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图片[1]-学习版 | 庄园领主 Manor Lords v0.8.003 赠修改器 -飞星(官中)-飞星免费游戏仓库

庄园领主 Manor Lords v0.8.003 赠修改器 -飞星(官中)



  • 2024年9月24日:将游戏版本从v0.7.995升级至v0.8.003
  • 2024年9月11日:将游戏版本从v0.7.987 升级至v0.7.995
  • 2024年8月27日:将游戏版本从v0.7.975升级至v0.7.987
  • 2024年8月7日:将游戏版本从v0.7.972升级为v0.7.975
  • 2024年6月2日:将游戏版本从v0.7.965升级为v0.7.972,并且将游戏修改器升级至最新
  • 2024年5月23日:将游戏版本从v0.7.960升级为v0.7.965
  • 2024年5月11日:将游戏版本从v0.7.955升级至v0.7.960
  • 2024年4月27日:新增风灵月影修改器,在资源附件文件夹内
  • 2024年4月26日:将游戏版本从Demo v0.5.1.1(测试版)升级为正式版v0.7.955

Hi all, 大家好,

You can now access a new experimental branch of Manor Lords (0.7.960).

To avoid any potential issues, it’s recommended to make a backup of your save files before switching to a beta version.

To find your saves on Steam for Manor Lords.

  • Press Win + E
    按Win + E
  • Paste %USERPROFILE%\AppData\Local\ManorLords\Saved\SaveGames into the search bar.
    将%USERPROFILE %\AppData\Local\ManorLords\Saved\SaveGames粘贴到搜索栏中。

If you’d like to try it, please follow these steps:

  • Open Steam 直接蒸汽
  • Right-click on Manor Lords in your library
  • Select Properties 选择属性
  • Go to BETAS tab
  • Enter the password: veryNiceBasket
  • Choose “pre_release” from the “Beta participation” drop-down list
  • Wait for the game to update the files (if nothing happens, restart the Steam client)
  • Launch the game 启动游戏

The new strings are not localized yet and stability hasn’t yet been thoroughly tested. Some balancing changes are still experimental.

To discuss please join the official Discord serverhttps://discord.gg/manorlords. You’ll find a channel specifically for discussing the ongoing pre_release branch.

图片[2]-学习版 | 庄园领主 Manor Lords v0.8.003 赠修改器 -飞星(官中)-飞星免费游戏仓库

My first goal was to fix all the most common reported issues:

– The rate of Hildebolt’s claims
– 希尔德波特的索赔率
– The famous “None” people spawning in huge numbers and refusing to do any work
– 著名的“无”人大量产卵,拒绝做任何工作
– The clogged Trading Posts
– 堵塞的交易站
– The game being stuck at the summary screen after a victory / game over
– 游戏在胜利/游戏结束后停留在摘要屏幕
– Very weak archer damage
– 弓箭手伤害很弱
– Inefficient sawpits which also triggered “generic storage full” problem banners
– 低效锯坑也引发了“通用存储已满”问题横幅
– Problems with optimizations in large cities (still some work to do here)
– 大城市优化的问题(这里还有一些工作要做)
– Inefficient marketplace supply
– 市场供给效率低下
– Problems with farming, like crops erasing in the winter & inefficient harvests
– 农业问题,如作物在冬季消失和效率低下的收获
– Too harsh oversupply/undersupply systems
– 过于苛刻的供应过剩/供应不足系统
– People and/or livestock staying homeless even though there is living space in the settlement
– 人和/或牲畜无家可归,即使在定居点有生活空间
– Overly high ale consumption
– 啤酒消费过高

图片[3]-学习版 | 庄园领主 Manor Lords v0.8.003 赠修改器 -飞星(官中)-飞星免费游戏仓库

Additionally, to make trading between Regions easier, I made sure that the 

players can use Trading Posts to trade between their own regions without using Barter / Pack Stations.

Each good type now has a switch that disables trading it with Free Merchants / Tradepoints in case the players wants to only trade with another Region. The displayed import price will adjust dynamically, showing the lowest possible price found (and NA or not available if there is no good of this type anywhere to be found).

Trade related development branches were nerfed drastically because players argued that it made the game too easy.

图片[4]-学习版 | 庄园领主 Manor Lords v0.8.003 赠修改器 -飞星(官中)-飞星免费游戏仓库

Whenever a person dies, there is a 30 day mourning period that blocks growth. You can now preview this in the Building Panel of the Burgage Plot or by pressing TAB.
每当一个人去世,有一个30天的哀悼期,阻止增长。您现在可以在Burgage Plot的Building Panel中或按Tab键预览此图。

图片[5]-学习版 | 庄园领主 Manor Lords v0.8.003 赠修改器 -飞星(官中)-飞星免费游戏仓库

Carried corpses now have a visual representation.

图片[6]-学习版 | 庄园领主 Manor Lords v0.8.003 赠修改器 -飞星(官中)-飞星免费游戏仓库
图片[7]-学习版 | 庄园领主 Manor Lords v0.8.003 赠修改器 -飞星(官中)-飞星免费游戏仓库

New upgraded retinue armor variations were added.

图片[8]-学习版 | 庄园领主 Manor Lords v0.8.003 赠修改器 -飞星(官中)-飞星免费游戏仓库

I reimplemented a mechanic called “Annual Royal Tax” or “King’s Tax” (still deciding on the naming). It’s a tax that is collected from the Treasury once per year, goes to the King, that is calculated per resident and in theory should slightly punish bad workplace optimization and make it more difficult to hoard huge amounts of cash.

图片[9]-学习版 | 庄园领主 Manor Lords v0.8.003 赠修改器 -飞星(官中)-飞星免费游戏仓库

The Large Granary building got a rework. The doors now properly animate.

图片[10]-学习版 | 庄园领主 Manor Lords v0.8.003 赠修改器 -飞星(官中)-飞星免费游戏仓库

A new unit patron was added – St. Maurice

Full patch notes below: 完整的补丁说明如下:

Version 0.7.955->0.7.960 版本0.7.955->0.7.960

Major changes: 主要变化:

-The King’s Tax is now enabled (or Annual Royal Tax, can’t decide on the name)
a) This tax is collected annually from all players (main player and AI) and goes to your liege. It’s counted per population and therefore should become a counterbalance for players who hoard huge wealth despite having non-optimized economies.
b) [WIP] For now the player can go in debt without consequence, but in the future the player will lose king’s favor and eventually the king’s army will show up as enemies for players who refuse to pay

-Global/Local trade switch for trading posts
a) The player can now switch trade to “local only” in the trading post for each type of good if they want to use the trading post to exchange goods between their own regions but ignore the free merchants.
b) For now 2 trading posts (both regions) are still required to make it work.
c) Employed traders will prioritize to travel to the place with best prices to commence trade, and yes potentially including regions owned by other Lords. This can have interesting consequences in the future. For now I reduced the transport distance from the calculation in order to make it more predictable for the player where the traders will go (to the place with the best price).
d) Regional wealth is still required for exchanging goods between regions with a trading post since I want to keep the regions as independent economic units which in my view a more realistic simulation of economy.

Gameplay & balance: 游戏性和平衡:
-[Experimental] When consuming food, people will now pick a random food resource instead of eating food in a specific order
-[Experimental] Fertility is no longer drained after crop growth reaches 100% so that always micromanaging early harvest is no longer a preferred strategy. Yield may still increase over 100% growth if max yield is not reached.
-[Experimental] When harvesting, the crops are directly added to the field inventory instead of the villager inventory. This was done to ensure that harvesting walk times aren’t the main bottleneck for farming, especially for large fields. [Side note: moving harvest season to August is also possible in a future patch if needed]
– 【实验】收割时,作物直接加入田间库存,而不是村民库存。这样做是为了确保收割步行时间不是农业的主要瓶颈,特别是对于大片农田。[Side注:如果需要,在未来的补丁中也可以将收获季节移到8月]
-[Experimental] Prioritized Oxen plowing over transporting resources back to the granary & warehouse to reduce the ox walking back and forth from the plowed field every time a new batch of resources is available for transport
-Plowing shed now adds 2 livestock worker slots
– 耕作棚现在增加了2个畜牧工人职位
-Lowered the rate of the Baron claiming regions and adjusted it to better reflect the game settings
– 降低了男爵认领区域的比率,并进行了调整,以更好地反映游戏设置
-Removed the worker camp upgrade – it was meant for colony regions and will be readded when they are properly implemented
– 删除了工人营地升级-这是为殖民地地区的意思,将被重新添加时,他们是正确实施
-Food producing residential plots no longer stock up on their produce before they share with the marketplace
– 生产粮食的住宅用地在与市场分享之前不再储存农产品
-Increased sawpit log storage space to 5
– 锯木坑原木储存空间增加到5个
-[Experimental] When establishing a trade route, the merchants will no longer all spawn in the nearest tradepoint. Instead, the game will distribute the merchants to circle between various tradepoints in order to make building trading posts right on the edge of the region less optimal.
– 【实验】当建立贸易路线时,商人将不再都在最近的贸易点刷新。相反,游戏会将商人分布在不同的贸易点之间,以使在区域边缘建立贸易站的效果不太理想。
-Increased warbows ranged attack from 4 to 12
– 增加弓箭的远程攻击从4到12
-[Experimental] “Trade logistics” development branch now lowers the cost of new trade routes by 50% instead of clamping it at 25
-[Experimental] Cost of opening new trade routes now scales exponentially with every opened trade route
-[Experimental] Base cost of opening a trade route was increased from 12 to 20 (that is before the good value multiplier)
-[Experimental] When market is oversupplied, the player can still export stuff, although for much lower price
-[Experimental] The price multiplier for oversupplied goods is now 0.75x for oversupplied and 0.5x for critically oversupplied
-[Experimental] How fast market is oversupplied no longer depends on the value of goods because it punished having high value trade routes. Now the oversupply rates are equal for all good types.
-[Experimental] Better deals development branch reduces the foreign import tariff by 50% instead of removing it completely
-[Experimental] Reduced ale consumption by 75% (around 1/3 per family per month)
-[Experimental] Made the building placement steepness limits harsher cause the trading posts and churches often looked super janky on very sharp slopes
-Soldiers no longer trigger “unburied bodies” approval factor when corpses are in their proximity
– 士兵在尸体附近时不再触发“未埋葬尸体”批准因素
-[Experimental] Hitching post is free again, to reduce chances of players getting stuck with no ox, no hitching post and no ability to order an ox

Minor changes: 微小变更:
-Applied the “mindfulness” system that was initially designed for the oxen to the free merchants. This system is used to reduce clumps and traffic jams.
– 将最初为牛设计的“正念”系统应用于自由商人。这个系统是用来减少道路拥挤和交通堵塞的。
-Moved the location of trades further off map to make sure there is some space for all the trade wagons even if the players place the trading post right on the edge of the map
– 将交易的位置移到了地图之外,以确保即使玩家将交易站放在地图的边缘,也有足够的空间容纳所有的交易车。
-If a trading post is clogged, traders are allowed to make transactions without entering the shed, as long as they are within the general building bounds
– 如果交易站被堵塞,只要交易者在一般建筑物的范围内,就可以在不进入交易站的情况下进行交易。
-[Experimental] Changed default AA under DX11 to TAA
-Added a spatialization update call when recruits are sneakily teleported home when rallied to ensure collisions are properly calculated after teleportation
– 增加了一个空间化更新调用时,新兵被偷偷传送回家时,聚集,以确保碰撞后正确计算传送
-Added a check for idle villagers to avoid hanging around the graveyard for random conversation since it looked weird
– 增加了一个检查空闲的村民,以避免在墓地周围闲逛,因为它看起来很奇怪
-Made “is close to camera” value update on setting follow mode to make sure the game doesn’t optimize animations or sound effects thinking the character is still far from the camera
-Made“is close to camera”值更新设置跟随模式,以确保游戏不会优化动画或声音效果,认为角色仍然远离相机
-Disabled fire damage for people who have water buckets and are actively firefighting + redued the fire damage amount
– 为有水桶并积极灭火的人提供残疾火灾损失+减少火灾损失金额
-When all resource visualization slots are “filled”, villagers will transport to a random one instead of the first one found. This ensures less traffic jams for instance at the churchyard if all graves are “full” already.
– 当所有的资源可视化插槽都“填满”时,村民将随机运送到一个,而不是第一个找到的。这确保了减少交通堵塞,例如在教堂墓地,如果所有的坟墓都已经“填满”。
-Firefighting villagers will now ignore anti-clogging behavior (waiting their turn at narrow pathfinding points)
– 消防村民现在将忽略防堵塞行为(在狭窄的寻路点等待轮到他们)
-Added a “mourning period left” UI element in the residential panel to display how many days of mourning are left until the burgage plot can bring in more family members again
– 在住宅面板中添加了“哀悼期剩余”UI元素,以显示在burgage情节可以再次带来更多家庭成员之前,还剩下多少天的哀悼
-Added mourning icon to the building floater
– 添加哀悼图标的建设浮动
-Made sure mourning period is properly added to save data
– 确保将哀悼期正确添加到保存数据中
-After continuing the game after a victory the camera should go back to the player’s main region instead of levitating over the map edge
– 在胜利后继续游戏后,相机应该回到玩家的主要区域,而不是悬浮在地图边缘
-[Experimental] Disabled the ability to quicksave during the game over / victory cinematic
-Disabled the ability to manual save the game after being defeated & added a tooltip explaining why saves are disabled
-Disabled quick save and autosave if game was lost
-When ox gathers a log, it will prioritize immediately bringing it to the sawpit before bringing it to the logging camp unless construction reserve forbids it
-Improved marketplace logistics efficiency and optimization
-Tuned the AI retreat distances in an attempt to reduce how often its archers get into the loop of attack-retreat
-Added the missing trading post building thumbnail
-Minor unit in-town pathfinding updates
-Swapped the old UE4 destructible system for a new, UE5 friendly, chaos based debris system. For now it’s just used for chopped firewood cutter logs.
-Further tweaks to properly choose the right default AA/upscaler during the first time launch correctly for specific GPUs (eg. RTX properly defaulting to DLSS)
-Added kings tax rate multiplier to the game setup settings
-Due to mismatch in global market supply stock values, old saves (from builds 0.7.954-0.7.956) will have their market supply reset on loading
– 由于全球市场供应库存值不匹配,旧的保存(从构建0.7.954-0.7.956)将在加载时重置其市场供应
-[Experimental] Due to changes in how food is consumed, a popup “Food consumed” may no longer appear if a building is selected while a food is being consumed from inventory
-[Experimental] Made the sheep flock a bit more closely together to look more like a herd
-Steepness limits no longer apply when placing rally points
– 放置拉力点时,坡度限制不再适用
-Players can now rally their militia on fields and pastures
– 玩家现在可以在田野和牧场上集结民兵
-Trading posts will now display a price range for imports in case they can buy it both from other regions AND from foreign trade sources
– 贸易站现在将显示进口价格范围,以防他们可以从其他地区和外贸来源购买
-Increased the sheep & lamb collision radius
– 增加了绵羊和羔羊的碰撞半径
-Capped the number of workers who supply a single market stall at the same time to 2 to reduce markets getting completely clogged with the new upped market supply frequency
– 将同时供应单一市场摊位的工人人数限制为2人,以减少市场因新的市场供应频率增加而完全堵塞
-Further optimized the market supply functions to make late game towns run smoother
– -进一步优化市场供给功能,让后期游戏小镇运行更加顺畅
-Optimized the function that searches for a friend to do idle tasks with (like conversations)
– 优化了搜索朋友做空闲任务的功能(如对话)
-Optimized the door opening animations
– 优化了开门动画
-Increased the precision when checking whether a character is inside a building on fire and should take damage
– 提高了检查角色是否在着火的建筑物内并应受到伤害的精度
-Unified the currency icon in the mercenary company panel to make it clearer that you’re paying with treasury and not regional wealth
– 统一了雇佣兵公司面板中的货币图标,使其更清楚地表明您正在使用国库而不是区域财富进行支付
-Added accommodation call after fire is started and turns people homeless so that they can be reaccommodated to other available burgage plots immediately
– 在火灾发生后增加了住宿呼叫,使人们无家可归,以便他们能够立即重新适应其他可用的burgage地块
-Since almost all families have more than 1 family member, I made the “workplace/reassign” buttons aligned vertically instead of horizontally in the family list
– 由于几乎所有的家庭都有一个以上的家庭成员,我使“工作场所/重新分配”按钮垂直对齐,而不是在家庭列表中水平对齐
-Fixed old fonts being used in the family entry widgets
– 修复了在家庭条目小部件中使用的旧字体

Crashfixes: 崩溃修复:
-Fixed a crash when doing a sequence of livestock import, export and import, because “home” wasn’t cleared properly during export and the same animal was reimported
-Fixed a rare crash if a handcart fails to spawn, probably if the trading post was build so that part of it crosses the map edge
-Fix crash on startup if OpenXr sdk is installed
– 修复安装OpenXr sdk时启动时崩溃的问题

Bugfixes: 错误修正:
-Fixed victory status not resetting after starting a new game, leading to a game over screen not appearing if the player lost/won multiple games without turning the game off
– 修正了在开始一场新游戏后,胜利状态不会重置,如果玩家在没有关闭游戏的情况下输掉/赢得多场比赛,则会导致游戏结束屏幕不会出现
-Fixed crop transports not accounting for the farm work area
– 固定的作物运输不考虑农场工作区
-Fixed crops dying in the winter instead of actually increasing yield by absorbing nutrients from the snow as it was intended for winter crops
– 固定作物在冬季死亡,而不是通过从雪中吸收养分来实际增加产量,因为它是为冬季作物准备的
-Fixed oxen sometimes “ghost plowing” a field when they are waiting on their guide
– 固定牛有时“鬼犁”的领域时,他们正在等待他们的指南
-Fixed plow and ox sometimes misaligning on 12x game speed
– 固定犁和牛有时错位12倍游戏速度
-Fixed farm workers not accounting for oxen plowing the farms in some situation, leading to a lot of unnecessary collisions on the field
– 固定的农场工人不占牛犁农场在某些情况下,导致了很多不必要的碰撞领域
-Fixed crop rotation unplowing the fields
– 固定的作物轮作不耕地
-Fixed disbanded mercenary group becoming immediatley available again after save/load cycle
– 修正了解散的雇佣军在保存/载入周期后立即再次可用的问题
-Fixed the trading post export transactions not moving regional wealth between the regions correctly if owned by the same lord
– 修正了贸易站出口交易不正确移动地区之间的地区财富,如果拥有同一个主
-Fixed paused taverns fullfilling the entertainment requirement
– 固定暂停酒馆fullfilling娱乐要求
-Fix attempt for never ending fires if a fire was triggered after the building was already on fire
– 修复尝试永不结束的火灾,如果火灾是在建筑物已经着火后触发的
-Fixed problem banners not erasing after an entity gets erased (for instance an animal runs away and leaves a “not enough pasture space” banner)
– 修正了在实体被删除后横幅没有被删除的问题(例如,动物逃跑并留下了“没有足够的牧场空间”的横幅)
-Fixed “update task” sometimes triggering before a character gets assigned their region
– 修正了“更新任务”有时会在一个角色被分配到他们的区域之前触发
-Fixed livestock sometimes being unaccomodated after order even though there is stable or pasture space due to being transfered to the region twice (once when buying and once when livestock merchant brings it to the building)
– 固定的牲畜有时在订购后无法住宿,即使有稳定或牧场空间,由于被转移到该地区两次(一次是在购买时,一次是牲畜商人将其带到建筑物时)
-Fixed livestock traders trading between on-map regions possibly sometimes paying twice because the ownership changing function was called both on pickup of livestock and on dropoff
– 修正了牲畜交易商在地图区域之间进行交易时有时可能会支付两次费用的问题,因为所有权变更函数在牲畜拾取和丢弃时都被调用。
-Fixed the game getting stuck on the game summary screen infinitely after winning or losing the game
– 修正了游戏在输赢后无限停留在游戏摘要屏幕上的问题
-Fixed “none” people populating the town after a raid sometimes who just stand around waiting forever and possibly crash the game while reloading
– 修正了“没有”人在突袭后填充城镇,有时他们只是站在那里永远等待,并可能在重新加载时崩溃游戏
-Fixed the blurry desktop icon
– 修复桌面图标模糊
-Fixed the save/load menu header not translating after changing the language
– 修复了更改语言后保存/加载菜单标题不翻译的问题
-Fixed dead animals triggering the mourning period in burgage plots, halting growth
– 固定死亡的动物触发哀悼期在burgage阴谋,停止增长
-Fixed mourning period halting homeless accomodation
– 固定哀悼期停止无家可归者住宿
-Fixed migration/growth of family members ignoring the 30 day mourning period sometimes
– 修正了有时忽略30天哀悼期的家庭成员迁移/增长问题
-Fixed the game getting stuck after you click “continue in sandbox” until any main tab is pressed
– 固定游戏卡住后,你点击“继续在沙盒”,直到任何主标签被按下
-Fixed the front lighting not being visible in the retinue editor if bounced light approximation is turned to low or off
– 修复了如果反弹光近似值被调低或关闭,则在随从编辑器中看不到前方照明的问题
-Fixed floating feedback text spawning during the cinematic mode
– 固定浮动反馈文本产卵在电影模式
-Fixed autosave triggering during the cinematic mode
– 固定自动保存触发在电影模式
-Fixed “storage full” triggering for wrong buildings sometimes (for example sawpit having 1/1 logs)
– 修正了错误建筑有时会触发“存储满”的问题(例如锯木坑有1/1的原木)
-Fix attempt for oxen bringing too many logs to the sawpit and crossing the storage limit
– 修复牛试图将太多原木带到锯坑并越过存储限制的问题
-Fixed free merchants sometimes getting stuck if a trading post was build so close to the edge that a portion of it was outside of any region bounds
– 修正了自由商人有时会被卡住,如果一个贸易站是建立在如此接近边缘,它的一部分是在任何区域边界之外
-Fixed horse wagon rotations getting a bit too wonky on slopes
– 修正了马车旋转在斜坡上有点太不稳定的问题
-Fixed a bug where a unit could no longer move due to being forever stuck in “waiting for pathfinding to finish” if another unit with a lower squadID got completely destroyed
– 修正了一个错误,如果另一个单位与较低的squadID被完全摧毁,一个单位不能再移动,由于永远停留在“等待寻路完成”
-Fixed the wrong yarn basket carrying animation
– 修正了错误的纱线篮携带动画
-Fixed traders not importing from on-map regions even though the price is better than buying from tradepoints
– 修正了交易者不从地图上的地区进口,即使价格比从贸易点购买更好。
-Fixed farm workers & farm oxen stealing planks from fields which are getting “fenced up”
– 固定农场工人和农场牛从正在“围栏”的田地里偷木板
-Fixed “homeless” problem banner not disappearing after upgrading homeless camp to a worker camp
– 固定“无家可归者”问题横幅不消失后,升级无家可归者营地工人营地
-Fixed animals not getting removed from stable space / pasture space after death
– 固定动物死亡后不会从稳定的空间/牧场空间中移除
-Fixed animal corpses not disappearing over time
– 固定的动物尸体不消失随着时间的推移
-Added a dirty fix for families moving into homes but not registering correctly and not displaying in the UI, leading to a “secret” family living in one of the burgage plots. The reason is still unknown and being investigated.
– 增加了一个肮脏的修复家庭搬进家园,但没有正确注册,并没有显示在用户界面中,导致一个“秘密”的家庭生活在其中一个burgage阴谋。原因尚不清楚,正在调查中。

Cosmetics: 化妆品:
-Added a new patron saint banner graphics: St Maurice
– 添加了一个新的守护神横幅图形:圣莫里斯
-Added a carried dead body visualization
– 增加了一个被携带的尸体可视化
-Made debris piles align to ground slope
– 使碎石堆与地面坡度对齐
-Fixed the throw torch animation ending abruptly
– 修正了火炬动画突然结束的问题
-New upgraded retinue helmet variation: Pointy bascinet
– 新升级的随从头盔变体:尖bascinet
-Fixed the armor clipping through the leg of the upgraded retinue puffy sleeve jupon body variation
– 修正了升级后的随从蓬松袖jupon身体变化的腿上的装甲夹
-New upgraded retinue body variation: Coat of plates
– 全新升级的随行人员身体变化:板涂层
-New upgraded retinue helmet variation: Hounskull bascinet with a gilded cover
– 新升级的随从头盔变体:带有镀金罩的猎犬头骨bascinet
-Increased location precision for animals standing in the stables
– 提高了站在马厩中的动物的定位精度
-Fixed the praying animation
– 修复了祈祷动画
-Fixed the wrong door orientation for LV2 cottage variation B (with a planked gable)
– 修正了LV 2小屋变体B(带木板山墙)的错误门方向
-Adjusted the two handed weapon default idle pose to have a more natural stance
– 调整了双手武器默认的闲置姿势,以拥有更自然的姿态
-New militia helmet variation – banded bascinet with a mail aventail
– 新的民兵头盔变化-带状bascinet与邮件aventail
-Fixed some mail armor variants clipping with helmets on T3 militia units (militia mail will get their own unique variations soon)
– 修正了T3民兵单位的一些链甲变体与头盔的剪裁(民兵链甲很快就会有自己独特的变体)
-Reworked lv2 granary model with proper animated doors
– 重新制作的lv 2粮仓模型,带有适当的动画门

Thank you, 谢谢你,

Greg Styczeń 格雷格·斯蒂切什
Lead developer (?), Slavic Magic




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图片[12]-学习版 | 庄园领主 Manor Lords v0.8.003 赠修改器 -飞星(官中)-飞星免费游戏仓库
图片[13]-学习版 | 庄园领主 Manor Lords v0.8.003 赠修改器 -飞星(官中)-飞星免费游戏仓库
图片[14]-学习版 | 庄园领主 Manor Lords v0.8.003 赠修改器 -飞星(官中)-飞星免费游戏仓库


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图片[16]-学习版 | 庄园领主 Manor Lords v0.8.003 赠修改器 -飞星(官中)-飞星免费游戏仓库
图片[17]-学习版 | 庄园领主 Manor Lords v0.8.003 赠修改器 -飞星(官中)-飞星免费游戏仓库


  • 从中央市场向外扩展,根据土地的天然形势建造住宅区、商业区,以及工业区。根据土地肥沃程度建立农场,根据动物数量设置猎场,并且确保矿产和森林资源,以提供发展所需的原料。
  • 指定居住的区域,看着你的居民根据历史上的土地保有权划分系统来建造自己的家。每个地区都根据你的道路和规划的空间分割成次级区域,住家也会随之扩大规模。
  • 在较大的住家后方进行扩建,用来生产无法以其他方式取得的收入和资源。屋主不仅仅会缴税,他们还会种菜,以及饲养鸡和羊,通过生产一些农场、牧场和工业无法供应的产品来满足自己和其他居民的基本需求。
  • 引导你的领地完成每个季节的独特要求和机会,享受春雨带来的丰盛赐予,为寒冬的霜雪做准备。
图片[18]-学习版 | 庄园领主 Manor Lords v0.8.003 赠修改器 -飞星(官中)-飞星免费游戏仓库
图片[19]-学习版 | 庄园领主 Manor Lords v0.8.003 赠修改器 -飞星(官中)-飞星免费游戏仓库


  • 资源分布在地图各处,以鼓励你扩张并建立多处专业化的聚落。从采矿殖民地开采珍贵矿石,而专门从事农业、畜牧或狩猎的村庄则为不断增长的人口提供必要的谷物和动物制品。
  • 毫无节制的扩张会对环境造成直接的影响。鹿群会迁徙远离不断侵占土地的人类活动,缺少作物轮作会使土地变得贫瘠,过度砍伐会导致森林消失。
  • 你也可以将多馀的货物出售给商人,或建立属于你自己的贸易路线。制造和出口高品质货物可以带来财富,供你升级城市、付税给君主、雇用雇佣兵,以及解锁新工业、产品和工具的技术。
图片[20]-学习版 | 庄园领主 Manor Lords v0.8.003 赠修改器 -飞星(官中)-飞星免费游戏仓库
图片[21]-学习版 | 庄园领主 Manor Lords v0.8.003 赠修改器 -飞星(官中)-飞星免费游戏仓库


  • 你可以训练一批精英战士,和以城镇民兵组成的军队并肩作战。有时候这些士兵必须镇压叛乱或扫荡盗匪,而有些时候,你将率领你的手下踏上战场,以征服或守卫领土。在必要时,你也可能需要以昂贵的雇佣兵来填补你的队伍。
  • 完善的外交系统让你可以和其他领主沟通,利用影响力或威胁左右他们的行动。这些彼此竞争的领主都有各自的目标,也会对你的位置虎视眈眈;你如何回应他们的提议或侮辱,会决定结果是战争还是和平。
  • 指挥即时战术战斗,疲劳度、天气状况和装备都要纳入考量。用智谋部署部队的位置——若是指挥得当,就能以寡击众。
  • 即使获胜,你也会感受到战争的代价,因为每一位阵亡的士兵都代表你的城镇失去了一位居民。惨胜可能给经济带来极大的打击,或使你在下一个冬天不得不定量配给粮食和柴火才能让你的城镇生存下去。
图片[22]-学习版 | 庄园领主 Manor Lords v0.8.003 赠修改器 -飞星(官中)-飞星免费游戏仓库
图片[23]-学习版 | 庄园领主 Manor Lords v0.8.003 赠修改器 -飞星(官中)-飞星免费游戏仓库



  • 操作系统: Windows® 10 (64-bit)
  • 处理器: Intel® Core™ i5-6600 (quad-core) / AMD® FX-Series™ FX-9590 (octa-core)
  • 内存: 12 GB RAM
  • 显卡: NVIDIA® GeForce® GTX 960 (4 GB) / AMD® Radeon™ RX 570 (8 GB)
  • DirectX 版本: 12
  • 存储空间: 需要 16 GB 可用空间
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