图片[1]-堕落之主豪华版Lords of the Fallen Deluxe Edition v1.1.560-P2P - 免费下载

堕落之主:豪华版 Lords of the Fallen Deluxe Edition v1.7.73赠修改器+艺术设定集+原声带 -飞星(官中)

见证广阔世界,一切尽在全新黑暗奇幻动作RPG,《堕落之主》。扮演传说中的黑暗远征军,踏上推翻邪神阿迪尔的史诗征程。 1.5版现已推出,新增自定义难度修改,并大幅改进游戏性能。


  • 2025年1月25日:v1.6.64 → v1.7.73
  • 2024年12月6日:v1.6.12 → v1.6.64
  • 2024年11月6日:v1.5.17→v1.6.12


图片[2]-堕落之主豪华版Lords of the Fallen Deluxe Edition v1.1.560-P2P - 免费下载

更新v.1.7.73 - 改进的在线连接和Umbral音频设置

Greetings Lampbearers,  您好,持灯人,

Version 1.7.73 is now live with further updates in response to ongoing player feedback.
版本 1.7.73 现已上线,并根据持续的玩家反馈进行进一步更新。

For those who haven't yet begun their journey through Mournstead, now’s the perfect time. Get Lords of the Fallen at 67% OFF for a limited time - our biggest discount yet.
对于那些尚未开始 Mournstead 之旅的人来说,现在是最佳时机。限时以 67% 的折扣获得 Lords of the Fallen - 我们迄今为止最大的折扣。

In light, we walk.  在光中,我们行走。

Improved Online Connectivity

A series of updates to help improve overall gameplay smoothness when playing online, in particular, reducing rubberbanding and lag

Male/Female Body Option   外/母本体选项
In response to recent community feedback, players can now choose between ‘male’ and ‘female’ body types as part of the character creation process

New Umbral Ambience Audio Setting
新的 Umbral Ambience Audio 设置

In v1.6, we made a number of changes to improve the exploration experience of the Umbral realm, one of which was to reduce the initial ambient soundscape. Building on this, the latest update introduces a new audio option in the settings menu, giving players the ability to adjust the Umbral Ambience volume to their personal preference.
在 v1.6 中,我们进行了大量更改,以改善 Umbral Realm 的探索体验,其中之一就是降低了初始环境音景。在此基础上,最新更新在设置菜单中引入了一个新的音频选项,使玩家能够根据自己的喜好调整 Umbral Ambience 音量。

Stability Improvements   稳定性改进
Enhanced overall stability by resolving crashes that occurred in rare situations.

Virtual photographies in this post are courtesy of @secondcapture - created with the in-game 3D Photo Mode
本文中的虚拟照片由 @secondcapture 提供 - 使用游戏中的 3D 照片模式创建

Update v.1.6.64 - Lightreaper’s Return, Inferno Progression, Enemy Encounters
更新 v.1.6.64 - Lightreaper's Return, Inferno Progression, Enemy Encounters

Greetings Lampbearers, 您好,持灯人,

In today’s update, we’ve introduced several gameplay adjustments and improvements inspired by your invaluable feedback, alongside a series of gameplay tweaks. Full patch notes below.

As always, if you’re enjoying your time in Mournstead, we’d be grateful if you could leave a Steam review and share your thoughts.
与往常一样,如果您喜欢在 Mournstead 度过的时光,如果您能留下 Steam 评论并分享您的想法,我们将不胜感激。

In light, we walk. 在光中,我们行走。


Return of the Lightreaper
Lightreaper 归来

In a recent update, we removed the first (of potentially four) encounters with the Lightreper, as the high-difficulty battle just after the tutorial was observed to be confusing for new players. However, it transpired that some of our more seasoned Lampbearers missed the early challenge, and so in response to this, we have added a new option to bring the encounter back. Players who wish to face the Lightreaper earlier in the game (as it was prior to the adjustment) may now do so by enabling the Increased Enemy Density option in the Advanced Game Modifier System, which can be accessed when starting a new game (including NG0) either through the main menu or at any Vestige.
在最近的更新中,我们删除了与 Lightreper 的第一次(可能是四次)遭遇,因为观察到教程之后的高难度战斗会让新玩家感到困惑。然而,事实证明,我们一些更老练的持灯人错过了早期的挑战,因此作为回应,我们添加了一个新选项来恢复遭遇战。希望在游戏早期面对 Lightreaper 的玩家(就像调整之前一样)现在可以通过在高级游戏修改器系统中启用增加敌人密度选项来实现,该选项可以在开始新游戏(包括 NG0)时通过主菜单或任何遗迹访问。

Improved Enemy Encounters

To improve combat realism, we’ve adjusted attack ranges and tracking for some of our enemies. Some enemies could jump unrealistic distances potentially breaking the player's sense of immersion, while other enemies would occasionally spin mid attack (even mid air) which could feel unfair or frustrating. The level of challenge remains the same following these adjustments, but we hope combat encounters now feel fairer and more realistic.

Early Game Inferno Progression
游戏早期 Inferno 进度

In response to community feedback, early-game progression of the Pyric Cultist class has been altered. Two Inferno-based spells are now being granted earlier in the game through Damarose, giving players more opportunities to explore pyromancy builds early in their journey.
作为对社区反馈的回应,Pyric Cultist 职业的早期游戏进度已更改。现在通过 Damarose 在游戏早期授予两个基于 Inferno 的法术,让玩家有更多机会在旅程的早期探索烈焰术构建。

图片[3]-堕落之主豪华版Lords of the Fallen Deluxe Edition v1.1.560-P2P - 免费下载

Greetings Lampbearers, 各位持灯人,
Today marks the arrival of 

Version 1.5 - Master of Fate, the culmination of over 30 updates released since launch, resulting in significantly improved performance, stability and optimisation, alongside rigorous difficulty balancing in response to your feedback.
今天标志着版本1.5 -命运之主的到来,这是自发布以来发布的30多个更新的高潮,显著提高了性能,稳定性和优化,同时根据您的反馈进行严格的难度平衡。

As part of this, we’re delighted to also release our highly-anticipated 

Advanced Game Modifier System, available to all players (both new and old), granting the ability to fully customise your playthrough. This now concludes the Free Content Roadmap announced shortly after launch, which has added the following content and quality of life enhancements for Lords of the Fallen, vastly improving the experience for all players:

  • Significant performance, optimisation and stability improvements
  • Rigorous difficulty balancing including mob density reduction & nerfed ranged attacks
  • Split PvP and PvE game balancing
  • Online multiplayer enhancements for improved matchmaking and connection stability
  • New questlines including Season of the Bleak, Trial of the Three Spirits, and Way of the Bucket
  • New armour and weapon sets
  • Additional secret boss weapon abilities
  • Improved boss encounters with additional movesets & new AI
  • 12 new spells including the arena-devastating Immolation
  • New grievous strikes: each weapon family now features two unique finishers: one for single-handed wielding and another for two-handed wielding
  • 3 new projectiles: Blood Vomit, Explosive Mines, and Frost Worms.
  • QOL updates including: inventory expansion, appearance reset, storage functionality & gamepad rebinding

Lords of the Fallen 堕落之主

Lords of the Fallen 堕落之主





Lords of the Fallen 堕落之主

The latest new feature – the Advanced Game Modifier System - places power directly into your hands, allowing you to fully customise your game experience, using any combination of seven modifiers, to make the game easier, more difficult, or simply a completely new experience every time. Modifiers include the ability to randomise enemies, alter mob density and even enable a form of permadeath. Please find additional details in the new video below, with an introduction from our Head of Studio, Saul Gascon:

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图片[7]-堕落之主豪华版Lords of the Fallen Deluxe Edition v1.1.560-P2P - 免费下载

Advanced Game Modifier Options

Ironman: Dying in Umbral resets your current playthrough, and you will awaken at the start once again. The world progression is reset, but player progression and inventory is retained. Certain scripted moments are excluded from this.
Ironman:Dying in Umbral重置你当前的游戏,你将再次在开始时醒来。世界进度被重置,但玩家进度和库存被保留。某些脚本的时刻被排除在外。

Pre-Upgraded Loot: Weapons, shields and catalysts found as loot from enemies, or in the world, will come pre-upgraded based on your player level.

Randomized Loot: Loot dropped by enemies, and found in the world, is randomized. Does not affect quest and progression items, nor unique boss items.

Randomized Enemies: Enemies encountered in the world now appear in a random order. Does not impact named boss enemies.

More Enemies: The world contains significantly more enemies.

Withered Healing: All healing received is Withered Healing, and must be confirmed by dealing damage to enemies.

Vestige Decay:  残留衰变:
- No Vestige Decay: No Vestige has withered away, leaving you all possible places of respite.
- 没有任何痕迹的衰退:没有任何痕迹的衰退,给你留下了所有可能的喘息之地。
- Minor Vestige Decay: Some Vestiges have withered away, leaving you with fewer places of respite.
- 小遗迹衰退:一些遗迹已经枯萎,留给你的喘息空间更少。
- Extensive Vestige Decay: Many Vestiges have withered away, often leaving you without rest for long stretches.
- 广泛的遗迹腐烂:许多遗迹已经枯萎了,经常让你长时间没有休息。
- Tremendous Vestige Decay: All Vestiges, except for a rare few, have withered away. Truly, a restless experience.
- 大量的遗迹腐烂:所有的遗迹,除了少数几个,都已经枯萎了。真的是一个不安分的经历。

How to Activate the Advanced Game Modifier System

1. Start Lords of the Fallen
1.英文名称:Lords of the Fallen

2. Choose New Game 2.选择新游戏

图片[8]-堕落之主豪华版Lords of the Fallen Deluxe Edition v1.1.560-P2P - 免费下载

3. Make your Class Selection and customize your character’s appearance

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4. On the final screen of the Character Creator navigate to the right button Advanced Game Modifiers

图片[10]-堕落之主豪华版Lords of the Fallen Deluxe Edition v1.1.560-P2P - 免费下载

5. Enable Advanced Game Modifiers

6. Choose a character name

7. Press Play 7.按play

8. The Game Modifiers screen appears

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9. Select any combination of modifiers, and Confirm.

Alternatively, if you have already completed the game with a character, you can activate the Advanced Game Modifiers from any vestige by selecting "Restart Game". Please be aware that this will start a new playthrough.

图片[12]-堕落之主豪华版Lords of the Fallen Deluxe Edition v1.1.560-P2P - 免费下载

If you have not completed the game yet but want to continue using that character with modifiers, you will need to complete the current run. The modifiers will become available when starting a new run.

We hope you all enjoy returning to Mournstead with an all-new purpose, or if this is the first time you’re embarking, then the very best of luck, Lampbearer.

In Light, We Walk.

Patch v1.5.17 - Additional Updates
补丁v1.5.17 -其他更新

  • Players can now make use of AMD's latest FSR version.

Additional Changes 其他更改

  • Fixed an issue in multiplayer that could cause the player to fall through the elevator, if the coop partner interacted with the corresponding lever while the elevator was still moving.
  • Increased the maximum stack count of Vestige Seeds from 5 to 99.
  • Fixed a rare crash caused by AI under special circumstances.

Import AMD Driver Update (April 25, 2024)
Over the last weeks and months, we have been working with AMD to improve stability of Lords of the Fallen. In case you encounter any stability issues with your AMD hardware, please download the latest AMD driver here, as this new version should improve stability significantly.

Check out our roadmap here.

Virtual photographies in this post are courtesy of @HavocRains - created with the in-game 3D Photo Mode

图片[13]-堕落之主豪华版Lords of the Fallen Deluxe Edition v1.1.560-P2P - 免费下载
图片[14]-堕落之主豪华版Lords of the Fallen Deluxe Edition v1.1.560-P2P - 免费下载




图片[15]-堕落之主豪华版Lords of the Fallen Deluxe Edition v1.1.560-P2P - 免费下载
图片[16]-堕落之主豪华版Lords of the Fallen Deluxe Edition v1.1.560-P2P - 免费下载
图片[17]-堕落之主豪华版Lords of the Fallen Deluxe Edition v1.1.560-P2P - 免费下载
图片[18]-堕落之主豪华版Lords of the Fallen Deluxe Edition v1.1.560-P2P - 免费下载
图片[19]-堕落之主豪华版Lords of the Fallen Deluxe Edition v1.1.560-P2P - 免费下载
图片[20]-堕落之主豪华版Lords of the Fallen Deluxe Edition v1.1.560-P2P - 免费下载
图片[21]-堕落之主豪华版Lords of the Fallen Deluxe Edition v1.1.560-P2P - 免费下载
图片[22]-堕落之主豪华版Lords of the Fallen Deluxe Edition v1.1.560-P2P - 免费下载
图片[23]-堕落之主豪华版Lords of the Fallen Deluxe Edition v1.1.560-P2P - 免费下载


图片[24]-堕落之主豪华版Lords of the Fallen Deluxe Edition v1.1.560-P2P - 免费下载


图片[25]-堕落之主豪华版Lords of the Fallen Deluxe Edition v1.1.560-P2P - 免费下载




图片[26]-堕落之主豪华版Lords of the Fallen Deluxe Edition v1.1.560-P2P - 免费下载



图片[27]-堕落之主豪华版Lords of the Fallen Deluxe Edition v1.1.560-P2P - 免费下载



图片[28]-堕落之主豪华版Lords of the Fallen Deluxe Edition v1.1.560-P2P - 免费下载



图片[29]-堕落之主豪华版Lords of the Fallen Deluxe Edition v1.1.560-P2P - 免费下载



图片[30]-堕落之主豪华版Lords of the Fallen Deluxe Edition v1.1.560-P2P - 免费下载



图片[31]-堕落之主豪华版Lords of the Fallen Deluxe Edition v1.1.560-P2P - 免费下载


  • 深入庞大的双重平行世界,跨越生死两界
  • 掌握行云流水般的高难度战术战斗
  • 在史诗般的巨型首领战中获胜
  • 运用毁灭性的魔法攻击与角色增益
  • 邀请另一名玩家与你一同在自由畅快的在线模式中并肩作战(只有主机保存世界进度)
  • 结识形形色色的两界居民,但并非所有人都是真心实意……
  • 完全自定义只属于你的独特角色
  • 包括骑士、游荡者以及见习火法师在内的9种初始角色职业供你选择


  • 操作系统: Windows 10 64bit
  • 处理器: intel i7 8700 | AMD Ryzen 5 3600
  • 内存: 16 GB RAM
  • 显卡: 8GBs VRAM | NVIDIA RTX-2080 | AMD Radeon RX 6700
  • DirectX 版本: 12
  • 网络: 宽带互联网连接
  • 存储空间: 需要 45 GB 可用空间
  • 附注事项: 1080p High Quality Settings (60FPS) | SSD Required
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