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图片[1]-学习版 | 无主之地2 Borderlands 2 v1.0.145 赠修改器 -飞星(繁中)-飞星免费游戏仓库

无主之地2 Borderlands 2 v1.0.145 赠修改器+全职业三周目初始存档 -飞星(繁中)

The Ultimate Vault Hunter’s Upgrade lets you get the most out of the Borderlands 2 experience.



游戏启动路径”Borderlands 2\Binaries\Win32\Borderlands2.exe”


图片[2]-学习版 | 无主之地2 Borderlands 2 v1.0.145 赠修改器 -飞星(繁中)-飞星免费游戏仓库
图片[3]-学习版 | 无主之地2 Borderlands 2 v1.0.145 赠修改器 -飞星(繁中)-飞星免费游戏仓库
图片[4]-学习版 | 无主之地2 Borderlands 2 v1.0.145 赠修改器 -飞星(繁中)-飞星免费游戏仓库
图片[5]-学习版 | 无主之地2 Borderlands 2 v1.0.145 赠修改器 -飞星(繁中)-飞星免费游戏仓库


This title is included in Borderlands Collection: Pandora’s Box!

A new era of shoot and loot is about to begin. Play as one of four new vault hunters facing off against a massive new world of creatures, psychos and the evil mastermind, Handsome Jack. Make new friends, arm them with a bazillion weapons and fight alongside them in 4 player co-op on a relentless quest for revenge and redemption across the undiscovered and unpredictable living planet.
一个新时代的射击和抢劫。 发挥四个新的保管库猎人面对一个巨大的新世界的生物、精神病和策划的邪恶,英俊的Jack. 交新朋友,武装他们与bazillion的武器和战斗和他们一起在4人合作社在不懈地寻求报复和兑换跨未被发现和不可预测的生活的地球。

Key Features: 关键特色:

  • All-New Characters and All-New Classes: Four all new playable classes including the Siren, the Commando, the Gunzerker and the Assassin. Step into the role of the Gunzerker, whose highly deadly skills allow him to dual-wield any two weapons found in the game. Not only that, you will build on that skill to do more things with two guns than you ever imagined possible. Dual machine guns? Cool. Dual rocket launchers? Of course! Dual Sniper Rifles? Sure, if that’s your thing! Want to try other styles? More tactical perhaps? There are multiple classes to choose from!
    全新的角色和所有新的课程: 四个全新的游戏课程,包括警报器、突击队、狂枪手和杀手。 逐步进入角色的狂枪手,他的高度致命技能允许他双挥任何两个武器在游戏中找到。 不仅如此,你将建立在技能要做更多的事情有两个枪比你想象的可能。 双机枪? 凉爽。 双火箭发射器? 当然! 双狙击步枪? 当然,如果这是你的东西! 想试试其它的样式? 更多的战术也许? 有多种类的选择!
  • Dynamic Co-op online, and LAN: Share your adventures with friends both online and via LAN. Borderlands 2 features a seamless system enabling you to drop in and drop out of a campaign without ever having to restart the game. On top of that you can even take your new gear from any game to any other!
    动合作社的网络,以及局域网: 分享你的冒险与朋友网络,并通过局域网。 边疆2拥有一个无缝的系统让你下降和辍学的一个活动,而不必重新启动游戏。 最重要的是,你甚至可以把你的新装备从任何游戏对任何其他!
  • World Connected Story: Find yourself left for dead in the frozen tundra of Pandora as you begin your quest of revenge and redemption. Expose the evil surrounding the Hyperion Corporation and take on the perpetrator of a universe-wide grand deception — the nefarious Hyperion CEO, Handsome Jack. (Oh, also: he’s stolen credit for the opening of the Vault.)
    世界连接的故事: 中找到自己死了在冻土的潘多拉你开始你的任务的复仇和兑换。 让邪恶的周围的海波龙公司和采取肇事者的一个宇宙-广大的欺骗–邪恶的Hyperion首席执行官,英俊的Jack. (哦,也:他是偷来的信用开放的保管库。)
  • 87 Bazillion…Everything: In addition to the new gun system, you will lust after procedurally generated shields, grenades, Relics, class mods and much, much more. And you thought the original Borderlands had a ton of loot!
    87Bazillion…一切: 除了新的火炮系统,你就欲望之后的程序产生的盾牌、手榴弹、文物、类功能,很多很多。 和你以为的原边疆有一吨重的战利品!
  • Brand new environments on Pandora: Hunt through entirely brand new areas of Pandora that are more alive than ever! From the arctic tundra, through the dangerous grasslands, past the mysterious corrosive caverns to beyond, you’ll be surprised by the unpredictable world of Pandora at every turn!
    全新的环境上潘多拉: 狩猎通过完全新的领域中的潘多拉是活着比以往任何时候! 从北极苔原上,通过危险的草原,过去神秘的腐蚀性的洞穴之外,你会感到惊讶的不可预测的世界中的潘多拉在每一个转弯!
  • Brand new enemies: A whole slew of new enemies are out there to kill you in Borderlands 2. Hulking, gorilla-like Bullymongs, vicious predatory Stalkers and the Hyperion mechanical army, run by Handsome Jack, are just some of the new enemies in Borderlands 2.
    全新的敌人: 整个系列的新的敌人出去杀了你在边疆2. 笨重的,大猩猩-喜欢Bullymongs,凶狠的掠夺性的潜行者和Hyperion机械式军队,由英俊杰克只是一些新的敌人在边境2.

Note: The Mac and Linux versions of Borderlands 2 are available in English, French, Italian, German and Spanish only.


  • OS *: Windows XP SP3/Vista/Win 7
  • Processor: 2.3 GHz Quad Core processor
  • Memory: 2 GB
  • Hard Disk Space: 20 GB free
  • Video Memory: 512MB
  • Video Card: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 560 / ATI Radeon HD 5850
  • Sound: DirectX 9.0c Compatible
  • Other Requirements:Initial installation requires one-time internet connection for Steam authentication; software installations required (included with the game) include Steam Client, DirectX 9, Microsoft .NET 4 Framework, Visual C++ Redistributable 2005, Visual C++ Redistributable 2008, Visual C++ Redistributable 2010, and AMD CPU Drivers (XP Only/AMD Only)
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