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图片[1]-前往中世纪 Going Medieval 水和捕鱼 v0.16.26 官中免费下载

前往中世纪 Going Medieval WATER AND FISHING v0.16.26 赠修改器 -飞星(官中)



  • 2024年12月18日:v0.16.26 → v0.22.12


图片[2]-前往中世纪 Going Medieval 水和捕鱼 v0.16.26 官中免费下载

更新 #14 |消防和训练结构

Greetings medievalists! 中世纪主义者们,您好!

The new major update, titled “Fire & Training Structures” (0.22.10) is now live on Steam, Epic Games Store, and GOG! All the fixes and improvements from the experimental branch are now stable, tested, and present in this update! These include: fire system, new weapons, combat improvement and much more!

Here are the notes for what awaits you in this version:

Fire System 消防系统

A fire system has been added to the game. Flames spread from thing to thing in the game and as the flame appears on that thing, it will take down its HP. If that HP is depleted and destroyed, so will the flame disappear (if nothing else exists on that tile to keep burning). A single flame starts small and grows slowly as it consumes the HP of the thing it’s destroying.
游戏中添加了消防系统。火焰在游戏中从事物蔓延到事物,当火焰出现在那东西上时,它会降低其 HP。如果该 HP 被耗尽并销毁,火焰也会消失(如果该图块上没有其他东西可以继续燃烧)。单个火焰开始时很小,然后随着它消耗它正在摧毁的东西的 HP 而缓慢增长。

Here are important notes about the fire system:

  • Flammability is an attribute of all objects (e.g., grass, vegetation, buildings, people, animals, resources). It determines the likelihood of catching fire and how quickly the object loses HP while burning. For example, a pile of hay has high flammability, whereas a brick floor has zero flammability.
    可燃性是所有对象(例如,草、植被、建筑物、人、动物、资源)的属性。它决定了着火的可能性以及物体在燃烧时失去 HP 的速度。例如,一堆干草具有很高的可燃性,而砖地板的可燃性为零。
  • Animals & humans can catch on fire (determined by the clothing and armor they are wearing). When on fire, they will slowly sustain burn wounds and spread the fire wherever they go.
  • The wetness system in the game reduces flammability. The wetter an object is, the lower its flammability, making it impossible to catch fire.
  • Fire emits significant heat, causing nearby vegetation to die, snow to melt, and wetness to evaporate.
  • Fire can cause a heat-related health issue to the settlers where they faint.
  • Rain and snow extinguish fires.
  • Settlers will automatically extinguish fires if their Firefighting job is enabled in their job panel. They can fight fire in two ways: For small flames nearby, they’ll stomp them out without needing additional resources. For larger flames, they will fetch water from any water source (or from a Well, a new structure—more on that later) and use it to extinguish the fire, leaving wetness behind. This method is more effective for larger fires.
    如果定居者在他们的工作面板中启用了 Firefighting 工作,他们将自动灭火。他们可以通过两种方式灭火:对于附近的小火焰,他们会在不需要额外资源的情况下将其扑灭。对于较大的火焰,它们会从任何水源(或从井、新结构——稍后会详细介绍)取水,并用它来灭火,留下湿气。这种方法对于较大的火灾更有效。
  • Buildings get damaged by high temperatures, so high temperatures will damage things like limestone walls and whatnot. The temperature threshold for damaging structures is low and not realistic, but in a gameplay sense, we chose to use these lower temperature thresholds to make fire a bit more dangerous. That means making structures out of different materials is not a full proof defense against fires.
  • Heat damage related info is located at the Info tab in the building bottom right panel.
  • Buildings that use fire (torches, braziers, etc) have a high temperature threshold.

Combat with fire 与火搏斗

Both enemies and your settlers can utilize fire in combat. Here is how:

  • Fire arrows usage – Any flame source (e.g., braziers, torches) can enable the use of fire arrows. Drafted archers will see a “Use Fire Arrows” option next to the Attack command. Once activated, if they are standing near a flame source, a fire arrow icon will appear above them, indicating they can shoot fire arrows instead of regular ones.
    火焰箭的使用 – 任何火焰源(例如火盆、火把)都可以启用火焰箭的使用。被征召的弓箭手会在 Attack 命令旁边看到一个 “Use Fire Arrows” 选项。一旦激活,如果他们站在火焰源附近,他们上方会出现一个火焰箭图标,表示他们可以发射火焰箭而不是普通箭。
  • Fire arrows spawn a small flame at the point of impact.
  • Fire arrows have lower precision and deal less damage than regular arrows.
  • Fire arrows damage the bow much faster than regular arrow usage making the bow break faster due to the heat and flames.
  • Only Short bow, Longbow, Warbow and Curved Bow can use fire arrows.
  • Enemies can set structures on fire during their attacks, including furniture and production buildings. Raiders be evil like that!
  • Fire traps release oil within a certain radius when triggered, which will also instantly ignite.
  • Fire arrows landing on oil will ignite it.

Speaking of oil… 说到油……

Flammable Oil 易燃油

Flammable oil is a resource that you can produce and use as a trap against enemies.

  • Flammable oil is created in the Oil press (new building), with Coal and Oil Source (like tallow and flax seeds).
  • You can order settlers to spill oil on tiles making them extremely flammable and when the oil is ignited (with a fire arrow) it will spread super fast from oil tile to oil tile making a nice stronghold-esque fire trap. 😀
  • We also added a separate type of fire called Greek fire (at the moment it’s green in the game like the wildfire from Game of Thrones). This fire type can burn underwater and in the rain. It does not spread as Greek fire but spawns regular fire around it. It’s just a stronger version of fire.
  • Greek fire oil can also be created in the Oil press, but you will need Flammable Oil, Saltpeter and Quicklime (more on those later). Greek fire oil behaves the same as regular oil, but with the green fire that can’t be extinguished easily.
  • Greek fire can spread in low water.
  • Greek fire oil is ignitable during the rain.
  • Greek fire can spread on Greek fire oil blobs, even in rain.
  • Greek fire oil blob burns 3x longer when compared to the regular oil blob.
    与普通油团相比,希腊火油团的燃烧时间是普通油团的 3 倍。

Other fire facts: 其他火灾事实:

  • Trees when burning can have the canopy burning.
  • Trees leave burnt trunks.
  • During summer heatwaves, bushes in the wild have a chance to catch fire randomly.
  • Vegetation has different flammability that’s affected by the time of the year and phase the plant is in.
  • Grass on the ground also has different flammability depending on the time of year. In the summer and autumn, its flammability is the highest.

Water & Fire management 水和消防管理

  • As mentioned, settlers with a Firefighter job will go and extinguish the fire. For bigger flames, they’ll need water. Here is how that will go:
  • Settlers can fetch water from rivers or lakes at any accessible point.
  • Settlers need to “go down” to shallow water to grab it. Only medium and high water level is viable for pickup from the shoreline.
  • Water level updates when a settler takes water from a well/river/lake. (One full voxel has 3000L of water and the settler takes 60L with each run)
    当定居者从井/河流/湖泊取水时,水位会更新。(一个完整的体素有 3000 升水,沉淀器每次运行需要 60 升水)
  • You can construct a Well (a new structure) over a water source. Settlers will prioritize fetching water from the Well when using it for production or storing into barrels, giving you better control over water usage. When it comes to extinguishing fires, they’ll grab water from the closest point.
  • Water can be stockpiled in barrels (new structures). There are two sizes: small and large. Barrels act as water sources during fires. Additionally, when barrels are exposed to fire, they have built-in rope and wax systems that melt and release the stored water, creating an automatic extinguishing mechanism.
  • Rain can refill water barrels.
  • Water barrels can spill water manually by settlers via barrel selection and choosing Open in the bottom right corner.
    水桶可以由沉淀者通过选择桶并选择右下角的 Open (打开) 手动溢出水。
  • Barrels can freeze when in <0°C temperature for about 3h. They can be filled with water when they are frozen, but no water can be taken from the barrel in that case.
    桶在 <0°C 温度下会冻结约 3 小时。它们结冰时可以装满水,但在这种情况下不能从桶中取出水。
  • Upon their destruction, frozen barrels will drop ice blocks.
  • Barrels can’t be opened if they are frozen.

Fire spread can be controlled from custom difficulty via “Fire Spread Multiplier”. While you can’t turn off the fire, setting this to 10% will make sure that any fire appearance and spreading will be slowed down significantly, thus making it easy to extinguish.
火焰蔓延可以通过“火焰蔓延乘数”从自定义难度中控制。虽然您无法关闭火势,但将其设置为 10% 将确保任何火势的出现和蔓延都会显着减慢,从而使其易于扑灭。

Combat Changes 战斗改动

We’ve also added a lot of minor and major changes to the combat that will enrich the whole fighting experience, especially once the updates #15 and #16 come out. What you need to know now is:
我们还对战斗添加了很多细微和重大的更改,这将丰富整个战斗体验,尤其是在更新 #15 和 #16 发布后。您现在需要了解的是:

Multiple Drafted Stances 多个绘制的姿态

Until now, settlers behaved quite simply when drafted. We’ve now introduced two stance types for players to choose from when drafting a settler for battle.

The new stances are Default and Hold Ground:
新姿态为 Default 和 Hold Ground:

  • Default: This is the same as before – settlers will engage in combat when an enemy enters their line of sight.
  • Hold Ground: Settlers will ignore everything around them and engage in combat only when directly attacked or within range.

Keep in mind that the Hold Ground stance is automatically lost if the settler moves.

Shield Changes 盾牌变化

Shields have gone through a bit of a change to make fighting overall more interesting and dynamic.

  • Shield cover percentage is now divided into ranged cover and melee cover, meaning shields differ in how much protection they offer against different types of attacks. For example, the buckler shield has a lower ranged cover than other shields but offers excellent melee cover.
  • Shields now have a cover angle. Shooting a shielded enemy form behind will result in a direct hit.
  • People with shields will automatically turn towards their attackers (even if they are receiving ranged attacks).
  • During a melee attack animation, ranged cover is briefly reduced—because who’s holding a perfect block mid-swing?
  • Raised shields as an animation has been added. Now, people raise their shields when in combat or attacked.
  • Any weapon can now act as a shield, with its own cover values. Yes, this means a melee fighter can sometimes block arrows with their weapon, and an archer can try to block melee strikes with their bow. Using a bow to stop enemy blows will damage the weapon and even break it if the strike is strong enough.
    任何武器现在都可以充当盾牌,有自己的 cover 值。是的,这意味着近战战士有时可以用他们的武器挡住箭,而弓箭手可以尝试用他们的弓挡住近战打击。使用弓箭来阻止敌人的打击会损坏武器,如果打击足够强烈,甚至会破坏它。
  • We’ve added sparks and VFX when a shield receives a hit. The shield will also turn red and flash a bit when hit, thus indicating that the shield has taken damage and not the human.
    我们添加了盾牌受到命中的火花和 VFX。盾牌在被击中时也会变成红色并闪烁一点,从而表明盾牌受到了伤害,而不是人类。

Alternative Attack Mode 替代攻击模式

Each weapon can have an alternative animation, damage and ruleset depending if the combat is ranged or melee.

  • If an archer is attacked he/she will use the bow as a staff and fight with it like that instead of using bare hands like they do now.
  • When a settler uses ranged weapons as melee in combat, they will use Melee skill to calculate performance.
  • Using ranged weapons as melee will damage those weapons much faster than using them in ranged combat.

New Weapons 新武器

With the introduction of the alternative attack mode, we’re now able to introduce new ranged weapons that settlers can also use as melee – throwing axes, javelins, slings and stave slings.
随着替代攻击模式的推出,我们现在能够引入新的远程武器,定居者也可以将其用作近战 – 投掷斧、标枪、投石器和法杖投石器。

  • Throwing axes – (Axes in the Research window, made in Blacksmith’s Forge) – They are short-ranged and have a loose precision with distance, but are massively strong against shields and armour. Settlers can also use them with a shield in the other hand, thus making your ranged units shielded as well.
    投掷斧 – (研究窗口中的斧头,在 Blacksmith’s Forge 中制造) – 它们的射程短,对距离的精度松散,但对盾牌和盔甲非常坚固。定居者也可以用另一只手的盾牌来使用它们,从而使你的远程单位也受到保护。
  • Javelins – (Wooden Weaponery 2 in the Research window, made in Woodwork Bench) – They have a bit better range than axes and are also great at taking down shields.
    标枪 – (研究窗口中的木制武器 2,在 Woodwork Bench 中制作) – 它们的射程比斧头好一点,也很擅长击倒盾牌。
  • Slings and Stave Slings are just low-tech low-cost variants of the other two. They are produced at Bowyer’s table. (Stave Sling is located in Fletching 2 in the Research window)
    Slings 和 Stave Slings 只是其他两种的低技术低成本变体。它们是在 Bowyer 的餐桌上生产的。(Stave Sling 位于 Fletching 2 的 Research 窗口中)
  • All of the mentioned weapons can also damage buildings (while arrows cant) so they are a great addition to the attacking forces.

Training Settlers [Community Request]
培训定居者 [社区请求]

This has been one of the most requested features after the water, and we thought that this is the perfect time to introduce it.

  • Archery Range and Practice Dummy are new buildings where setters can level up their ranged and melee skills.
  • Settlers have a new “Train” job that will make them go to those stations to get some sweet XP;
    定居者有一份新的“火车”工作,可以让他们去那些车站获得一些甜蜜的 XP;
  • To use the station, settlers will need to bring assets there – Practice Target to Archery Range and Dummy to Practice Dummy station. Once they bring it, the training (in a form of production) will start.
    要使用该站,定居者需要将资产带到那里 – 练习目标到射箭场和假人到练习假人站。一旦他们带来了,培训(以生产的形式)就会开始。

New Structures 新结构

  • Oil Press (Oil Press in the Research window, appears in the Production category) – used for creating Flammable Oil and Flammable Greek Fire Oil.
    Oil Press(油压机,在“研究”窗口中,显示在“生产”类别中)- 用于创建 Flammable Oil 和 Flammable Greek Fire Oil。
  • Oil Splash (Oil Press in the Research window, Appears in Warfare category) – these are created with flammable oil. Combine it with fire arrows for utter chaos.
    Oil Splash (研究窗口中的 Oil Press,出现在 Warfare 类别中) – 这些是用易燃油创建的。将它与火箭相结合,造成彻底的混乱。
  • Fire Trap (Defensive Structures 4 in the Research window, appears in the Warfare category) – when activated, it spills oil and ignites it.
    Fire Trap (研究窗口中的防御结构 4,出现在 战争 类别中) – 激活后,它会溢出油并点燃它。
  • Small & Large Water Barrel (Barrels in the Research window, appears in the Misc category) – used for placing water and controlling fire.
    小型和大型水桶(研究窗口中的桶,出现在杂项类别中) – 用于放置水和控制火势。
  • Well (Appears in the Base building category) – used as a control point from where the water will be taken from.
    井 (出现在 Base building 类别中) – 用作取水的控制点。
  • Saltpetre Works (Chemistry 2 in the Research window, appears in the Production category) – used for making saltpeter.
    硝石工厂(研究窗口中的化学 2,显示在生产类别中)- 用于制造硝石。
  • Archery Range (Combat Training Equipment in the Research window, appears in the Leisure category) – used for improving the Marksman skill of your settler.
    射箭靶场(研究窗口中的战斗训练装备,出现在休闲类别中)- 用于提高定居者的射手技能。
  • Practice Dummy (Combat Training Equipment in the Research window, appears in the Leisure category) – used for improving the Melee skill of your settler.
    练习假人(研究窗口中的战斗训练装备,出现在休闲类别中)- 用于提高定居者的近战技能。

New Items/Resources 新项目/资源

  • Flammable Oil (Created at the Oil Press) – can be used as a resource for various oil related things.
    易燃油(在 Oil Press 制造) – 可用作各种与石油相关事物的资源。
  • Quicklime (Created at Kiln) – used as a resource for making Greek Fire.
    生石灰(在窑中创造) – 用作制作希腊火的资源。
  • Saltpeter (Created at Saltpetre Works) – used as a resource for making Greek Fire.
    硝石(在 Saltpetre Works 制造) – 用作制作希腊火的资源。
  • Greek Oil (Created at the Oil Press) – advanced version of the regular oil. More durable and stronger.
    希腊油(在 Oil Press 创造) – 普通油的高级版本。更耐用、更坚固。
  • Practice Target (Created at Woodwork Bench and/or Bowyer’s Table) – used as a resource for Archery Range.
    练习目标(在 Woodwork Bench 和/或 Bowyer’s Table 中创建)- 用作射箭场的资源。
  • Dummy (Created at Sewing Station) – used as a resource for Practice Dummy.
    Dummy (Created at Sewing Station) – 用作 Practice Dummy 的资源。
  • Dung – Cows, donkeys, sheep and goats produce dung once a day. Dung just drops in the pen or where they stand. Dung is a type of waste and can be used to create saltpetre and dung bricks. Dung has an effect on certain people – dainty and precious perks are affected by the smell of dung and are unhappy when around it.
    粪便 – 奶牛、驴、绵羊和山羊每天产生一次粪便。粪便只是滴在围栏或它们所在的地方。粪便是一种废物,可用于制造硝石和粪砖。粪便对某些人有影响 – 娇小而珍贵的特权会受到粪便气味的影响,在粪便周围时会感到不快乐。
  • Dung bricks can be created in kilns from dung and hay. Dung bricks are a reliable form of fuel.

Quality of Life Improvements

  • Ranged weapons now have different projectiles. Now, crossbows shoot bolts and not arrows (what a time to be alive).
  • Projectiles now have an arc to them. It’s just a visual thing (the projectile won’t be stuck in the ceiling or anything) just gives some nice visual flavor. This also means that bolts have the smallest arc.
  • Sweet fire visuals on arrows (note, all projectiles have the visuals. If you change the json files so that let’s say a sling can use fire projectiles, it will work).
    箭上的甜蜜火焰视觉效果(注意,所有射弹都有视觉效果。如果您更改 json 文件,以便 sling 可以使用火焰射弹,它将起作用)。
  • Added very hard enemy types with the appropriate equipment. This will also balance the spawn rate of the late game enemies (the idea is to have about 50 more difficult enemies, rather than 100 of them).
    添加了非常困难的敌人类型,并配备了适当的设备。这也将平衡游戏后期敌人的生成速度(这个想法是让大约 50 个更难对付的敌人,而不是 100 个)。
  • We’ve changed the chances for destruction of traps a bit. Stick trap has 4% chance to be destroyed, wood 3% and metal trap has 1% chance to get destroyed when activated. Fire traps have a 100% chance to get destroyed when activated.
    我们稍微改变了摧毁陷阱的几率。棍式陷阱有 4% 的几率被摧毁,木头有 3% 的几率被摧毁,金属陷阱在激活时有 1% 的几率被摧毁。火焰机关激活后有 100% 的几率被摧毁。
  • Alcohol is no longer visible in the UI in settler’s Stats.
    酒精在 settler’s Stats 的 UI 中不再可见。
  • Low alcohol does not have negative mood effects anymore unless a settler has certain perks that are about alcohol use.
  • Wording has been changed so that it’s obvious it’s about drinking booze and not water to avoid the confusion that settlers need to drink water.

Known issues 已知问题

  • Well has no visual indicator of the bucket going up and down.
    Well 没有桶上下移动的视觉指示器。
  • Barrels don’t fill faster when under the edges of the roof yet.
  • If your settlers are experiencing weird animations with some actions, be sure to turn off V-sync and cap the game’s FPS in the game’s options. Cap it to 60fps. If the issue persists, cap it at 30.
    如果您的定居者在某些动作中遇到奇怪的动画,请务必在游戏选项中关闭 V-sync 并限制游戏的 FPS。将其限制为 60fps。如果问题仍然存在,请将其限制为 30。
  • Assigned Pets don’t sleep with owners.
  • Some items are missing icons and localization values.
  • Player-triggered events don’t have sound effects.
  • Settlers will not refuel torches if there is no floor/ground beneath them.
  • Settlers will not choose the closest production building (if there are more of the same type), but the one that has a production set first in the global list of productions.


图片[3]-前往中世纪 Going Medieval 水和捕鱼 v0.16.26 官中免费下载
图片[4]-前往中世纪 Going Medieval 水和捕鱼 v0.16.26 官中免费下载
图片[5]-前往中世纪 Going Medieval 水和捕鱼 v0.16.26 官中免费下载
图片[6]-前往中世纪 Going Medieval 水和捕鱼 v0.16.26 官中免费下载
图片[7]-前往中世纪 Going Medieval 水和捕鱼 v0.16.26 官中免费下载
图片[8]-前往中世纪 Going Medieval 水和捕鱼 v0.16.26 官中免费下载
图片[9]-前往中世纪 Going Medieval 水和捕鱼 v0.16.26 官中免费下载
图片[10]-前往中世纪 Going Medieval 水和捕鱼 v0.16.26 官中免费下载


图片[11]-前往中世纪 Going Medieval 水和捕鱼 v0.16.26 官中免费下载


在Going Medieval的世界中,黑暗时代的社会已濒临崩溃。14世纪末瘟疫肆虐,全球95%的人口因此丧命。这场瘟疫过后,土地荒废。




图片[12]-前往中世纪 Going Medieval 水和捕鱼 v0.16.26 官中免费下载





图片[13]-前往中世纪 Going Medieval 水和捕鱼 v0.16.26 官中免费下载




  • 操作系统: Windows 10 64-bit
  • 处理器: AMD or Intel, 4 GHz (AMD Ryzen 5 3600, Intel i5 8600)
  • 内存: 16 GB RAM
  • 显卡: AMD/NVIDIA dedicated GPU, 4GB dedicated VRAM (Radeon RX 580, Geforce GTX 1080)
  • DirectX 版本: 11
  • 存储空间: 需要 2 GB 可用空间
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