版 | 电锯甜心:重置版/电锯糖心:重制版 LOLLIPOP CHAINSAW RePOP -飞星(繁中)-飞星免费游戏仓库


Throw logic to the wind and embrace your instincts!
The legendary zombie hunter Juliet is finally back!
扔逻辑的风和拥抱你的直觉! 传说中的僵尸猎人朱丽叶终于回来了!

Lollipop Chainsaw, which sold 1.24 million copies worldwide, is back with the latest graphics!
The cheerleader Juliet, born into a family of zombie hunters, uses her trusty chainsaw to rip and tear through the undead! But now that RePOP adds speedier chainsaw action and auto-fire for her chainsaw blaster, the action never slows down till the very end! And it’s not just the gameplay that’s been improved, the visuals and soundtrack have been powered up too! Don’t miss out on this unparalleled zombie hunting adventure!
啦啦队长朱丽叶,出生于一个家庭的僵尸猎人,使用她的可信赖的电锯撕和撕裂的不死! 但现在,RePOP增加更快速的电锯行动和自动火,对她的电锯冲击波,行动永远不会减缓下来,直到最后一刻! 而且这不只是游戏已经改善,视觉效果和音乐已经动起来! 不要错过这个无与伦比的僵尸狩猎冒险!


The story starts in San Romero High School, the largest high school in the district, somewhere on the west coast of the US of A. Protagonist Juliet Starling, is an exemplary student of San Romero who passionately loves cheerleading. Unbeknownst to most, however, her family, the Starlings, has been a lineage of zombie hunters, guiding the undead to beyond since ancient times…
故事开始于圣罗梅罗高的学校,最高学校在该地区,地方上的西海岸的美国的A.主角茱丽叶斯特林,是一个模范学生的San Romero谁热爱啦啦队。 不知情的大多数,但是,她的家庭,八哥一直沿袭的僵尸猎人,指导亡灵之外,自古以来…
The incident unfolds on Juliet’s birthday. She heads to school to meet her boyfriend, but as she pedals her bicycle into the school grounds, she is greeted by the sight of her former schoolmates, who have all been turned into zombies!
该事件展开朱丽叶的生日。 她学校去见见她的男朋友,但她蹬了她的自行车进入学校,她欢迎她的视线以前的同学,他们都已经变成僵尸!


  • 需要 64 位处理器和操作系统
  • 操作系统: Windows10 64bit
  • 处理器: Intel Core i5-10400
  • 内存: 16 GB RAM
  • 显卡: NVIDIA GeForce RTX3060(8GB)
  • DirectX 版本: 12
  • 存储空间: 需要 60 GB 可用空间

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