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要塞:决定版 Stronghold Definitive Edition v1.33 -飞星(官中)



  • 2025年1月23日:v1.03v1.33


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全新“Valley of the Wolf”DLC 战役 + 免费 New Castle Trail + v1.31 热修复

Today we released both version v1.3 of Stronghold: Definitive Edition and our second DLC campaign, "Valley of the Wolf". Now available at 10% off during launch week, Stronghold: Definitive Edition's second DLC adds seven new missions concluding the story of your attempts to rescue the Jewel, this time from the legendary Wolf.
今天,我们发布了 Stronghold: Definitive Edition 的 v1.3 版本和我们的第二个 DLC 活动“Valley of the Wolf”。现在,《要塞:决定版》的第二个 DLC 在发布周以 10% 的折扣提供,增加了七个新任务,结束了你试图从传奇狼手中拯救宝石的故事。

  • A New Story - Rescue the Jewel in this new campaign featuring the greatest foe in the Stronghold series, the villainous Wolf!
    新故事 - 在这个以要塞系列中最大的敌人——邪恶的狼为主角的新战役中拯救宝石!
  • 7 Epic Missions - Prove yourself as a Stronghold veteran and strategist, with some of our most challenging military scenarios yet.
    7 个史诗般的任务 - 证明自己是要塞老兵和战略家,体验我们迄今为止最具挑战性的军事场景。
  • Fresh Gameplay - Tackle each mission with 20 years of Stronghold experience and unique spins on traditional series gameplay.
    新鲜的游戏玩法 - 凭借 20 年的要塞经验和对传统系列游戏玩法的独特旋转来完成每个任务。

Version Number: v1.31 (hotfix)
Date: 13 May 2024  日期:2024 年 5 月 13 日
Update Size: 20.5 MB  更新大小: 20.5 MB


  • Fixed a Victory screen that includes The Jewel at the end of ‘Knocking on the Door’
    修复了在“Knocking on the Door”结尾包含 The Jewel 的胜利屏幕


  • Fixed an issue where corrupted save or map files would stop the game from loading.
  • Fixed an issue where more foods or weapons could not be bought despite there being space in the granary/armory.
  • Fixed an issue where invasions of certain sizes and make-ups would not attack as expected, fixing The Eagle’s Nest (Valley of the Wolf) on Hard/Very Hard difficulties.
  • Fixed incorrect images in the epilogues for ‘Knocking on the Door’ and ‘A Castle for the Ages’.
    修复了“Knocking on the Door”和“A Castle for the Ages”的尾声中的错误图像。
  • Fixed a missing victory screen that includes The Jewel at the end of ‘Knocking on the Door’.
    修复了一个缺失的胜利屏幕,其中包括“Knocking on the Door”结尾的 The Jewel。
  • Fixed a bug that caused the text in Valley of the Wolf to appear in incorrect locations (Russian only).
    修复了导致 Valley of the Wolf 中的文本显示在错误位置的错误(仅限俄语)。

Version Number: v1.3  版本号:v1.3
Date: 30 April 2024  日期:2024 年 4 月 30 日
Update Size: 76.5 MB  更新大小: 76.5 MB


  • Added a second castle trail, ‘The Noble Trail’
    添加了第二条城堡小径“The Noble Trail”
    - Battle across Europe, attacking and defending 10 of the most historic castles of Poland, Spain, Hungary, Italy, Germany and France.
    - 在欧洲各地战斗,攻击和保卫波兰、西班牙、匈牙利、意大利、德国和法国最具历史意义的 10 座城堡。
  • Added new siege castles  添加了新的攻城城堡
    - Castillo de Coca, Fougères, Biskupin, Malbork, Diósgyőr, Fénis, Niedzica (Dunajec), Ogrodzieniec
    - Castillo de Coca, Fougères, Biskupin, Malbork, Diósgyőr, Fénis, Niedzica (Dunajec), Ogrodzieniec
  • Added new maps  添加了新地图
    - Sleeping Volcano, Freebuild, 400x400 - An extensive map with a peaceful coastline, a plentiful forest and a sleeping volcano encircling a picturesque inner lake.
    - 沉睡的火山,Freebuild,400x400 - 一张广阔的地图,拥有宁静的海岸线、茂密的森林和环绕风景如画的内湖的沉睡火山。
    - 4 Rivers, Multiplayer, 400x400 - Each realm is separated by rivers with limited crossing opportunities. The stone and iron rich mountains double up as useful defensive positions.
    - 4 条河流,多人游戏,400x400 - 每个领域都由河流隔开,穿越机会有限。富含石头和铁的山脉兼作有用的防御阵地。
    - Three's a Crowd, Multiplayer, 400x400 - A three player map where fickle alliances and treachery thrive.
    - Three's a Crowd,多人游戏,400x400 - 一张三人地图,善变的联盟和背叛在这里蓬勃发展。
    Downstream, Multiplayer, 400x400 - As the river flows through the middle of the landscape, which lord will secure their victory?
    下游, 多人游戏, 400x400 - 当河流流经景观中央时,哪个领主将确保他们的胜利?
    - Forlorn Hope, MP (King of the Hill), 400x400 - A four player map where feuding lords will have to risk much for great reward.
    - Forlorn Hope,MP(山丘之王),400x400 - 一张四人地图,不和的领主将不得不冒很大的风险才能获得丰厚的回报。


  • Fixed issues where very large invasions on custom maps would crash.
  • Fixed engineer availability on all Swine’s Bay missions.
  • Fixed an exploit where players could create duplicate engineers by grouping.
  • Fixed an issue where armies on custom maps would disappear.
  • Fixed missing audio from Tanner Workshop video.
    修复了 Tanner Workshop 视频中缺少的音频。
  • Fixed autotrade settings in Multiplayer saves.
  • Fixed gold showing minus figures in objectives if they acquire too much gold.
  • Fixed ‘Time Until Victory’ progress bar not filling correctly in certain scenarios.
    修复了 'Time Until Victory' 进度条在某些情况下无法正确填充的问题。
  • Fixed the Host not seeing chat messages in multiplayer lobbies after maps are retrieved.
  • Fixed it so that Siege Mode can no longer be started with no AI Troops ending in Victory.
    修复了围攻模式无法再在没有 AI 部队以胜利结束的情况下开始的问题。
  • Removed incorrect Ox Tether on ‘Taunting the Hog’.
    移除了 'Taunting the Hog' 中不正确的牛系绳。
  • Fixed various issues with tree life cycles, especially on maps with large numbers of trees.
  • Fixed broken wall in ‘A Timely Arrival’.
    修复了“A Timely Arrival”中的破墙。
  • Fixed objective setup for capturing the keep in ‘A Timely Arrival’.
    修复了在 'A Timely Arrival' 中捕获要塞的目标设置。
  • Fixed an issue where invasions would attack in waves rather than all at once.
  • Fixed battering rams without full engineers being unattackable.
  • Fixed inconsistent trade goods positioning.
  • Fixed an issue where quarry storage pallets could end up in unpathable locations.
  • Full proofread and re-translation of Ukrainian text by SBT Localization. Thanks to Dmytro for flagging the issue and suggesting SBT.
    由 SBT Localization 对乌克兰语文本进行全面校对和重新翻译。 感谢 Dmytro 标记问题并建议使用 SBT。
  • Lots of fixes to the Korean text courtesy of Gripen (Jeonggi Song). Thanks for your amazing help!
    对韩文文本进行了大量修复,由 Gripen (Jeonggi Song) 提供。 感谢您的出色帮助!
  • Proofread and standardisation of key terms in Hungarian. Thanks to Tamás Kondi for highlighting the issue.
    匈牙利语关键术语的校对和标准化。 感谢 Tamás Kondi 强调此问题。
  • Various other text fixes in all languages.


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该游戏集经典即时战略和城市建造玩法于一体,并对画面进行了重新制作,同时响应玩家社区的要求推出了各种全新功能,游戏音乐则由系列大师Robert L. Euvino重新制作。您可以收集各种资源,建造宏伟的城堡,保护您的臣民,管理获得的黄金,也可以组建军队,发动全面战争!

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要塞:决定版》以其20年经典传承为基础,囊括两大经典战役、26项任务,以及由Firefly Studios创始人Simon Bradbury和Eric Ouellette共同设计的全新叙事战役形式的单人游戏。


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  • 全新视觉效果:由原班人马对动画、画面纹理及灯光效果进行重制和优化,带来全新视觉体验。
  • 复刻经典反派:挑战14个全新战役,打败邪恶的德皮斯(鼠)比尔加德(蛇)。
  • 老友对战:全面支持Steam多人游戏,增设全新作战地图,让您与好友在线酣畅对战!
  • 再现昔日荣光:踏上全新的“城堡之路”冒险旅程,体验10种充满挑战的围攻场景和著名历史堡垒的迷人风光。
  • 沉浸其中:享受重新制作的原声音乐,以及由原班配音演员倾情奉上的全新语音。
  • 创作、分享和畅享:支持Steam创意工坊,可让您随心创作、分享和畅享全新要塞社区内容。
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  • 需要 64 位处理器和操作系统
  • 操作系统 *: Windows 7/8/10/11 64 Bit
  • 处理器: Intel® Core™ i3-3220 or equivalent
  • 内存: 6 GB RAM
  • 显卡: Graphics Card with 2GB VRAM (for 1080p) or 3GB VRAM (for 1440p) or 4GB VRAM (for 4k)
  • DirectX 版本: 11
  • 网络: 宽带互联网连接
  • 存储空间: 需要 4 GB 可用空间

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