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史丹利的寓言:超豪华版 The Stanley Parable: Ultra Deluxe Build.13725329 -飞星(官中)



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图片[6]-免费下载| 史丹利的寓言:超豪华版 The Stanley Parable: Ultra Deluxe Build.13725329 -飞星(官中)-飞星免费游戏仓库


《史丹利寓言:超豪华版》是对 2013 年广受好评且屡获殊荣的独立游戏《史丹利寓言》的扩展及再创作。

原版《史丹利寓言》中的所有要素都将得以保留,如 2013 年一般原汁原味。不过,《史丹利寓言:超豪华版》还包含新内容、新选择以及新秘密待您发掘,原有的游戏世界得到极大拓展,谜团也愈发扑朔迷离。


同之前一样,Kevan Brighting 先生无可挑剔的配音将全程与您为伴。

图片[7]-免费下载| 史丹利的寓言:超豪华版 The Stanley Parable: Ultra Deluxe Build.13725329 -飞星(官中)-飞星免费游戏仓库

The Stanley Parable: Ultra Deluxe is a first person exploration game. It is an expanded re-imagining of the critically acclaimed, award winning indie game The Stanley Parable from 2013.
斯坦利比喻:超豪华是第一个勘探游戏。 这是一个扩大的重新想象的好评,获奖的独立游戏斯坦利比喻从2013年。

When a simple-minded individual named Stanley discovers that the co-workers in his office have mysteriously vanished, he sets off to find answers.

You will play as Stanley, and you will not play as Stanley. You will make a choice, and you will have your choices taken from you. The game will end, the game will never end. Contradiction follows contradiction, the rules of how games should work are broken, then broken again. You are not here to win. The Stanley Parable is a game that plays you.
你将扮演史丹利,你将不会发挥作为斯坦利。 你会作出选择,并且你有你的选择从你的。 游戏结束,游戏永远不会结束。 矛盾下的矛盾,该规则的游戏如何应工作被破坏,然后又坏了. 你是不是在这里赢得的。 斯坦利比喻是一个游戏,扮演你。

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What's New? 有什么新的吗?

Everything that was in the original Stanley Parable is here, preserved just like it was back in 2013. But The Stanley Parable: Ultra Deluxe also dramatically expands the world of the original game with new content, new choices, and new secrets to uncover. The labyrinth has just gotten bigger.
一切都是在原来的斯坦利比喻是这里,保留就像是回到2013年。 但是斯坦利比喻:超豪华也大大扩展了世界的游戏的原始新的内容,新的选择,新的秘密的揭露。 迷宫刚刚变得更大。

In addition, the game has been visually upgraded to reflect modern technology while faithfully preserving the tone of the original game. Accessibility features have also been added to the game, including localization of in-world text, colorblind options, and content warnings.
此外,游戏已经在视觉上升级,以反映现代技术,同时忠实地维护的基调。 辅助功能也已加入游戏,包括本地化的世界中的文字,色盲的选择,以及内容的警告。

And just as before, the impeccable voicework of Kevan Brighting will accompany you every step of the way.

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In The Stanley Parable: Ultra Deluxe, everything you remember has been recreated, yet it's different somehow. We've been here before, haven't we? Is Stanley still the same as he was back then? Or is it you who has changed?
在斯坦利比喻:超豪华,你还记得已经重建,而这是不同的。 我们以前来过这里,不是吗? 是斯坦利仍然同样因为他是回来然后呢? 或是你已经改变了?


  • 操作系统: Windows 7 or higher 64bit
  • 处理器: Intel Core i3 2.00 GHz or AMD equivalent
  • 内存: 4 GB RAM
  • 显卡: NVIDIA GeForce 450 or higher with 1GB Memory
  • 存储空间: 需要 5 GB 可用空间
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