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图片[1]-学习版 | 辐射:伦敦 Fallout: London v2.31.r2 -飞星(官中)-飞星免费游戏仓库

辐射:伦敦 Fallout: London v2.31.r2 -飞星(官中)

We are very grateful for the amazing attention Fallout London is receiving and want to thank you all for the great feedback! We’re working hard to fix the reported technical issues and expect to release an update soon. Thank you for your patience and support!

Many of the reported issues appear to stem from missing one of the installation steps outlined below. While we work on improving the installation experience, please ensure you follow all the steps carefully.

– Team FOLON®

Fallout London is a total conversion mod made by Team FOLON® for Fallout 4 GOTY and requires you to own the base game on either GOG or Steam.







图片[2]-学习版 | 辐射:伦敦 Fallout: London v2.31.r2 -飞星(官中)-飞星免费游戏仓库
图片[3]-学习版 | 辐射:伦敦 Fallout: London v2.31.r2 -飞星(官中)-飞星免费游戏仓库
图片[4]-学习版 | 辐射:伦敦 Fallout: London v2.31.r2 -飞星(官中)-飞星免费游戏仓库
图片[5]-学习版 | 辐射:伦敦 Fallout: London v2.31.r2 -飞星(官中)-飞星免费游戏仓库
图片[6]-学习版 | 辐射:伦敦 Fallout: London v2.31.r2 -飞星(官中)-飞星免费游戏仓库
图片[7]-学习版 | 辐射:伦敦 Fallout: London v2.31.r2 -飞星(官中)-飞星免费游戏仓库


A Polite Disclaimer 一个礼貌的免责声明

In typical imperial British fashion, Fallout: London will take over your Fallout 4 installation. Installing Fallout: London will make irreversible changes to the default Fallout 4: GOTY Edition installation. You’ll also need to disable cloud saves (as the save folder is shared between the game and the mod). If you’d like to play the default Fallout 4: GOTY Edition again, you’ll need to uninstall the game and the mod, and then reinstall Fallout 4: GOTY Edition.
在典型的英国皇时尚, 辐射:伦敦会采取你的辐射4安装。 安装辐射:伦敦 将让不可逆转的变化 到默认的辐射4:GOTY版安装。 你还需要 禁止云的存的 (作为保存文件夹之间共享的游戏和mod)。 如果你想玩默认的辐射4:GOTY版了,你会需要的卸载该游戏和国防部,并重新安装辐射4:GO

Summary 摘要

Fallout: London lets you explore a dishevelled London set in the Fallout universe. It overhauls Fallout 4 with a new story, new weapons, London-centric items and a vast recreation of the ruined city to explore.
辐射:伦敦允许你探讨一个披头散发设在伦敦的影响的宇宙。 它修辐射4一个新的故事新的武器,伦敦为中心的项目和一个庞大的休闲娱乐的被破坏的城市探索。

Fallout: London is a free total conversion mod for Fallout 4, available to anyone who owns the base game and all of its DLCs. It is developed non-commercially by Team FOLON, many of whom are proud London residents or expats. 
辐射:伦敦是一个免费的总转换国防部的辐射4,提供给任何人拥有的基础游戏和所有其Dlc. 它是发展非商业上的团队弗伦,许多人都是骄傲的伦敦的居民或外籍人士。

About This Game 关于这个游戏

There has never been a better time to sample the capital’s delights! Fallout: London lets you explore the wonders of the city 160 years after the bombs have dropped, and 40 years before the events of Fallout 3. You can now reimagine Fallout in a London-centric universe, interacting with a brave new world of London-based locations, stories, factions, creatures, weapons, and gameplay mechanics.
从未有过一个更好的时候的样品的资本的美食! 辐射:伦敦允许你探索奇迹的城市160多年之后的炸弹已经下降,40年前发生的事件的后果3. 你现在可以重新构想后果在伦敦为中心的宇宙,相互作用的一个勇敢的新世界伦敦基地,故事、派别、生物、武器和游戏机制。

Features 功能

Protect and Survive! 保护和生存!

The Gentry-dominated London stands on a knife-edge, and you may be the key to which way the guillotine falls. Play a new story set in London with a fresh character beginning, numerous conflicting factions to engage with and multiple story paths and endings with up to 90 hours of gameplay. Just be aware of what terrible secrets you may uncover in the shadowy gaps amidst the halls of power.
绅主导的伦敦代表在刀边缘,你可以的关键方向断头台下降。 玩一个新故事,设在伦敦的一个新角色开始,许多相互冲突的派别参与和多故事路径和结局达90小时的游戏。 只是知道什么可怕的秘密你可以揭开在阴暗的差距之大厅的力量。

  • 200 Quests to change London’s future
  • 20 Factions bickering for power
  • 7 Companions to bring along on your journey
  • 15 Boroughs crafted from the ground up, bringing you a new warped and broken London
  • Extended Dialogue System to bring player-choices to the table, carve your own story!
  • Overhauled Original Soundtrack to bring personality to each nook and cranny
  • Original Voice Acting from all major characters, gangs, and factions

Authentic London Flair! 真实的伦敦的天赋!

Discover new weapons, creatures, clothing, items, collectables, architecture, foliage and NPCs to complete the London setting. Interact through the world with your custom Atta-boy, with a fresh interface based on the UK’s life-saving Protect and Survive nuclear information campaign.
发现新的武器、生物、衣物、物品、收藏品、建筑、树叶和国家筹备委员会完成伦敦的设置。 通过世界各地的定义Atta-男孩,一个新的接口基于英国的救生保护和生存的核宣传运动。

  • Build back better with 7 unique settlements
  • New craftable items with a plethora of new weapons
  • Dynamic new animations to bring life


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