叛乱:沙漠风暴 Insurgency: Sandstorm v20230509 -飞星(官中)
Insurgency: Sandstorm是一款任务目标明确,融合团队配合、近距离作战的第一人称战术射击多人游戏。体验现代战争的紧张感,在战斗中磨练技术,与团队一起赢取胜利。
- 2025年1月11日:v20230509 → v1.17.0.343179
Hello again soldiers! 士兵们,大家好!
Welcome to the release notes for Update 1.17 Operation: Resurgence! The leaves are bare, the smell of snow is in the air, and if you’re anything like us you’ve already eaten enough snacks to incapacitate a small herd of reindeer. What better way to celebrate this holiday season than another major update from the military FPS that just won’t quit! (You may have said, “presents that I asked for” or even “spending time with my loved ones” but we’ve crunched the numbers and it turns out this update is the best way.)
欢迎来到 1.17 版本:Operation: Resurgence 的发行说明!树叶光秃秃的,空气中弥漫着雪的味道,如果你和我们一样,你已经吃了足够让一小群驯鹿失去行动能力的零食。有什么比军事 FPS 的另一次重大更新更好的方式来庆祝这个假期呢,它不会放弃!(您可能说过,“我要求的礼物”,甚至“与我所爱的人共度时光”,但我们已经处理了数字,事实证明此更新是最好的方式。
Buckle up folks, it’s happening, CROSSPLAY IS HERE! It’s been a long time coming and we are incredibly happy to be rolling this feature out to you! So, without further ado let’s get to the explaining part because we’re sure you have a lot of questions!
系好安全带,伙计们,它正在发生,CROSSPLAY 来了!已经等了很久了,我们非常高兴能向您推出此功能!所以,事不宜迟,让我们进入解释部分,因为我们相信您有很多问题!
What is crossplay? 什么是跨平台游戏?
Well you see, when two people love each other very much, sometimes they......what’s that? Oh not the…..uh-huh…..ok right. Got it. AS WE WERE SAYING, crossplay is a new feature that will allow PSN, Xbox Live, and PC players to play together!
嗯,你看,当两个人非常相爱时,有时他们会......什么?哦,不是.....嗯嗯.....好吧。明白了。正如我们所说,跨平台游戏是一项新功能,将允许 PSN、Xbox Live 和 PC 玩家一起玩!
How does it work? 它是如何工作的?
Starting with Update 1.17 Operation: Resurgence you will see a “Matchmaking settings” option in place of the “Region settings” option. By selecting it, you will have the following options to choose from:
从 1.17 更新操作:重生开始,您将看到一个“匹配设置”选项,而不是“区域设置”选项。通过选择它,您将有以下选项可供选择:
- Your preferred input device from your connected devices (Mouse & Keyboard or Gamepad).
您首选的输入设备来自您连接的设备(鼠标和键盘或游戏手柄)。 - An option to either enable or disable Cross-Play.
用于启用或禁用 Cross-Play 的选项。 - An option to match with players using different input devices.
与使用不同输入设备的玩家匹配的选项。 - Your selected regions. 您选择的区域。
Once you’ve filled in your matchmaking settings, you will be matched according to your chosen options!
👀 For more information see our handy-dandy crossplay FAQ!
👀 有关更多信息,请参阅我们的 handy-dandy crossplay 常见问题解答!
You heard that right, it’s the return of Skirmish! We’ve gone back to the drawing board and made some changes to freshen the mode up to reintroduce it as a limited-time game mode.
你没听错,这是 Skirmish 的回归!我们回到了绘图板并进行了一些更改,以更新该模式,将其重新引入为限时游戏模式。
The Nitty Gritty 本质 Gritty
Skirmish pits two 14-player teams (10v10 on console) against each other as they fight to be the first to capture three objectives and blow up the enemy cache. Each team starts with one owned objective, one cache and 10 spawn waves, with the remaining neutral objective in the middle.
Skirmish 让两个 14 人团队(在控制台上为 10v10)相互对抗,因为他们为成为第一个占领三个目标并炸毁敌人藏匿点的团队而战。每个团队开始时都有一个拥有的目标、一个缓存和 10 个重生波,其余的中立目标在中间。
Teams can gain additional spawn waves by capturing an objective, but beware! If your team's cache is destroyed you will be unable to gain new waves.
Available classes: 可用课程:
- Rifleman - unlimited
Rifleman - 无限 - Breacher - 3 突破者 - 3
- Advisor - 3 顾问 - 3
- Demolitions -2 爆破 -2
- Marksman - 2 射手 - 2
- Gunner - 2 炮手 - 2
Supported maps: 支持的地图:
- Ministry 部
- Farmhouse 农舍
- Summit 峰会
- Refinery 精炼厂
- Lastlight Lastlight (最后的光芒)
- Crossing 路口
- Prison 监狱
NEW WEAPONS: WCX, AR-7090, & F2000
新武器:WCX, AR-7090, & F2000
Paging all gun nuts, Operation: Resurgence comes with THREE new weapons! The WCX and the F2000 for Security and the AR-7090 and the F2000 (Tactical variant) for Insurgents.
翻阅所有枪械坚果,《行动:复苏》带来了三种新武器!WCX 和 F2000 用于安全,AR-7090 和 F2000(战术变体)用于叛乱分子。
The WCX for Security is designed for superior versatility and performance in the face of overwhelming odds. Utilizing its short-stroke gas piston system it delivers reliable control in any environment.
WCX for Security 旨在提供卓越的多功能性和性能,以应对压倒性的困难。利用其短行程气体活塞系统,它可在任何环境中提供可靠的控制。
AR-7090 (INS) AR-7090 (INS)
Bringing rugged durability to the uncertainty of combat engagements, the AR-7090 is fierce and reliable. It's sure to strike fear in the hearts of your oppressors!
AR-7090 为战斗交战的不确定性带来了坚固耐用的耐用性,凶猛而可靠。这肯定会让你的压迫者心生恐惧!
F2000 (SEC) / F200 Tactical (INS)
F2000 (秒) / F200 战术 (INS)
Whether you're snuffing out resistance or fighting off invaders, the F2000 has you covered! Featuring a highly maneuverable compact design and a focus on accuracy, this is one intimidating piece of kit!
无论您是在扼杀抵抗还是击退入侵者,F2000 都能满足您的需求!具有高度可操作的紧凑设计和对准确性的关注,这是一个令人生畏的套件!
Survivor Gear Set (SEC) 幸存者装备组 (SEC)
Embodying resilience and steely resolve, the Survivor Gear Set for Security is built to endure and crafted for those who refuse to back down. Suit up and survive the fight!
Survivor Gear Set for Security 体现了韧性和钢铁般的决心,经久耐用,专为拒绝退缩的人打造。整装待发,在战斗中幸存下来!
Contains seven different cosmetic gear pieces:
包含 7 种不同的装饰装备:
- Survivor Helmet (Head) 幸存者头盔(头部)
- Survivor Mask (Facewear) 幸存者面具(面具)
- Survivor Glasses (Eyewear)
幸存者眼镜(眼镜) - Survivor Top (Torso) 幸存者上衣 (躯干)
- Survivor Bottom (Pants) 幸存者下装 (裤子)
- Survivor Boots (Feet) 幸存者靴(脚)
- Survivor Gloves (Hands) 幸存者手套(手)
Revolt Gear Set (INS) Revolt 装备组 (INS)
Make rebellion look good with the Revolt Gear Set for Insurgents. Defy the opposition in style!
用 Insurgents 的 Revolt Gear Set 让 Rebellion 看起来不错。以时尚的方式挑战对手!
Contains six different cosmetic gear pieces:
包含 6 种不同的装饰装备:
- Revolt Cap (Head) 反抗之帽(头部)
- Revolt Mask (Facewear) Revolt 面具(面饰)
- Revolt Glasses (Eyewear) Revolt 眼镜(眼镜)
- Revolt Top (Torso) Revolt Top (躯干)
- Revolt Bottom (Pants) Revolt Bottom (裤子)
- Revolt Boots (Feet) Revolt 靴子 (脚)
Pockets Weapon Skin Set (SEC)
Pockets 武器皮肤套装 (SEC)
Pockets of resistance getting you down? Mark your targets and grind them into the sand with the Pockets Weapon Skin Set for Security.
零星的抵抗让你失望?标记你的目标,并使用 Pockets Weapon Skin Set for Security 将他们磨成沙子。
The Pockets weapon skins can be equipped in the Loadout menu for the Security faction for the following weapons where available:
Pockets 武器皮肤可以在安全派系的配置菜单中为以下武器装备(如果可用):
- Rifleman: M16A4 步枪手:M16A4
- Demolitions: VHS-2
拆除:VHS-2 - Breacher: KSG 破坏者:KSG
- Breacher: MP5A5 突破者:MP5A5
- Marksman: M24 射手:M24
- Gunner: Galil SAR
National Pride Weapon Skin Set (INS)
National Pride 武器皮肤套装 (INS)
Put your pride on full display and celebrate with the National Pride Weapon Skin Set for Insurgents!
充分展示您的自豪感,并使用 Insurgents 的 National Pride 武器皮肤套装来庆祝!
The National Pride weapon skins can be equipped in the Loadout menu for the Insurgent faction for the following weapons where available:
National Pride 武器皮肤可以在 Insurgent 派系的配置菜单中为以下武器装备(如果可用):
- Rifleman: M16A2 步枪手:M16A2
- Demolitions: AK-74
拆除: AK-74 - Breacher: KS-23 突破者:KS-23
- Advisor: SKS 顾问: SKS
- Marksman: SVD 射手:SVD
- Gunner: RPK 枪手:RPK
NEW PREMIUM DLC: Resurgence Set Bundle
全新高级 DLC:Resurgence 套装捆绑包
Tactical Doc Gear Set (SEC)
战术文档装备组 (SEC)
Roll up your sleeves and snap those gloves, the Tactical Doc Gear Set for Security is on call for combat!
卷起袖子,戴上手套,Tactical Doc Gear Set for Security 随时待命!
Contains six different cosmetic gear pieces:
包含 6 种不同的装饰装备:
- Tactical Doc Hat (Head) 战术医生帽 (头部)
- Tactical Doc Mask (Facewear)
Tactical Doc 面膜(面具) - Tactical Doc Top (Torso) Tactical Doc 上衣(躯干)
- Tactical Doc Bottom (Legs)
Tactical Doc Bottom (腿) - Tactical Doc Gloves (Hands)
战术医生手套(手部) - Tactical Doc Boots (Feet)
Tactical Doc 靴子(脚)
Night Raven Weapon Skin Set (SEC)
Night Raven 武器皮肤套装 (SEC)
Swoop in for the kill with the Night Raven Weapon Skin Set for Security!
使用 Night Raven 武器皮肤套装进行杀戮以确保安全!
The Night Raven Weapon Skin can be equipped in the Loadout menu for the Security faction for the following weapons:
- Rifleman/Demolitions: WCX
步枪手/爆破手:WCX - Breacher: KSG 破坏者:KSG
- Advisor: Vector 顾问: Vector
- Gunner: M249 炮手:M249
- Marksman: M24 射手:M24
- Secondary: PF940
Desert Corpsman Gear Set (INS)
沙漠军人装备组 (INS)
Fueled by defiance and driven by the fight for survival, The Desert Corpsman Gear Set for Insurgents is the perfect remedy for when you're up against overwhelming forces.
以反抗为动力,以生存之战为动力,The Desert Corpsman Gear Set for Insurgents 是对抗压倒性力量时的完美补救措施。
Contains six different cosmetic gear pieces:
包含 6 种不同的装饰装备:
- Desert Corpsman Turban (Head)
沙漠军人头巾(头部) - Desert Corpsman Mask (Facewear)
沙漠军人面具(面具) - Desert Corpsman Shirt (Torso)
沙漠军人衬衫 (躯干) - Desert Corpsman Sirwal (Legs)
沙漠军人 Sirwal(腿部) - Desert Corpsman Gloves (Hands)
沙漠军人手套(手) - Desert Corpsman Boots (Feet)
Duct Taped Weapon Skin Set (INS)
Duct Taped 武器皮肤套装 (INS)
When you find yourself in a sticky situation, hold it together with the Duct Taped Weapon Skin Set for Insurgents!
当你发现自己处于困境时,用 Duct Taped Weapon Skin Set for Insurgents 把它固定在一起吧!
The Duct Taped Weapon Skin can be equipped in the Loadout menu for the Insurgent faction for the following weapons:
- Rifleman/Demolitions: AR-7090
步枪手/爆破手:AR-7090 - Advisor: ACE52 顾问: ACE52
- Gunner: RPK 枪手:RPK
- Breacher: KS23 突破者:KS23
- Marksman: M1 Garand
射手:M1 加兰德 - Secondary: M1911
Level of Detail Optimizations
We've had reports from players that some lights, objects and textures would flicker in certain areas causing a disruption in the gameplay and immersion. We took a look at this and did a pass to optimize the LOD on the following maps:
我们收到玩家的报告,称某些灯光、物体和纹理在某些区域会闪烁,从而导致游戏和沉浸感中断。我们对此进行了研究,并对以下地图的 LOD 进行了优化:
- Bab 巴布
- Citadel 城堡
- Crossing 路口
- Farmhouse 农舍
- Gap 差距
- Hideout 隐匿处
- Hillside 山坡
- Last Light 最后的曙光
- Ministry 部
- Outskirts 重试 错误原因
- Power Plant 重试 错误原因
- Precinct 重试 错误原因
- Prison 重试 错误原因
- Refinery 重试 错误原因
- Summit 重试 错误原因
- Tell 告诉
- Tideway 潮流
- Trainyard 火车场
Lighting Changes 照明变化
Trainyard 火车场
Hideout 隐匿处
Tideway 潮流
Tell 告诉
Arms Race Changes 军备竞赛变化
We’ve made some changes to the way the limited-time mode Arms Race functions.
- Added thirteen weapons, including:
添加了 13 种武器,包括:- AUG A3 八月 A3
- M60E4 M60E4 系列
- TOZ-194 TOZ-194 系列
- Added an onscreen message when a player reaches the final weapon.
添加了当玩家到达最终武器时的屏幕消息。 - Reduced the number of players to 8v8.
将玩家人数减少到 8v8。 - Simplified the HUD. 简化了 HUD。
- Tier and Kill Score reworked.
等级和击杀分数重做。 - Added variation to how players progress through weapons.
为玩家使用武器的方式添加了变化。 - Melee kills now remove two tiers.
近战杀戮现在会移除两个等级。 - Weapon preferences within Arms Race are now saved across matches (fire mode, etc).
Art & Graphics 艺术与图形
- Fixed an issue where the player’s hand animation was out of sync when throwing a molotov.
修复了投掷燃烧瓶时玩家的手部动画不同步的问题。 - Fixed an issue where underbarrel attachments could become misaligned after picking up another weapon when viewed from third person.
修复了从第三人称视角观看时,捡起另一把武器后,下挂管附件可能会错位的问题。 - Fixed an issue where weapon rails could be invisible when viewed through a scope on “normal” scope settings.
修复了在“正常”瞄准镜设置下通过瞄准镜查看武器导轨时可能不可见的问题。 - Fixed an issue where SSR was not turned on for water and glass materials.
修复了水和玻璃材质的 SSR 未开启的问题。 - Fixed an issue where mounting a vehicle or turret from the prone position caused the camera to be positioned incorrectly.
修复了从俯卧位置安装载具或炮塔导致摄像机位置不正确的问题。 - Fixed an issue where the player’s hand could clip through certain scopes on the TAC 338 while chambering a round with the bipod deployed.
修复了一个问题,该问题会导致玩家在部署两脚架的情况下装弹时,手可以穿过 TAC 338 上的某些瞄准镜。 - Fixed an issue across multiple weapons where equipping the bipod could interfere with the rendering of scopes.
修复了在多个武器中装备两脚架可能会干扰瞄准镜渲染的问题。 - Fixed an issue where if a spectating player had X-ray mode active and the player they were spectating looked at a friendly character that model would appear completely black.
修复了一个问题,该问题会导致旁观的玩家激活了 X 射线模式,而他们正在旁观的玩家看着一个友方角色,该模型将完全显示为黑色。 - Fixed an issue where the player's arm could clip through the L96A1’s scope when the bipod is deployed.
修复了在展开两脚架时,玩家的手臂可能会穿过 L96A1 的瞄准镜的问题。 - Fixed an issue where if a player disconnected and reconnected to a server it could break the animation of another player mounted to a turret when observed from third person.
修复了一个问题,即如果一个玩家断开连接并重新连接到服务器,当从第三人称观察时,它可能会破坏另一个玩家挂载到炮塔上的动画。 - Fixed an issue where one particularly sassy vase would glow red in Tideway.
修复了一个特别时髦的花瓶在 Tideway 中会发出红色光的问题。 - Fixed an issue where sandbags near Security spawn had an incorrect surface material applied in multiple levels.
修复了安全生成点附近的沙袋在多个关卡中应用的表面材质不正确的问题。 - Fixed an issue where the Seasoned Fighter Top colors wouldn’t display correctly in first-person.
修复了 Seasoned Fighter Top 颜色在第一人称视角中无法正确显示的问题。 - Fixed an issue where certain weapons’ magazines could become invisible for a brief period following a reload cancel.
修复了某些武器的弹匣在装填取消后可能会在短时间内不可见的问题。 - Fixed an issue where a player's weapon model could appear briefly on their face when equipping or un-equipping a gas mask.
修复了玩家在装备或卸下防毒面具时武器模型可能会短暂出现在脸上的问题。 - Fixed an issue where the magazine of an SKS would appear rotated incorrectly while performing a full reload when observed from third-person.
修复了从第三人称视角观察时,在执行完全装填时,SKS 的弹匣旋转不正确的问题。 - Fixed an issue where the player camera could go inside the player model when ducking inside a vehicle.
修复了在躲避车辆时,玩家镜头可能会进入玩家模型内部的问题。 - Fixed an issue where the player’s hand model could become stretched if they were holding a grenade while being blinded in third-person.
修复了在第三人称视角下,如果玩家手持手榴弹而失明,其手部模型可能会被拉伸的问题。 - Fixed an issue where if a player entered a vehicle from a crouching or sliding position they could become stuck in a crouched position until exiting the vehicle.
修复了一个问题,该问题会导致玩家从蹲下或滑动位置进入载具,他们可能会卡在蹲伏位置,直到离开载具。 - Fixed an issue where the “check ammunition” animation could display incorrectly with the MR 73.
修复了 MR 73 的“检查弹药”动画显示不正确的问题。 - Fixed an issue where the player's arm would be twisted when using certain torso customizations with the TAC 338 rifle.
修复了在 TAC 338 步枪上使用某些躯干自定义时,玩家的手臂会扭曲的问题。 - Fixed an issue where lenses from goggles or gas masks could be visible through smoke.
修复了护目镜或防毒面具的镜片可以透过烟雾看到的问题。 - Fixed an issue where if the Worn Veteran weapon skin was applied to the MDR it would differ in appearance depending on if it was viewed in first or third-person.
修复了一个问题,即如果将磨损的老兵武器皮肤应用于 MDR,它的外观会有所不同,具体取决于它是以第一人称还是第三人称查看。 - Fixed an issue where the player's character would hold the TAC 338 incorrectly during the round start.
修复了玩家的角色在回合开始时错误地握住 TAC 338 的问题。 - Fixed an issue where scope rings could display incorrectly when switching between first and third-person. This affects the following scopes:
修复了在第一人称和第三人称之间切换时瞄准镜环显示不正确的问题。这会影响以下范围:- 1.5X PK-AS 1.5X HP 轴
- 2X-1X Kobra
- 1.5X-1X A1 SCOPE 1.5X-1X A1 瞄准镜
- 4X PSO-1 4 倍 PSO-1
- 3X YMA95-1 SCOPE 3X YMA95-1 瞄准镜
- Fixed an issue where the exhaust trail for the rocket barrage would display rotated at 90 degrees.
修复了火箭弹幕的排气轨迹显示为旋转 90 度的问题。 - Fixed an issue where the player's hand could obscure the scope when using the AS VAL with the loading grip attachment.
修复了在将 AS VAL 与装填握把附件一起使用时,玩家的手可能会遮挡瞄准镜的问题。 - Fixed an issue where the second-to-last bullet in a weapon would not have a bolt/slide animation.
修复了武器中倒数第二颗子弹没有螺栓/滑动动画的问题。 - Fixed an issue where multi-zoom optics would experience a single frame glitch when switching between hipfire & ADS while in “Picture in Picture” mode.
修复了在“画中画”模式下切换hipfire和ADS时,多变焦光学器件会遇到单帧故障的问题。 - Fixed an issue where a multi-zoom optic lens would display the wrong color when switching between hipfire & ADS while in “Picture in Picture” mode.
修复了在“画中画”模式下切换Hipfire和ADS时,多变焦光学镜头会显示错误颜色的问题。 - Fixed an issue where a pistol’s optic could be displayed at a player’s feet while in third-person.
修复了在第三人称视角下,手枪的光学元件可能显示在玩家脚下的问题。 - Fixed an issue where a player's ammo carrier or armor could disappear when inside a vehicle in online modes.
修复了玩家的弹药架或盔甲在在线模式下在载具内时可能消失的问题。 - Fixed an issue that allowed the Mosin-Nagant to be fired twice before needing to chamber another round.
修复了一个问题,该问题会导致 Mosin-Nagant 在需要再装填一发子弹之前发射两次。 - Fixed an issue where parts of the Brute’s body would turn invisible when first launching into the Main Menu.
修复了蛮兵身体的某些部分在首次启动主菜单时变得不可见的问题。 - Fixed an issue where the female hairstyle “Low Chignon” was not displayed in third-person.
修复了女性发型 “Low Chignon” 未以第三人称显示的问题。 - Fixed an issue where the colors of the Mountain Nomad were inconsistent between the Customize menu and gameplay.
修复了 Mountain Nomad 的颜色在 Customize 菜单和游戏玩法之间不一致的问题。 - Fixed an issue where the Protective Gear Gas Mask clips when equipped with the Brute head.
修复了护具防毒面具在装备蛮力头时卡住的问题。 - Fixed an issue where the glass on the S.O.R.T. helmet was not rendered correctly.
修复了 S.O.R.T. 头盔上的玻璃无法正确渲染的问题。 - Fixed an issue where female hairstyles could clip through the Chemical Combat Helmet.
修复了女性发型可以穿过化学战斗头盔的问题。 - Fixed an issue where the player could not equip the Gray Man Bottom (Camo) while wearing the Protective Gear Top.
修复了玩家在穿着护具上衣时无法装备灰人下装(迷彩)的问题。 - Fixed an issue where Sirwal pants could be equipped with the Protective Gear Boots.
修复了 Sirwal 裤子可以装备护具靴的问题。 - Fixed an issue where the Protective Gear Gloves could be equipped with long-sleeve shirts, leading to clipping issues.
修复了护具手套可能装备长袖衬衫,导致剪裁问题的问题。 - Fixed an issue where the Uniform Camo for the PASGT helmet was selected the helmet would display a solid color.
修复了选择 PASGT 头盔的 Uniform Camo 时,头盔将显示纯色的问题。 - Fixed an issue where the Revolt Glasses wouldn’t display the correct color in third-person.
修复了 Revolt 眼镜在第三人称视角下无法显示正确颜色的问题。 - Fixed an issue where Climber gear items could clip with other cosmetic items.
修复了攀岩者装备物品可能与其他装饰物品夹在一起的问题。 - Fixed an issue where any triangle-shaped patch would clip with other cosmetics.
修复了任何三角形补丁都会与其他装饰一起剪裁的问题。 - Fixed an issue where the Chemical Combat helmet would not display uniform camo correctly.
修复了化学战斗头盔无法正确显示统一迷彩的问题。 - Fixed an issue where the Protective Gear Gloves would appear differently depending on if they were observed in first or third-person.
修复了护具手套会根据第一人称还是第三人称视角而显示不同的问题。 - Fixed an issue where the Protective Gear boots would clip with the Biker Bottom.
修复了护具靴会夹住机车裤的问题。 - Fixed an issue where facial hair styles would clip through the “Neck Gaiter Low” Facewear.
修复了面部毛发样式会穿过“Neck Gaiter Low”面罩的问题。
Audio 音频
- Fixed an issue where melee attacks with the Handjar and Shiv weapons would not play any audio.
修复了使用 Handjar 和 Shiv 武器进行近战攻击时不播放任何音频的问题。 - Fixed an issue where muted players could again be heard after a round change.
修复了在换轮后可以再次听到静音玩家的声音的问题。 - Fixed an issue where the sound for changing weapon fire modes could be absent.
Gameplay 游戏玩法
- Fixed an issue where applying default settings resulted in the player not being able to navigate the menu correctly.
修复了应用默认设置导致玩家无法正确导航菜单的问题。 - Fixed an issue where a player could pick up another player’s thrown explosive.
修复了一个玩家可以捡起其他玩家投掷的炸药的问题。 - Fixed an issue where the M1 Garand couldn’t be reloaded after shooting the Smoke or Explosive Launcher underbarrel.
修复了 M1 加兰德冲锋枪在射击烟雾发射器或爆炸发射器下挂式后无法装填的问题。 - Fixed a game crash introduced in Update 1.15, Hotfix #3.
修复了 1.15 版本热修复 #3 中引入的游戏崩溃问题。 - Fixed an issue on PS5 where firing a turret could result in the adaptive triggers working in unintended ways.
修复了 PS5 上的一个问题,该问题会导致发射炮塔可能会导致自适应扳机以意外的方式工作。 - Fixed an issue where a player mounted on a stationary turret could be kicked for inactivity.
修复了安装在固定炮塔上的玩家可能会因不活动而被踢出的问题。 - Fixed an issue where using a turret in the warmup phase could result in it becoming unusable upon round start until that player mounts and unmounts.
修复了在热身阶段使用炮塔可能导致它在回合开始时无法使用,直到该玩家骑乘和卸载的问题。 - Fixed an issue where the scaling of the number of bots in a match would not work properly during counterattacks.
修复了在反击期间,匹配中机器人数量的缩放无法正常工作的问题。 - Fixed an issue where analog sticks could behave as though receiving input with the deadzone set to 0.0.
修复了模拟摇杆在死区设置为 0.0 时可能表现得像在接收输入的问题。 - Fixed an issue where aim-dampening settings wouldn’t function as intended.
修复了瞄准抑制设置无法按预期运行的问题。 - Fixed an issue where the player would respawn faster if they disabled the death camera.
修复了玩家在禁用死亡镜头时重生速度会更快的问题。 - Fixed an issue where some kills wouldn’t allow you to advance through the pool of weapons in the Arms Race mode.
修复了在军备竞赛模式中某些杀戮不允许您在武器池中前进的问题。 - Fixed an issue where players would receive two kills for a single kill achieved with a door.
修复了玩家使用门完成一次击杀时会收到 2 次击杀的问题。 - Fixed an issue where it would be impossible to kill a player with a door if they are from the same faction in the Free For All mode.
修复了在 Free For All 模式中,如果玩家来自同一个派系,则无法杀死带门的玩家的问题。 - Fixed an issue where a player could be the target of auto balance more than once.
修复了玩家可能多次成为自动平衡目标的问题。 - Fixed an issue where the “Wallbanger” trophy could be awarded from a regular kill.
修复了“Wallbanger”奖杯可以通过常规击杀获得的问题。 - Fixed an issue that could cause gameplay to stutter.
修复了可能导致游戏卡顿的问题。 - Fixed an issue where the party leader status could switch to another party member.
修复了队长状态可能切换到其他队员的问题。 - Fixed an issue where a player’s Kill/Assist/Death totals wouldn’t show while in a resupply area.
修复了玩家在补给区时不显示击杀/助攻/死亡总数的问题。 - Fixed an issue where in the Arms Race mode players wouldn’t have enough supply points for a third explosive with the heavy carrier equipped.
修复了在军备竞赛模式中,玩家在装备重型航母的情况下没有足够的补给点来放置第三个炸药的问题。 - Fixed an issue where changing the character’s gender would swap to a previously created preset instead of changing the gender of the selected one.
修复了更改角色性别会交换为之前创建的预设,而不是更改所选预设的性别的问题。 - Fixed an issue where AI wouldn’t run away from IEDs.
修复了 AI 不会逃离 IED 的问题。 - Fixed an issue where explosive damage could be blocked by geometry not located in between the player and the explosion.
修复了爆炸伤害可能被不位于玩家和爆炸之间的几何体阻挡的问题。 - Fixed an issue where if the Shiv or Baton melee weapons were equipped to the player’s Default loadout, they could revert back to the default melee weapon.
修复了一个问题,即如果 Shiv 或 Baton 近战武器装备到玩家的默认配置上,它们可能会恢复为默认近战武器。 - Fixed an issue where some rounds of the A10 support call-in would land at the map origins (0,0).
修复了 A10 支持呼入的某些轮次会落在地图起点 (0,0) 的问题。 - Fixed an issue in Frenzy mode where AI wouldn’t attack a player if there is a thrown IED or C4 charge nearby.
修复了狂暴模式中的一个问题,即如果附近有投掷的 IED 或 C4 炸药,AI 不会攻击玩家。 - Fixed an issue where the party leader would be unable to control the party if they close the application and then rejoin the party.
修复了队长在关闭应用程序后重新加入队伍时无法控制队伍的问题。 - Fixed an issue where the PS5 version could crash on launch.
修复了 PS5 版本在启动时可能崩溃的问题。 - Fixed an issue where the application could crash after 56 minutes of gameplay.
修复了应用程序在游戏 56 分钟后可能崩溃的问题。 - Fixed an issue where the application could crash after 1 hour and 20 minutes of gameplay.
修复了应用程序在游戏 1 小时 20 分钟后可能崩溃的问题。 - Fixed an issue where the application could crash after deploying at the beginning of a round.
修复了应用程序在回合开始时部署后可能崩溃的问题。 - Fixed an issue where the application could crash when loading a map after 1 hour and 39 minutes.
修复了在 1 小时 39 分钟后加载地图时应用程序可能崩溃的问题。 - Fixed an issue where the M1 Garand could not be reloaded after shooting the smoke or explosive launcher under barrel attachment.
修复了 M1 加兰德冲锋枪在枪管附件下射击烟雾或爆炸发射器后无法重新装填的问题。 - Fixed an issue where the explosive launcher for the M1 Garand could be missing in Versus modes
修复了 M1 加兰德的爆炸发射器在对战模式下可能丢失的问题 - Fixed an issue where the technical vehicle would spin on its axis if a player put an explosive charge in the wheel well and entered the vehicle.
Level Design & Improvements
- Fixed an issue where bots could spawn under the map at point G on Trainyard Checkpoint.
修复了机器人可能在 Trainyard Checkpoint 的地图下生成的问题。 - Fixed an issue where certain doors would appear to be different colors due to lighting on Prison and Powerplant Night.
修复了 Prison 和 Powerplant Night 的照明导致某些门看起来颜色不同的问题。 - Improved the look of some areas where walls meet the terrain on Hillside.
改进了 Hillside 上墙壁与地形相接的一些区域的外观。 - Fixed some areas where objects on the floor were improperly illuminated on Hillside.
修复了 Hillside 上地板上的物体照明不正确的一些区域。 - Added movement to the leaves on the trees on Hideout.
为 Hideout 上的树叶添加了移动。 - Fixed a door on Prison at Objective E that was lit too brightly.
修复了目标 E 中监狱的一扇门被照亮得太亮的问题。 - Fixed an issue where certain train materials weren’t reflecting properly on Trainyard.
修复了某些火车材质在 Trainyard 上无法正确反射的问题。 - Fixed some of the areas where the road and terrain meet on Hideout.
修复了 Hideout 上道路和地形交汇的一些区域。 - Added light to an electrical particle on a downed power line in Trainyard.
为 Trainyard 中倒塌的电线上的电粒子添加了光。 - Added light to a fire particle in Prison.
为 Prison 中的火焰粒子添加了光照。 - Fixed an exploit on Crossing.
修复了 Crossing 上的漏洞。 - Added damage to the fire in a burning car on Trainyard.
增加了对 Trainyard 上燃烧的汽车的火灾造成的损害。 - Fixed an issue where the chemical gas wouldn’t cause damage to the player on point A of Defusal on Last Light.
修复了化学气体不会对 Last Light 的 Defusal 点 A 的玩家造成伤害的问题。 - Fixed an issue where the restricted zone overlapped the unrestricted zone on Crossing, Push Insurgents.
修复了 Crossing, Push Insurgents 的禁区与非禁区重叠的问题。 - Fixed an area that allowed players to travel outside of the map on Gap.
修复了允许玩家在 Gap 上移动到地图外的区域。 - Fixed an issue where some braziers were lacking flames on Bab and Gap.
修复了一些火盆在 Bab 和 Gap 上缺少火焰的问题。 - Fixed an area on Gap where the player could see through a wall.
修复了 Gap 上玩家可以透过墙壁看到的区域。 - Fixed an issue where there was a restricted zone missing between points B and C on Farmhouse Push Security.
修复了 Farmhouse Push Security 的 B 点和 C 点之间缺少限制区域的问题。 - Fixed multiple areas where the player could fall through the map on Outskirts.
修复了玩家可能在郊区从地图中掉下来的多个区域。 - Fixed an issue where the restricted area was incorrectly displayed on the map when defending point C on Refinery Push Insurgents.
修复了在 Refinery Push Insurgents 中防守 C 点时限制区域在地图上显示不正确的问题。
Miscellaneous 杂项
- Fixed various localization issues.
修复了各种本地化问题。 - Fixed an issue where having the privacy setting “ Others can communicate with voice, text, or invites” set to “Friends” wouldn’t apply it to Versus mode text chat.
修复了将隐私设置“其他人可以通过语音、文本或邀请进行交流”设置为“好友”不会将其应用于对战模式文本聊天的问题。 - Fixed an issue where a muted player's voice could be heard again upon loading a new map.
修复了在加载新地图时可以再次听到静音玩家的声音的问题。 - Fixed an issue where recently recorded replays could have a “Replay Unavailable” status.
修复了最近录制的重播可能具有“重播不可用”状态的问题。 - Fixed an issue where searching for the game and loading the game would occur only for the Party leader.
修复了仅对队长搜索游戏和加载游戏的问题。 - Fixed an issue where voice chat could be disabled after opening and closing the scoreboard in any game mode.
修复了在任何游戏模式下打开和关闭记分板后可以禁用语音聊天的问题。 - Fixed an issue where after the game had been closed the former party leader couldn’t return to the party from Local Play or Matchmaking.
修复了游戏结束后,前队长无法从本地游戏或匹配返回队伍的问题。 - Fixed an issue where player names were needlessly censored.
修复了玩家姓名被不必要地审查的问题。 - Fixed an issue where most gun fire sounds were missing from the mod editor.
修复了 Mod 编辑器中缺少大多数枪声的问题。 - Fixed an issue where most weapons were invisible in third person in the mod editor
修复了大多数武器在 Mod 编辑器中的第三人称视角中不可见的问题 - Fixed an issue where Primary and Secondary weapons could be invisible in first person.
修复了主武器和副武器在第一人称中可能不可见的问题。 - Fixed a player desync exploit.
UI/UX 用户界面/用户体验
- Fixed an issue where mousing over menu items didn’t trigger hints.
修复了将鼠标悬停在菜单项上不会触发提示的问题。 - Fixed an issue where the title screen hint wouldn’t change according to the input device.
修复了标题屏幕提示不会根据输入设备而更改的问题。 - Fixed an issue where if the player modified control layout then canceled without saving, the menu would reflect the unsaved modified layout.
修复了以下问题:如果播放器修改了控件布局,然后在不保存的情况下取消了布局,则菜单将反映未保存的已修改布局。 - Fixed an issue where the “Customize” and “Select” buttons in the Loadout menu would function differently whether they were interacted with via mouse or keyboard.
修复了配置菜单中的“自定义”和“选择”按钮无论是通过鼠标还是键盘交互都会以不同的方式运行的问题。 - Fixed an issue where if the player modified control layout then canceled without saving, the menu would reflect the unsaved modified layout.
修复了以下问题:如果播放器修改了控件布局,然后在不保存的情况下取消了布局,则菜单将反映未保存的已修改布局。 - Fixed an issue where the “Remove” button in the Loadout menu could not work when interacting via mouse.
修复了通过鼠标交互时 Loadout 菜单中的 “Remove” 按钮不起作用的问题。 - Fixed an issue where the player could highlight Main Menu options while the Tutorial pop-up window should have focus.
修复了播放器可以高亮显示 Main Menu 选项,而 Tutorial 弹出窗口应具有焦点的问题。 - Fixed an issue where players couldn’t right click on player names in replays.
修复了玩家无法在回放中右键单击玩家姓名的问题。 - Fixed an issue where the player could be unable to cancel joining a match using a controller.
修复了玩家无法使用控制器取消加入对战游戏的问题。 - Fixed an issue where if the player modified the “Motion Blur” or “Dismemberment” settings then canceled without saving, the menu would reflect the unsaved modified settings.
修复了如果播放器修改了“Motion Blur”或“Dismemberment”设置,然后在不保存的情况下取消,菜单将反映未保存的修改设置的问题。 - Fixed an issue where the player would be unable to close the “report Player” or “ Custom Color” windows while on the scenario vote screen.
修复了玩家在场景投票屏幕上无法关闭“举报玩家”或“自定义颜色”窗口的问题。 - Fixed an issue where disconnecting and reconnecting a controller while on the “Details” pop-up of game mode selection could result in the “Details” pop-up losing focus.
修复了在游戏模式选择的“详细信息”弹出窗口中断开和重新连接控制器可能会导致“详细信息”弹出窗口失去焦点的问题。 - Fixed an issue where players would not see friendly messages from the Comms menu wheel show up in the general chat area.
修复了玩家在一般聊天区域中看不到通信菜单轮中的友好消息的问题。 - Fixed an issue where creating a party with mouse and keyboard while in the game type selection screen would result in the Main menu screen containing a second instance of the word “Play”.
修复了在游戏类型选择屏幕中使用鼠标和键盘创建队伍会导致主菜单屏幕包含单词“Play”的第二个实例的问题。 - Fixed an issue where when changing the games language the “Cancel” button wouldn’t close the language selection window.
修复了更改游戏语言时,“取消”按钮不会关闭语言选择窗口的问题。 - Fixed an issue where the application could crash if Steam accepted an invitation from EGS via the EGS overlay.
修复了如果 Steam 通过 EGS 覆盖接受 EGS 的邀请,应用程序可能会崩溃的问题。 - Fixed an issue where in the Arms Race mode there were menu elements referencing “Objective Secured” & “Objective Capture Time” and “Kills” was not always accurately displaying the number of kills.
修复了在军备竞赛模式中,有菜单元素引用“目标安全”和“目标捕获时间”以及“杀戮”并不总是准确显示杀戮数量的问题。 - Fixed an issue where on Xbox the “key Bind” window could not be closed by pressing “Cancel” after reconnecting the controller.
修复了在 Xbox 上,重新连接控制器后,无法通过按“取消”关闭“键绑定”窗口的问题。 - Fixed an issue where in the Loadout menu weapon descriptions of rocket-based weapons did not contain information about shell caliber or number of rockets.
修复了在配置菜单中,火箭类武器的武器描述不包含有关炮弹口径或火箭数量信息的问题。 - Fixed an issue where the Kukri and Combat Knife weapons displayed the wrong icons in the Loadout menu.
修复了反曲刀和战斗刀武器在配置菜单中显示错误图标的问题。 - Fixed an issue where after saving a loadout with the “Survivor CAMO” Top and Bottom, and then switching to the “Survivor” Top and Bottom , the loadout would switch back to the “Survivor CAMO” Top and Bottom if the player closed and then re-opened the loadout section.
修复了一个问题,即在保存带有“Survivor CAMO”上下配置,然后切换到“Survivor”上下配置后,如果玩家关闭然后重新打开配置部分,配置将切换回“Survivor CAMO”上装和下装。 - Fixed an issue where the player would be able to change the “Region” preferences after initiating a game search.
修复了玩家在启动游戏搜索后能够更改“Region”首选项的问题。 - Fixed an issue where in Arms Race the second weapon a player achieves would show the incorrect HUD elements unless the player dies and respawns.
修复了在军备竞赛中,除非玩家死亡并重生,否则玩家获得的第二种武器会显示不正确的 HUD 元素的问题。 - Fixed an issue where the female “Low Chignon” hairstyle wasn’t displayed in the Customize menu on consoles.
修复了女性“Low Chignon”发型未显示在控制台的 Customize 菜单中的问题。 - Fixed an issue where the player could be bound to open All/Team text chat in the settings with M&K.
修复了玩家可能被绑定到在 M&K 的设置中打开所有/团队文本聊天的问题。 - Fixed an issue where some patches did not have a name.
修复了某些修补程序没有名称的问题。 - Fixed an issue where slider settings would not save when using M&K.
修复了使用M&K时滑块设置无法保存的问题。 - Fixed an issue where the “search canceled” pop-up would not disappear after switching party leader.
修复了切换队长后“搜索已取消”弹出窗口不会消失的问题。 - Fixed an issue where the faction icon would cover the “Camera Height” hint when watching a replay.
修复了在观看回放时阵营图标会遮住“摄像机高度”提示的问题。 - Fixed an issue where the input for opening/closing the comms menu would also issue a command when playing in-game.
修复了在游戏中玩游戏时,用于打开/关闭通信菜单的输入也会发出命令的问题。 - Fixed an issue where some radial menus were missing the black backdrop.
修复了某些径向菜单缺少黑色背景的问题。 - Fixed an issue where the text in the loadouts screen would get cut off in some languages.
修复了配置屏幕中的文本在某些语言中会被截断的问题。 - Fixed an issue where the vote-kick window would not be displayed for all players in a match.
修复了对战中所有玩家不显示投票踢出窗口的问题。 - Fixed an issue where the “Customize” and “Select” buttons in the loadout screen would not function with a mouse click.
修复了配置界面中的“自定义”和“选择”按钮在点击鼠标时不起作用的问题。 - Fixed an issue where the UI icons were missing when doing the “Leaning” lesson.
修复了在执行“学习”课程时缺少 UI 图标的问题。 - Fixed an issue on consoles where menu navigation wouldn’t function correctly after closing the bind menu with a mouse.
修复了主机上使用鼠标关闭绑定菜单后菜单导航无法正常工作的问题。 - Fixed an issue on consoles where the “button binding” window would close after any controller input.
- When first launching Sandstorm on the Epic Games Store, the Basic Training Rewards are given without completing the Basic Training mission.
首次在Epic游戏商城上启动《Sandstorm》时,无需完成基本训练任务即可获得基础训练奖励。 - The muzzle texture for the M4A1 is wrong when viewed in third person.
以第三人称观看时,M4A1 的枪口纹理是错误的。 - There is an issue where a bipod's surface snapping can be misaligned after jumping with already snapped bipods.
存在一个问题,即在使用已经折断的两脚架进行跳跃后,两脚架的表面捕捉可能会错位。 - The FPS counter in the main menu will always show 60 even when a limit of 30 or 45 is selected.
主菜单中的 FPS 计数器将始终显示 60,即使选择了 30 或 45 的限制。 - Appearance presets will sometimes intersect with the heading on different resolutions.
外观预设有时会与不同分辨率上的标题相交。 - When canceling the reload animation on an empty magazine with the MDR equipped with any grip, the magazine will become invisible after resuming it.
当 MDR 配备任何握把时取消空弹匣上的装弹动画时,弹匣在恢复后将变得不可见。 - Some images in the purchase pop-up for the The Duct Taped skin set look different than they do in loadout (RPK and AR-7090).
The Duct Taped 皮肤套装的购买弹出窗口中的一些图像看起来与它们在配置(RPK 和 AR-7090)中的图像不同。 - Part of the “Two-Tone Green” skin is not displayed on the M4A1 foregrip.
部分 “双色调绿 ”皮肤没有显示在 M4A1 前握把上。 - The “Gunner Top” is sometimes invisible on your character in the main menu on game launch,
“Gunner Top”有时在游戏启动时主菜单中对你的角色不可见。 - The “Long Haircut” clips with character faces when viewed in third person or in the Customize menu.
“Long Haircut” 剪辑在以第三人称或在 Customize 菜单中查看时带有角色面部。 - The party code is displayed by default when a party is re-created. (Should be hidden by default)
默认情况下,在重新创建参与方时会显示参与方代码。(默认情况下应隐藏) - The "Handjar" and "Tactical Axe" descriptions are not translated into other languages besides English.
“Handjar”和“Tactical Axe”的描述没有被翻译成除英语以外的其他语言。 - There is an FPS drop when moving near the weapons tables on the Range night map when playing on Xbox.
在 Xbox 上玩游戏时,在 Range 夜图上的武器表附近移动时,FPS 会下降。 - The game may freeze when exploding a frag in the very first playthrough of Basic Training.
在 Basic Training 的第一次游戏过程中爆炸破片时,游戏可能会卡住。 - The weapon cache flickers when the defending player throws an attacker's EOD/C4 at it.
当防守玩家向其投掷攻击者的 EOD/C4 时,武器库会闪烁。 - There are differences with the Duct Taped skin set on certain guns when compared to the marketing materials.
与营销材料相比,某些枪支上设置的 Duct Paped 皮肤存在差异。 - The top half of a bot’s model can disappear while putting on a gas mask.
机器人模型的上半部分可以在戴上防毒面具时消失。 - Characters will sometimes spawn on top of each other in 12v12 and 14v14 matches.
角色有时会在 12v12 和 14v14 比赛中相互叠加生成。 - Patches are not visible in third person when Insurgents are equipped with Light/Heavy carrier gear.
当 Insurgents 装备轻型/重型航母装备时,第三人称视角下看不到补丁。 - Some barriers on Summit are not rendered properly when viewed from a distance.
从远处查看时,Summit 上的某些障碍物无法正确呈现。 - Backpacks disappear when interacting with turrets.
背包在与炮塔互动时消失。 - When a Security bot dies with heavy armor it becomes distorted and has a default skin in Local Play.
当安全机器人在重甲下死亡时,它会变得扭曲,并在 Local Play 中具有默认皮肤。 - The 1.5x-1x scope on an AUG will partially disappear when viewed in third person.
以第三人称观看时,AUG 上的 1.5x-1x 瞄准镜将部分消失。 - The animation for planting on a weapon cache will not play if the player was changing weapons right before interacting with the cache.
Thank you to everyone that made it all the way to the end of these release notes! (Here, have a cookie! 🍪)
感谢所有一直读到这些发行说明结尾的人!(来,吃饼干吧! 🍪
To recap, Operation: Resurgence introduces:
- Global Crossplay 全球跨平台游戏
- LTGM: Skirmish LTGM:遭遇战
- Three new weapons 三种新武器
- Two free gear sets 两个自由齿轮组
- Two free weapon skins 两个免费的武器皮肤
- Two premium gear sets 两个高级齿轮组
- Two premium weapon skins 两种高级武器皮肤
- Level of detail improvements
细节层次改进 - Lighting improvements 照明改进
- Arms Race improvements 军备竞赛改进
In addition to the new content we’ve touched on many issues that were submitted by the community, our hope is that there is something in there for everyone. We’re also very happy that crossplay is here and all of you will finally get to experience Insurgency: Sandstorm with your friends regardless of their platform of choice! We hope that you enjoy all of the content in Update 1.17 Operation: Resurgence, and as always, see you in the field soldier!
除了我们涉及社区提交的许多问题的新内容外,我们希望每个人都能有所收获。我们也非常高兴跨平台游戏已经推出,无论他们选择何种平台,你们所有人最终都可以与您的朋友一起体验 Insurgency: Sandstorm!我们希望您喜欢 1.17 更新:Operation: Resurgence 中的所有内容,并一如既往地在战地士兵中见!
Insurgency:Sandstorm 是一款任务目标明确,融合团队配合、近距离作战的第一人称战术射击多人游戏。作为爆红的第一人称射击独立大作——《Insurgency》的续作,Sandstorm 经过了重新制作、改良和拓展,各方面的游戏性更为丰富。体验现代战争的紧张感,在战斗中磨炼技术,与团队一起赢取胜利。为打一场硬核风格的战斗做好准备:致命的子弹、轻型作战车辆、毁灭性的火炮、高动态范围音频,一一将恐惧感带入游戏中。
延续了《Insurgency》大型射击类游戏的优良风格,Sandstorm 基于虚幻 4 引擎制作,将尘土飞扬的近距离作战真实度提升到一个新的高度。以技巧获取优势,生存是重中之重。手中弹膛余温,心中风声鹤唳
- 作为爆红的独立类第一人称射击类游戏《Insurgency》的续作, 《Insurgency》现销量已达到 5,000,000 份。Sandstorm 经过了重新制作、改良和拓展,各方面游戏性也更为丰富。
- 自定义的角色和武器,衬托出您在战场上的冷血与无情。
- 前所未有的音频设计,配合位置语音聊天,实现真实的团队合作,加上惊心动魄的环绕音效,带您重返战场。
- 在拐角处窥视,战术破门,使用烟雾弹掩护团队的推进,以及呼叫空中支援。
- 在大地图上展开 14 vs 14 的 PVP 模式,或 8 人对 AI 的 PVE 模式,现可在车辆上装备机枪。
- 需要 64 位处理器和操作系统
- 操作系统: Windows 7/8/10 (64 bits)
- 处理器: Intel Core i7-8700 (3.20GHz)/AMD Ryzen 7 2700 (3.20GHz)
- 内存: 16 GB RAM
- 显卡: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 980/AMD Radeon R9 390X
- DirectX 版本: 11
- 存储空间: 需要 40 GB 可用空间
- 附注事项: SSD is recommended.
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