![图片[1]-免费下载| 征服之歌:正式版 Songs of Conquest v1.4.10 赠修改器 -飞星(官中)-飞星免费游戏仓库](https://shared.cdn.queniuqe.com/store_item_assets/steam/apps/867210/header_alt_assets_6_schinese.jpg?t=1734601303)
征服之歌:正式版 Songs of Conquest v1.4.10 赠修改器 -飞星(官中)
- 2024年12月28日:v1.0 → v1.4.10
![图片[2]-免费下载| 征服之歌:正式版 Songs of Conquest v1.4.10 赠修改器 -飞星(官中)-飞星免费游戏仓库](https://clan.cdn.queniuqe.com/images/40723472/8384c6033cbd68607acd62d5f66ba8e83b7ee02a_960x311.png)
Thank you for 2024! 感谢 2024 年!
As the year comes to a close, we at Lavapotion are trading our office shoes for snow boots and our morning coffee for something a little sweeter. It’s a time for reflection, a chance to reflect on 2024. This year has been filled with success, change, and challenges. What would life be without a bit of variation, right?
随着这一年即将结束,我们 Lavapotion 正在将办公鞋换成雪地靴,将早晨的咖啡换成更甜的东西。这是一个反思的时刻,一个反思 2024 年的机会。今年充满了成功、变化和挑战。没有一点变化的生活会是什么样子,对吧?
But as we wrap up the year, one emotion stands above the rest: pride.
We’re proud to have released Songs of Conquest, sharing our game with the world. We’re grateful for our amazing community, whose support, love, and feedback have helped us make the game even better.
我们很自豪地发布了 Songs of Conquest,与全世界分享我们的游戏。我们感谢我们出色的社区,他们的支持、爱和反馈帮助我们使游戏变得更好。
We’re thrilled to have launched Songs of Conquest on consoles, allowing players to enjoy the game from the comfort of their couches like never before. And just now, we’ve capped off the year with the hugely successful release of our first Faction DLC, The Vanir.
我们很高兴在主机上推出 Songs of Conquest,让玩家可以以前所未有的方式在舒适的沙发上享受游戏。就在刚刚,我们成功发布了第一个阵营 DLC The Vanir,为这一年画上了圆满的句号。
Not bad for some silly little vikings!
As the holidays approach, things will slow down a bit at Lavapotion, but rest assured—we’ll be back in action come January! That’s when work resumes on our next faction, Roots, alongside exciting updates for multiplayer, more balance tweaks, and a few other surprises we’ve been quietly working on. Suffice it to say, 2025 is shaping up to be an exciting year, and we can’t wait to have you along for the ride.
随着假期的临近,Lavapotion 的天气会有所放缓,但请放心,我们将在 1 月重新开始行动!届时,我们的下一个派系 Roots 将恢复工作,同时还有令人兴奋的多人游戏更新、更多平衡性调整,以及我们一直在悄悄开发的其他一些惊喜。可以说,2025 年将是激动人心的一年,我们迫不及待地想与您相伴。
There is no better way to stay connected and informed than our newsletter, and if you need more incentive why you should sign up for it, we are giving away some holiday gifts to some of our lucky subscribers, so join in and get a chance for some extra joy! The lucky winners will be contacted i January, when we are back from vacations!
没有比我们的时事通讯更好的保持联系和消息灵通的方式了,如果您需要更多激励,为什么您应该注册它,我们将向一些幸运的订阅者赠送一些节日礼物,所以加入并有机会获得一些额外的快乐!幸运的获奖者将在 1 月我们度假回来时联系!
Click the image above to sign up for our newsletter! (Also, Is it pure coincidence that one of the Vanir Wielders have such a jolly appearance?)
点击上面的图片注册我们的时事通讯!(另外,Vanir Wielders 中的一位拥有如此快乐的外表纯属巧合吗?
And speaking of holiday cheer, the Steam Winter Sale is in full swing! What better way to embrace the season’s coziness than with a friendly, family-style Hot-Seat strategy game? Whether it’s your grandmother, your dog, or anyone else looking to dive into some pixelated warfare and magic, now’s the perfect time—Songs of Conquest is a whopping 66% off right now!
说到节日的欢乐,Steam 冬季特卖正在如火如荼地进行中!还有什么比玩一款友好的家庭式 Hot-Seat 策略游戏更好的方式来拥抱这个季节的舒适呢?无论是您的祖母、您的狗,还是其他任何想要深入了解像素化战争和魔法的人,现在都是最佳时机——Songs of Conquest 现在可享受高达 66% 的折扣!
Cozy darkness, and then a good game.
And with that, we wish you a happy season, regardless how you spend it. We’ll be back before you know it!
/Everyone at Lavapotion /Lavapotion 的每个人
RASCals the lot of them
RASCals 他们中的很多人
- Fixed missing random faction icon in player lobby
修复了玩家大厅中缺少随机派系图标的问题 - Fixed artifact-swapping edge case where AI would getting stuck in endless trading of artifacts
修复了 AI 陷入无休止的神器交易的工件交换边缘情况 - Fixed exception stemming from special effects trying to play on objects that have been destroyed
修复了因特效尝试在已销毁的对象上播放而引起的异常 - Fixed exception on Steam Deck where it was trying to use a graphics quality setting that no longer exist
修复了 Steam Deck 上尝试使用不再存在的图形质量设置的异常 - Fixed Wielder sheet not updating artifact set bonuses
修复了 Wielder 表不更新神器套装奖励的问题 - Fixed that Vanir DLC menu could cause an exception when being closed by using the ESC key
修复了使用 ESC 键关闭 Vanir DLC 菜单时可能导致异常的问题 - Speculative fix for issue with banners on towns that the player has not seen yet
针对玩家尚未看到的城镇上的横幅问题的推测性修复 - Speculative fix for random crash to desktop
针对桌面随机崩溃的推测性修复 - Updated Blind Hatred spell description
更新了 Blind Hatred 法术描述 - Updated Go East map with fix for impassable road and misc visual issues
更新了 Go East 地图,修复了无法通行的道路和其他视觉问题
![图片[3]-免费下载| 征服之歌:正式版 Songs of Conquest v1.4.10 赠修改器 -飞星(官中)-飞星免费游戏仓库](https://shared.st.dl.eccdnx.com/store_item_assets/steam/apps/867210/ss_4363a4c6d46e4a86e975538fa53000aa8fdad561.600x338.jpg?t=1716283304)
![图片[4]-免费下载| 征服之歌:正式版 Songs of Conquest v1.4.10 赠修改器 -飞星(官中)-飞星免费游戏仓库](https://shared.st.dl.eccdnx.com/store_item_assets/steam/apps/867210/ss_d06e6e8e8b68f32e1fa4ecbc3a7a83d9ac80a3c1.600x338.jpg?t=1716283304)
![图片[5]-免费下载| 征服之歌:正式版 Songs of Conquest v1.4.10 赠修改器 -飞星(官中)-飞星免费游戏仓库](https://shared.st.dl.eccdnx.com/store_item_assets/steam/apps/867210/ss_1c38ce7a38d35207ce440c50cc2c2fc88ce8a770.600x338.jpg?t=1716283304)
![图片[6]-免费下载| 征服之歌:正式版 Songs of Conquest v1.4.10 赠修改器 -飞星(官中)-飞星免费游戏仓库](https://shared.st.dl.eccdnx.com/store_item_assets/steam/apps/867210/ss_dc04c6f231ea1bea5483b658517ad5c726f5d4b1.600x338.jpg?t=1716283304)
《征服之歌》是一款灵感来源于 90 年代经典作品的回合制策略游戏。率领被称为“行使者”的强大魔法师深入未知领域。让一切胆敢阻拦你的军队灰飞烟灭、寻觅蕴含无穷力量的宝物并逐步扩张自己的领土。广袤世界唾手可得,在这里胜者为王!
![图片[7]-免费下载| 征服之歌:正式版 Songs of Conquest v1.4.10 赠修改器 -飞星(官中)-飞星免费游戏仓库](https://shared.st.dl.eccdnx.com/store_item_assets/steam/apps/867210/extras/SoC-Adventure1.gif?t=1716283304)
![图片[8]-免费下载| 征服之歌:正式版 Songs of Conquest v1.4.10 赠修改器 -飞星(官中)-飞星免费游戏仓库](https://shared.st.dl.eccdnx.com/store_item_assets/steam/apps/867210/extras/SoC-Build.gif?t=1716283304)
![图片[9]-免费下载| 征服之歌:正式版 Songs of Conquest v1.4.10 赠修改器 -飞星(官中)-飞星免费游戏仓库](https://shared.st.dl.eccdnx.com/store_item_assets/steam/apps/867210/extras/SoC-Battle.gif?t=1716283304)
为好奇的冒险者手工制作的地图,或者是在随机地图中享受无穷无尽的可重复游玩性。征服战地图将带来高强度对战,而挑战地图的策略谜题则将磨砺你的战术思考。探索来自 Lavapotion 团队以及模组社区的丰富地图。
- 操作系统 *: Windows 7
- 处理器: i5 Dual Core or Ryzen 5
- 内存: 8 GB RAM
- 显卡: Integrated graphics card
- DirectX 版本: 10
- 存储空间: 需要 4 GB 可用空间
- 附注事项: 目前的配置要求很可能会在上线前(朝更好的方向)改动