![图片[1]-免费下载| 旧世界:完整版 Old World Complete Edition v1.0.75717 集成爱琴海英雄DLC -飞星(官中)-飞星免费游戏仓库](https://flystar.site/wp-content/uploads/2024/02/d0d7f9229d20240227230345.jpeg)
旧世界:完整版 Old World Complete Edition v1.0.75717 集成爱琴海英雄DLC -飞星(官中)
- 2025年1月18日:v1.0.72357 → v1.0.75717 新增爱琴海英雄DLC
- 2024年5月21日:将游戏版本从v1.0.68949升级至v1.0.72357
![图片[2]-免费下载| 旧世界:完整版 Old World Complete Edition v1.0.75717 集成爱琴海英雄DLC -飞星(官中)-飞星免费游戏仓库](https://clan.st.dl.eccdnx.com/images/41319443/6c93bcc12f8ad8fec0da761637f82e5f2efbcb5d_960x311.png)
Build 1.0.75717 brings several adjustments to the Stable Branch based on player feedback. Difficulty settings have been renamed to better differentiate between preset modes and custom configurations, with custom settings now clearly displayed in-game, along with a breakdown of their individual components.
Build 1.0.75717 根据玩家反馈对稳定分支进行了一些调整。难度设置已重命名,以更好地区分预设模式和自定义配置,自定义设置现在清楚地显示在游戏中,以及它们各个组件的细分。
Crowning ambitions have been expanded, offering more choices in events to increase the variety and make ambition victories easier to achieve. The Grand Vizier role has been reworked: they now serve as governors in cities without a named governor, focusing solely on production management in those locations. This simplifies their function while aligning with their intended purpose.
Crowning Ambitions 已经扩展,在赛事中提供更多选择,以增加多样性并使 Ambition 胜利更容易实现。大维齐尔的角色已经重新设计:他们现在在没有指定州长的城市担任州长,只专注于这些地方的生产管理。这简化了它们的功能,同时符合它们的预期目的。
Other changes include updates to war declaration missions, improved AI decision-making, UI improvements for tooltips and notifications, and a wide range of bug fixes addressing issues with events, ambitions, and gameplay scenarios.
其他更改包括对宣战任务的更新、改进的 AI 决策、工具提示和通知的 UI 改进,以及解决事件、野心和游戏场景问题的广泛错误修复。
Build 1.0.75717's Headline Changes
Build 1.0.75717 的标题更改
- Difficulty Settings Renamed: Difficulty settings were renamed to make the difference between presets and individual settings clearer. Settings outside the preset are now shown as 'Custom' difficulty in the game with a breakdown of the individual settings.
重命名的难度设置:难度设置已重命名,以更清楚地区分预设和单个设置。 预设之外的设置现在在游戏中显示为“自定义”难度,并包含各个设置的细分。 - Crowning Ambitions: Increased variety of crowning ambitions. This should make winning an Ambition victory easier and more varied.
至高无上的雄心壮志:更高的雄心壮志越来越多样化。 这应该会让赢得 Ambition 胜利更容易、更多样化。 - Grand Vizier Changes (Behind the Throne): A big change to Grand Viziers based on player feedback: they now act as governors in all cities without a named governor and only control production in these cities.
大维齐尔变化(王座背后): 根据玩家的反馈,大维齐尔的重大变化是:他们现在在所有城市担任总督,没有指定的总督,只控制这些城市的生产。
Design 设计
Difficulty Rename 难度重命名
- The Advanced Setup Difficulty setting is now called Prosperity.
Advanced Setup Difficulty (高级设置难度) 设置现在称为 Prosperity(繁荣)。 - The Simple Setup Difficulty presets remain unchanged.
Simple Setup Difficulty 预设保持不变。 - Difficulty components are now grouped together and indented under the difficulty mode in the game parameters tooltip.
难度组件现在被分组在一起,并在游戏参数工具提示的难度模式下缩进。 - Difficulty is displayed as "Custom" for combinations outside of the simple difficulty presets.
对于简单难度预设之外的组合,难度显示为 “Custom”。 - Distant raids are now tied to Tribe Level instead of Difficulty.
远距离突袭现在与部落级别而不是难度相关联。 - Achievements related to difficulty are now tied to Difficulty instead of Prosperity.
Changes to "Ask to Declare War" Mission
- "Ask to Declare War" mission now requires a Leader with the Schemer archetype.
“请求宣战”任务现在需要具有 Schemer 原型的 Leader。 - Removed mission tech requirement and lowered the opinion threshold to Cautious.
取消了任务技术要求,并将意见门槛降低到谨慎。 - Mission disabled for allies.
对盟友禁用任务。 - New "Ask to Join War" mission added, which requires you to already be at war with the target. This mission requires Pleased opinion.
添加了新的“请求加入战争”任务,该任务要求您已经与目标交战。这项任务需要 Pleased 的意见。 - With Ruthless AI enabled, war requests will be denied if the player is close to victory.
启用无情 AI 后,如果玩家接近胜利,战争请求将被拒绝。
Crowning Ambitions 雄心壮志
- Family preferences have been removed.
家庭偏好设置已被删除。 - Most crowning ambition events now offer three choices instead of two.
大多数 Crowning Ambition 活动现在都提供三种选择,而不是两种。 - Bug fixes have increased the variety of crowning ambitions available.
Alliance Victory 联盟胜利
- Alliance victory is now a setup option (default: off).
Unit and Territory Updates
- Upgrading a unit retains its fortification state.
升级单位会保留其防御工事状态。 - Units can no longer be gifted, converted, hired, or recruited into territories where they shouldn't be.
单位不能再被赠送、转换、雇佣或招募到它们不应该出现的地区。 - Units can now be upgraded inside cities owned by teammates, even if they are not your own.
Achievement Updates 成就更新
- The "Alexander the Great" achievement no longer requires the "Great" cognomen. It now requires only the destruction of Persia as Alexander.
Scenario Adjustments 情景调整
- Restrictions on marrying Libyans in the Rise of Carthage Scenario 1 have been removed.
在迦太基崛起情景 1 中对利比亚人结婚的限制已被取消。 - The Random Improvements option now allows any combination of shrine effects instead of selecting a set from a random nation.
Gameplay Mechanics Adjustments
- Launch Offensive can now be used from a unit with a rout cooldown. It also removes rout cooldowns from adjacent units.
发起攻势现在可以从具有溃败冷却时间的单位中使用。它还会移除相邻单位的溃败冷却时间。 - Pathfinder trait adjustments:
探路者特性调整: - Now gives a 50% bonus to Camps and Nets as Governor and a 20% bonus as Leader (previously 100/50%).
现在总督为营地和篮网提供 50% 加成,领袖为 20% 加成(之前为 100/50%)。 - Maintenance costs swapped for the following:
维护成本换成以下各项: - Philosophy/Engineering. 哲学/工程。
- Professional Army/Volunteers.
Neutral territory is now defined as:
- Unclaimed. 无人 认领。
- Anarchy (city being captured).
无政府状态(城市被占领)。 - Owned by a nation or tribe you are not at war with.
Territory-Specific Mechanics
- Fort defensive bonus, road and exploration river movement, Hero and Fort healing, and Scout tree invisibility now require neutral or friendly territory.
要塞防御加成、道路和探索河流移动、英雄和要塞治疗以及侦察兵树隐身现在需要中立或友方领土。 - Road and Fort construction requires friendly, unclaimed, or Anarchy territory.
Miscellaneous Updates 其他更新
- Added a regular reminder to complete the Influence goal in Learn to Play 3.
添加了定期提醒,以完成 Learn to Play 3 中的 Influence 目标。 - Characters with religion traits (e.g., Clergy, Mani) can no longer be targeted by conversion missions.
具有宗教特征的角色(例如,神职人员、玛尼)不再能成为转换任务的目标。 - Conquered cities can no longer be given to a family that has not yet been founded.
Grand Vizier Rework (Behind the Throne)
- Grand Vizier now acts as a governor in cities without a named governor, controlling production in those cities only.
大维齐尔现在在没有指定总督的城市担任总督,只控制这些城市的生产。 - All other Grand Vizier yields have been removed.
所有其他 Grand Vizier 产量均已删除。 - Grand Vizier-managed cities can no longer rush buy.
大维齐尔管理的城市不能再急于购买。 - Grand Vizier courtiers are no longer giftable in multiplayer.
Unpopular Trait Update (Behind the Throne)
不受欢迎的特性更新 (Behind the Throne)
- The Unpopular trait now gives a nationwide 5% rebel spawn chance.
不受欢迎的特性现在提供全国 5% 的反抗军生成几率。
Programming 编程
- AI performance optimization.
AI 性能优化。 - AI now builds fewer duplicate roads.
AI 现在建造的重复道路更少。 - Improved AI decision-making for retreat versus attack scenarios.
改进了撤退与攻击场景的 AI 决策。 - Added more detailed logging for AI unit priority comparison failures.
添加了 AI 单元优先级比较失败的更详细日志记录。 - Hall of Fame games now store the active player, ensuring consistency upon loading.
Hall of Fame 游戏现在存储活跃的玩家,确保加载时的一致性。 - Replay functionality improved to work even if data is only from the current turn.
改进了重播功能,即使数据仅来自当前回合,也可以正常工作。 - Removed improvement dynamic text objects from each tile to save memory.
从每个拼贴中删除了改进的动态文本对象以节省内存。 - Bonuses and EffectCities now provide only EffectUnits, not Promotions.
奖励和 EffectCities 现在仅提供 EffectUnit,而不提供 Promotions。 - Promotions are now exclusive to units capable of gaining XP.
促销现在只限于能够获得 XP 的单位。 - Unit effects from disabled promotions can now be assigned via bonuses and city effects.
禁用促销活动的单位效果现在可以通过加成和城市效果来分配。 - Disabled implicit subject conversion for DiplomacySubjects bonuses.
禁用了 DiplomacySubjects 奖励的隐式主题转换。 - Turn Lock function removed.
删除了 Turn Lock 功能。
UI 用户界面
- Character tooltips no longer display trait effects.
角色工具提示不再显示特性效果。 - All attacks are now listed under Units Attacked notifications (kills were previously omitted).
所有攻击现在都列在 Units Attacked 通知下(之前省略了杀戮)。 - Free promotions are now indicated in the city production list and unit type tooltip.
免费促销现在会显示在城市生产列表和单位类型的工具提示中。 - "Death of Governor" decisions now auto-invalidate if the city can no longer have a governor.
如果该市不能再有州长,“州长之死”的决定现在会自动失效。 - Defeat status is displayed when the active player is eliminated in multiplayer, even if the game continues.
在多人游戏中,当活跃玩家被消灭时,即使游戏继续进行,也会显示失败状态。 - Event browser story previews improved.
改进了事件浏览器故事预览。 - Law strategy notes updated.
更新了法律策略说明。 - Added a minimize toggle to the player goals/ambitions display.
为玩家的目标/抱负显示添加了最小化切换。 - Red/green warning text for negative yields is inverted in some cases.
在某些情况下,负收益率的红色/绿色警告文本会颠倒。 - User-assigned hotkeys now offer more flexibility and can conflict with previously reserved keys.
用户分配的热键现在提供了更大的灵活性,并且可能与以前保留的键冲突。 - Crowning ambitions are now marked with the legitimacy crown icon.
至高无上的雄心壮志现在用合法性皇冠图标标记。 - Missing keyboard shortcuts added to button help.
在按钮帮助中添加了缺少的键盘快捷键。 - Improved Choose Governor tooltip.
改进了 Choose Governor 工具提示。 - Pillaged permanent improvements now display a pillaged icon.
掠夺的永久改进现在会显示一个掠夺的图标。 - Encyclopedia updated with various improvements.
Bugs Fixed 错误修复
- Fixed invalid moves adding undo points.
修复了添加撤消点的无效动作。 - Fixed some events failing to appear with the Ruthless AI setting enabled.
修复了在启用 Ruthless AI 设置后某些事件无法显示的问题。 - Fixed player connection state UI for single-player network games.
修复了单人网络游戏的玩家连接状态 UI。 - Fixed Thracians in Learn to Play 4 being visible before they should be.
修复了 Learn to Play 4 中的色雷斯人在应该看到之前可见的问题。 - Fixed server games preventing eliminated players from rejoining one last time to see the outcome, and to save the game locally as a loss.
修复了服务器游戏阻止被淘汰的玩家最后一次重新加入以查看结果,并将游戏保存为本地失败的问题。 - Fixed bug where the client could be in a different language than the active player.
修复了客户端可能使用与活动玩家不同的语言的 bug。 - Fixed Hall of Fame bug where regenerating replaced scenario-specific text with generic text for nation, leader names, and difficulty.
修复了名人堂错误,该错误导致重新生成将特定场景的文本替换为国家、领袖名称和难度的通用文本。 - Fixed Hall of Fame difficulty sorting.
修复了名人堂的难度排序问题。 - Fixed network messages being sent out of order.
修复了网络消息发送顺序混乱的问题。 - Fixed achievement text referencing Kushite Cavalry instead of Mounted Lancers.
修复了成就文本引用库什特骑兵而不是骑枪骑兵的问题。 - Fixed "Ten Crowns" achievement incorrectly counting regents twice.
修复了“十冠”成就错误地计算两次摄政王的问题。 - Fixed improvement pings not appearing when law requirements were unmet.
修复了未满足法律要求时不显示改进 ping 的问题。 - Fixed vegetation help text to correctly state a ranged attack penalty.
修复了植被帮助文本以正确说明远程攻击惩罚的问题。 - Fixed possible array out-of-range error for bad event links.
修复了错误事件链接可能出现的数组超出范围错误。 - Fixed bug preventing some Crowning Ambitions from appearing.
修复了阻止某些 Crowning Ambitions 出现的错误。 - Fixed bug allowing ambitions to appear in events with random selections that should only appear in specific events.
修复了允许雄心壮志出现在随机选择的事件中的错误,这些事件应该只出现在特定事件中。 - Fixed cycle button position not updating shortcut keys and not being saved.
修复了循环按钮位置不更新快捷键且未保存的问题。 - Fixed road pathfinding issues.
修复了道路寻路问题。 - Fixed player start location bug in the desert map script and made start location picking more robust.
修复了沙漠地图脚本中玩家开始位置的错误,并使开始位置选择更加强大。 - Fixed illegal urban tiles placed in mirror maps.
修复了放置在镜像地图中的非法城市图格。 - Fixed character ratings appearing with a divider in some cases.
修复了在某些情况下显示带有分隔线的角色评级的问题。 - Fixed research popup closing after using Redraw.
修复了使用 Redraw 后研究弹出窗口关闭的问题。 - Fixed null reference in the encyclopedia.
修复了百科全书中的空引用。 - Fixed duplicate Hall of Fame entries when reloading a completed cloud game.
修复了重新加载已完成的云游戏时重复的名人堂条目。 - Fixed character suffix bug where rulers incorrectly received the "II" suffix if a parent had the same name but never ruled.
修复了字符后缀错误,该错误会导致父级具有相同的名称但从未被裁定,则标尺会错误地接收“II”后缀。 - Fixed incorrect suffix on Ptolemy II.
修复了托勒密二世的错误后缀。 - Fixed an event system bug that could very rarely deem valid subjects invalid.
修复了一个事件系统错误,该错误很少会认为有效主题无效。 - Fixed tooltip expansion when hotkeys were changed.
修复了更改热键时的工具提示扩展。 - Fixed order yield rates not updating when starting or finishing construction.
修复了开始或完成建造时订单收益率不更新的问题。 - Fixed broken Civ Fanatics forum link on the main menu.
修复了主菜单上损坏的 Civ Fanatics 论坛链接。 - Fixed AI movement null reference.
修复了 AI 移动 null 引用。 - Fixed several Portrait Editor bugs.
修复了几个 Portrait Editor 错误。 - Fixed load/save bug for mods that give bonus EffectUnits.
修复了提供额外 EffectUnits 的 Mod 的加载/保存错误。 - Fixed duplicated Hittite portrait.
修复了重复的赫梯肖像。 - Fixed errors when loading saves with deprecated promotions.
修复了加载包含已弃用促销的保存时的错误。 - Fixed incorrect memory display when giving a conquered city to a family.
修复了将征服的城市交给家庭时内存显示不正确的问题。 - Fixed opinion and legitimacy bonus from founding a family seat being applied more than once in some cases.
修复了在某些情况下,建立家庭席位的意见和合法性加成被多次应用。 - Fixed enlist effect not being cleared after use.
修复了使用后未清除 enlist 效果的问题。 - Fixed cases where opinion and legitimacy for founding a family seat could be applied multiple times for the same family.
修复了建立家庭席位的意见和合法性可以多次应用于同一家庭的情况。 - Fixed spymaster context menus sometimes not appearing.
修复了 spymaster 上下文菜单有时不出现的问题。 - Fixed agent missions and network menus appearing for foreign spymasters.
修复了外国间谍大师出现的特工任务和网络菜单。 - Fixed formatting of tile and city tooltips.
修复了图块和城市工具提示的格式。 - Fixed improvements from inactive DLC showing up in build menus.
修复了生成菜单中显示的非活动 DLC 的改进。 - Fixed invalid improvements sometimes appearing under the Valid Improvements filter.
修复了有时出现在 Valid Improvements 过滤器下的无效改进。 - Fixed goals display spacing.
固定目标显示间距。 - Fixed AI modified collection exception.
修复了 AI 修改的集合异常。 - Fixed event audio issues.
修复了活动音频问题。 - Fixed trait loss triggering unrelated events.
修复了 trait 丢失触发不相关事件的问题。 - Fixed tribal invasions getting stuck
修复了部落入侵卡住的问题 - Fixed Rise of Carthage Scenario 2 goals sometimes not being offered.
修复了迦太基崛起场景 2 有时不提供的目标。 - Fixed olive-counting goals in Rise of Carthage Scenarios 2 and 3.
修复了迦太基崛起场景 2 和 3 中的橄榄计数目标。 - Fixed Rise of Carthage starting heirs not being Royal and therefore not being tutorable.
修复了迦太基崛起的起始继承人不是皇家继承人,因此不可辅导的问题。 - Fixed Macedonia not receiving family promotions on starting units in Heroes of the Aegean Scenario 6.
修复了马其顿在爱琴海英雄场景 6 的初始单位上无法获得家庭升级的问题。 - Fixed a bug in Heroes of the Aegean Scenario 6.
修复了爱琴海英雄场景 6 中的一个错误。 - Fixed Pharaohs of the Nile Scenario 2 event triggering multiple times.
修复了尼罗河法老情景 2 事件多次触发的问题。 - Fixed Grand Vizier traits not affecting the cities where they are acting as governor (Behind the Throne).
修复了大维齐尔特性不会影响他们担任总督的城市(王座背后)的问题。 - Fixed some UI instances where the acting governor was treated as the actual governor (Behind the Throne).
修复了一些 UI 实例中代理总督被视为实际总督的问题(Behind the Throne)。 - Fixed unit widgets failing to display icons and shapes not included in their respective default sprite atlases (affects mods).
修复了单位小部件无法显示未包含在其各自默认外观图集中的图标和形状的问题(影响 Mod)。 - Fixed Generals not being removed when upgrading a unit to a type that cannot have one (affects mods).
修复了将军升级为不能拥有将军的类型时没有移除将军的问题(影响 Mod)。 - Various text and event fixes.
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想了解《旧世界 - 爱琴海英雄》以及更多 Hooded Horse 策略类游戏信息与福利,加入官方QQ群:421518132 或关注 bilibili 官方账号 @HoodedHorse。
在《旧世界 - 爱琴海英雄》中,你将控制古希腊最伟大的领袖与战士,在横跨 200 多年的历史情境中扮演列奥尼达及其 300 斯巴达勇士,带领雅典夺得马拉松战役的胜利,保卫希腊免受波斯铁蹄的践踏;你还将扮演亚历山大大帝,征服古希腊世界。
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- 抵御第一次波斯入侵:带领雅典对抗大流士一世的波斯军队,再现著名的历史事件,例如斐里庇得斯奔赴斯巴达和关键的马拉松战役。
- 在不断变化的情境中保卫希腊,你的表现至关重要:在塞莫皮莱战役中扮演列奥尼达,尽可能地抵挡薛西斯的军队,在萨拉米斯战役中与波斯海军交战,并在最后的普拉塔亚战役中击溃入侵者。
- 马其顿征服希腊:以腓力二世的身份对抗强敌,为生存而战,将马其顿从一个敌人环伺的弱小王国变成征服整个希腊的统治者。
- RPG 风格的尔虞我诈:扮演腓力的遗孀奥林匹娅斯王后,在国王被刺杀后,是她维系了帝国的稳定,并引导年轻的亚历山大大帝击败对手,独掌大权成为领袖。
- 征服古代世界:扮演亚历山大大帝,投身从推罗和加沙之战到波斯门之战的一系列战役,扩大马其顿王国的版图。
- 继业者之战:选择扮演亚历山大大帝的一名将军,克服帝王死后的混乱建立一个帝国,与从前的盟友争夺马其顿王国的残余部分。
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想了解《旧世界》以及更多 Hooded Horse 策略类游戏信息与福利,加入官方QQ群:421518132 或关注 bilibili 官方账号 @HoodedHorse。
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- 每个文明中,都有除了玩家自己的家族之外的四个贵族家族,每个贵族家族能为自己管辖的城市提供不同的资源。
- 玩家要平衡不同贵族家族的需求和力量,通过联姻、分封、赏赐等方式来既满足他们、又让他们互相制衡。如果有家族对统治者积怨已久,或者一家独大,叛乱就有可能爆发。
- 玩家可以选择让统治者做个忠贞的好男人或好女人,也可以选择与多角色发展暧昧关系。
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- 大召天下才俊,招募著名的将领、哲人、工程师等等。玩家可以让他们辅导统治者的孩子,带领王朝的军队,或者担任朝中大臣。
- 《旧世界》中的每个人物都有自己的“人格原型”。游戏中共有十种人格原型,包括勇者、谋士、法官、学者、辩士、将帅等等。玩家需要根据人物的个性和特质,把他们安排到最适合的位置。
- 角色随着时间的推移会发展出新的个性和特质、增长资历、获得经验,直到生病去世,被下一代取代。
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- 地图上散落着历史遗迹。在那些历史遗迹中,玩家可以发现过去的文物和伟大的英雄。
- 《旧世界》中有超过3000个独特的事件。这些事件与游戏叙事相结合,并基于真实古代文化的历史记述和神话传说。
- 玩家与外国政要的互动可以触发事件。这些事件会成为角色记忆的一部分、影响人物之间的关系,并与之后的事件紧密相关,构成事件链,为玩家提供叙事体验。
- 玩家将在游戏中选择“抱负”,并以实现抱负为目标。抱负可涵盖国策、战争、宗教等方方面面,而一位统治者未实现的抱负将在他(她)死后成为下一位统治者继承的“遗志”。
- 玩家可以选择开发团队手工制作的地图,也可以选择随机生成的地图。 另外,《旧世界》将提供受历史启发的场景和每周挑战(比如,以汉尼拔的身份,带领迦太基在布匿战争中打败罗马)。玩家可以互相竞争,看谁最先赢得挑战。
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- 《旧世界》中的资源比传统4X游戏更加真实和具体。比如,建筑是用木头、铁和石头建造的,而不是用“工业”。又比如,人口的增长不仅仅靠“食物”,也要靠良好的市政条件。
- “指令池”是跨领域共享的资源。每个回合指令池里有一定总数的指令,玩家可以自行分配指令的使用。指令的使用范围包括单位的移动,也包括内政外交的决策。每个单位可以多次移动,直到疲劳或指令耗尽。 这样,虽然单位每回合的行动还是有上限,但上限值要比传统4X游戏高不少。
- 发展科技不再仅仅是爬科技树。科技进步的方向不是预先确定的,而是玩家必须在随机抽取的几张牌中选择一种科技进行开发。未选择的牌将被丢弃,直到重新洗牌后再次出现。 随机化有助于保持技术树的新鲜感,提高游戏的耐玩性。
- 《旧世界》中加入了很多人性化的细节,比如撤销误操作的按钮和嵌套提示浮窗的选项。
- 在无数的多人游戏模式中与朋友一起玩——从hotseat到异步,再到云游戏。
- 游戏原声带荣获格莱美提名,将阿拉伯音乐与当代元素完美融合,为您带来无与伦比的听觉享受。
- 基于现实或者幻想世界的Mods进一步为新的世界、帝国和王朝开辟了无限的选择。
- 操作系统: Windows® 10 (64-bit)
- 处理器: Intel® Core™ i5-8600K (hexa-core) / AMD® Ryzen™ 7 1700X (octa-core)
- 内存: 16 GB RAM
- 显卡: NVIDIA® GeForce® GTX 1060 (6 GB) / AMD® Radeon™ R9 390X (8 GB)
- DirectX 版本: 12
- 存储空间: 需要 10 GB 可用空间