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图片[1]-学习版 | 糯米团子历代记/格诺普的辩解 (THE) GNORP APOLOGUE v2024.07.01 -飞星(官中)-飞星免费游戏仓库

糯米团子历代记/格诺普的辩解 (THE) GNORP APOLOGUE v2024.07.01 -飞星(官中)



图片[2]-学习版 | 糯米团子历代记/格诺普的辩解 (THE) GNORP APOLOGUE v2024.07.01 -飞星(官中)-飞星免费游戏仓库
图片[3]-学习版 | 糯米团子历代记/格诺普的辩解 (THE) GNORP APOLOGUE v2024.07.01 -飞星(官中)-飞星免费游戏仓库
图片[4]-学习版 | 糯米团子历代记/格诺普的辩解 (THE) GNORP APOLOGUE v2024.07.01 -飞星(官中)-飞星免费游戏仓库
图片[5]-学习版 | 糯米团子历代记/格诺普的辩解 (THE) GNORP APOLOGUE v2024.07.01 -飞星(官中)-飞星免费游戏仓库



图片[6]-学习版 | 糯米团子历代记/格诺普的辩解 (THE) GNORP APOLOGUE v2024.07.01 -飞星(官中)-飞星免费游戏仓库


图片[7]-学习版 | 糯米团子历代记/格诺普的辩解 (THE) GNORP APOLOGUE v2024.07.01 -飞星(官中)-飞星免费游戏仓库


图片[8]-学习版 | 糯米团子历代记/格诺普的辩解 (THE) GNORP APOLOGUE v2024.07.01 -飞星(官中)-飞星免费游戏仓库

– 所有的糯米团子,各有优缺点
– 升级并增强糯米团子和建筑
– 天赋石,让你获得超强的协连效果
– 状态效果,让你获得的石块产量大幅增加
– 一种特殊的资源,灵能元素,极大幅度增强你的糯米团子

图片[9]-学习版 | 糯米团子历代记/格诺普的辩解 (THE) GNORP APOLOGUE v2024.07.01 -飞星(官中)-飞星免费游戏仓库


图片[10]-学习版 | 糯米团子历代记/格诺普的辩解 (THE) GNORP APOLOGUE v2024.07.01 -飞星(官中)-飞星免费游戏仓库


(the) Gnorp Apologue is a game where you help small beings called gnorps get rich. It is a unique incremental game with interesting upgrades, and visuals to match the numbers.

图片[11]-学习版 | 糯米团子历代记/格诺普的辩解 (THE) GNORP APOLOGUE v2024.07.01 -飞星(官中)-飞星免费游戏仓库

Hit the rock
What is the rock? Irrelevant question — when struck, it outputs shards, and shards are amazing. They allow you to purchase and upgrade gnorps, and build new structures. The gnorps must have them. Hitting the rock is only half the battle, however, as the gnorps must retrieve the shards before they can use them.

图片[12]-学习版 | 糯米团子历代记/格诺普的辩解 (THE) GNORP APOLOGUE v2024.07.01 -飞星(官中)-飞星免费游戏仓库

Acquire and upgrade gnorps
Gnorps represent the heart of the game. They are responsible for both shard generation and collection. Gnorps adapt varying methodologies to reach their goal. Some slam the rock with their heads, others shoot it with arrows and guns. You have gnorps that grow flowers, and gnorps that use psychic powers. They even build rockets and drones. All for a single purpose — the accumulation of shards.

图片[13]-学习版 | 糯米团子历代记/格诺普的辩解 (THE) GNORP APOLOGUE v2024.07.01 -飞星(官中)-飞星免费游戏仓库

A strategic incremental
(the) Gnorp Apologue is about making numbers goes up, but how you do that is up to you. At your disposal:
– All the gnorps, with their varying strengths and weaknesses
– Upgrades that enhance and modify both gnorps structures and gnorps
– The Talent Stone, offering unlocks that allow for extreme, synergetic effects
– Status effects to enhance and modify shard generation
– A special resource, Zybellium, that can greatly enhance your gnorps

图片[14]-学习版 | 糯米团子历代记/格诺普的辩解 (THE) GNORP APOLOGUE v2024.07.01 -飞星(官中)-飞星免费游戏仓库

If you enjoy theorizing about and executing builds in games, this game is for you.

图片[15]-学习版 | 糯米团子历代记/格诺普的辩解 (THE) GNORP APOLOGUE v2024.07.01 -飞星(官中)-飞星免费游戏仓库

Will you help the gnorps?

图片[16]-学习版 | 糯米团子历代记/格诺普的辩解 (THE) GNORP APOLOGUE v2024.07.01 -飞星(官中)-飞星免费游戏仓库


  • 需要 64 位处理器和操作系统
  • 操作系统: Windows 10
  • 处理器: 2.4 GHz Dual Core
  • 内存: 2 GB RAM
  • 显卡: 512MB, OpenGL 3+
  • 存储空间: 需要 150 MB 可用空间

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