![图片[1]-免费下载| 魔域帝国:禅版 Battle Realms Zen Edition Build.16919443 -飞星(英文)-飞星免费游戏仓库](https://shared.cdn.queniuqe.com/store_item_assets/steam/apps/1025600/header.jpg?t=1736442585)
魔域帝国:禅版 Battle Realms Zen Edition Build.16919443 -飞星(英文)
Return of the Classic, now remastered! Battle Realms is a fantasy RTS inspired by the stories told in martial- arts movies and oriental mythology. Develop your peasants into a highly trained and deadly efficient clan of warriors who are ready to die with your name on their lips.
经典回归,现在重新录制!战斗领域是一个幻想 RTS,灵感来自武术电影和东方神话中讲述的故事。把你的农民培养成一个训练有素、致命高效的战士家族,他们准备好带着你的名字死去。
![图片[2]-免费下载| 魔域帝国:禅版 Battle Realms Zen Edition Build.16919443 -飞星(英文)-飞星免费游戏仓库](https://shared.cdn.queniuqe.com/store_item_assets/steam/apps/1025600/ss_c7a7c3aad17011ccc1517bdf3e865fa52fe76af5.600x338.jpg?t=1736442585)
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Ed Del Castillo (producer of Command & Conquer) proudly presents the return of his very own masterpiece: Battle Realms.
Ed Del Castillo(《命令与征服》的制作人)自豪地展示了他自己的杰作《Battle Realms》的回归。
Critically acclaimed and enjoyed by fans worldwide, Battle Realms is packed with innovation, deep strategy, and an immersive world filled with meaningful detail. It's a game defined by its setting -- an RTS that combines resource management, unit development, and tactical gameplay with storytelling inspired by the martial arts movies and oriental culture.
Battle Realms 广受好评并受到全球粉丝的喜爱,它充满了创新、深刻的策略和充满有意义细节的身临其境的世界。这是一款由其背景定义的游戏——一款将资源管理、单位开发和战术玩法与受武侠电影和东方文化启发的故事讲述相结合的 RTS。
If you missed it the first time, now is your chance to experience one of the most innovative RTS's in the genre still. Even though the original game came out more than two decades ago, many of its features are yet to be seen in other games. With unique units and many original ideas Battle Realms is a game that no RTS fan can afford to miss.
如果您第一次错过了它,现在是您体验该类型中最具创新性的 RTS 之一的机会。尽管原版游戏在二十多年前问世,但它的许多功能尚未在其他游戏中看到。凭借独特的单位和许多原创的想法,Battle Realms 是一款任何 RTS 粉丝都不能错过的游戏。
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![图片[13]-免费下载| 魔域帝国:禅版 Battle Realms Zen Edition Build.16919443 -飞星(英文)-飞星免费游戏仓库](https://shared.cdn.queniuqe.com/store_item_assets/steam/apps/1025600/extras/Features_tab4.png?t=1736442585)
Zen Edition -- What is different?:
Zen Edition -- 有什么不同?
☯ New & Improved: New rendering, dual-monitor support, updated screen resolutions, online multiplayer, countless QoLs, bugfixes... and more!
☯ 新的和改进的:新的渲染、双显示器支持、更新的屏幕分辨率、在线多人游戏、无数的 QoL、错误修复......以及更多!
☯ Early Access: The game has been relaunched and remains in continuous development yet once again. Help the game flourish by leaving feedback in the community hub. Let's make the game greater together!
☯ 抢先体验:该游戏已重新启动,并再次继续开发。通过在社区中心留下反馈来帮助游戏蓬勃发展。让我们一起让游戏变得更伟大!
☯ Complete: Includes the original Battle Realms and its Winter of the Wolf expansion that focuses on the Wolf clan and serves as a prequel to the original campaign.
☯ 完成:包括最初的 Battle Realms 及其 Winter of the Wolf 扩展包,该扩展包专注于 Wolf 氏族,是原始战役的前传。
Unique Gameplay: 独特的游戏玩法:
☯ Train Your Warriors: Experience one of the most unique troop creation systems in RTS. Peasants train into soldiers, which in turn, can follow multiple training paths like Samurai, Cannoneers, Bandits, Berserkers, and many other mythical warriors.
☯ 训练你的战士:体验 RTS 中最独特的部队创建系统之一。农民训练成士兵,而士兵又可以遵循多种训练路径,如武士、大炮手、土匪、狂战士和许多其他神话战士。
☯ Live or Die by the Land: Seize tactical advantages in a living world teeming with life - birds fly when startled, wolves attack troops, higher ground offers increased power to ranged attacks, and when it rains, fires are put out and crops grow faster.
☯ 生或死在土地上:在充满生机的生机世界中抓住战术优势 - 鸟儿受惊时飞翔,狼攻击部队,高地为远程攻击提供更大的力量,下雨时,大火被扑灭,庄稼生长得更快。
☯ Command the Power of Zen: Your Zen Masters wield fantastic powers in the heat of battle - heroic feats inspire your people, granting almost magical powers and opening up new strategies.
☯ 掌握禅宗的力量:你的 Zen Masters 在激烈的战斗中发挥着神奇的力量 - 英勇的壮举激励着你的人民,赋予几乎神奇的力量并开辟新的策略。
☯ Blood Spilled Is Power Gained: Lead warriors to victory and earn Yin & Yang points to acquire destructive new weapons and magic. The more you do, the more powerful you become.
☯ 鲜血洒落就是获得力量:带领战士取得胜利,赚取阴阳积分以获得破坏性的新武器和魔法。你做的越多,你就会变得越强大。
☯ A War for the Masses: Stage epic battles with up to 8 players. Dozens of multiplayer maps and a deeply customizable PVP skirmish mode.
☯ 大众的战争:与最多 8 名玩家进行史诗般的战斗。数十张多人游戏地图和深度可定制的 PVP 小规模战斗模式。
Immersive Storyline: 身临其境的故事情节:
☯ Battle Realms: Kenji, exiled heir to the Serpent throne, must stake his claim in a chaotic world wracked by the subversive intrigues of the Serpent, Wolf, and Lotus clans. Shall he vanquish the land under a campaign of malevolence and terror or restore the war-torn realm to its former glory? Enter Battle Realms and choose your destiny.
☯ 战斗领域:Kenji 是 Serpent 王位的流放继承人,他必须在一个被 Serpent、Wolf 和 Lotus 氏族的颠覆阴谋所破坏的混乱世界中宣称自己的地位。他应该在一场充满恶意和恐怖的运动中征服这片土地,还是让饱受战争蹂躏的王国恢复昔日的辉煌?进入 Battle Realms 并选择您的命运。
☯ Winter Of The Wolf: Explore the history that led up to the events in Battle Realms. Scattered and unorganized, your enslaved Wolf brethren hunger for revolt against their corrupt Lotus Clan masters. You must unite them. You must lead them. You must free them.
☯ 狼之冬:探索导致 Battle Realms 事件的历史。分散且无组织,你被奴役的狼兄弟渴望反抗他们腐败的莲花氏族主人。你必须把他们团结起来。你必须领导他们。你必须释放他们。
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![图片[14]-免费下载| 魔域帝国:禅版 Battle Realms Zen Edition Build.16919443 -飞星(英文)-飞星免费游戏仓库](https://shared.cdn.queniuqe.com/store_item_assets/steam/apps/1025600/extras/TheFourClans_tab.png?t=1736442585)
![图片[15]-免费下载| 魔域帝国:禅版 Battle Realms Zen Edition Build.16919443 -飞星(英文)-飞星免费游戏仓库](https://shared.cdn.queniuqe.com/store_item_assets/steam/apps/1025600/extras/620x180_TheFourClans.png?t=1736442585)
There are four major clans that comprise the population of Battle Realms Island. Each with unique characteristics, units, cultures and histories, the decision of which is best is up to you. Within the borders of this broken land, three clans maintain an uneasy coexistence, fraught with tension and, at times, slavery and open war.
Battle Realms Island 的人口由四个主要氏族组成。每个都有独特的特点、单位、文化和历史,哪个最好由您决定。在这片破碎的土地上,三个氏族保持着不安的共存,充满了紧张局势,有时还伴随着奴隶制和公开战争。
The Wolf Clan in the northwest, the Lotus Clan high on their northern plateau, and the Serpent Clan in the fertile lowlands. And always, at least in some minds, there is a ghost of a fourth great clan, the lost Dragon Clan, forefathers of the Serpent. Despite their proximity, no three persons could be more different. As yet there is no clear victor in this three-handed struggle; alliances and enmities are unstable, and you never know who or what might be massing on your borders. If you are to survive in this world, you must study your enemies and your friends alike: know their ways, their warriors, and their weaknesses.
☯ Dragon Clan: The Path of Righteousness
☯ 龙族 正道
The ancient Dragon Clan prizes honor above everything else. They are Yang followers with honor as their symbol. Their warriors seek to become one with their weapons. Due to their devotion to honor, the Dragon deity assists them during times of great peril.
☯ Serpent Clan: The Way of the Wicked
☯ Serpent Clan: The Way of the Wicked (蛇族:恶人之路)
A derivative of the Dragon Clan, the Serpent Clan have forgotten their honorable ways and have resorted to thievery and deceit. Serpent clansmen are Yin followers. Unlike their Dragon ancestors, they do not scorn the use of firearms; instead they have learned to employ its use in many of their fighting arts. Even though the Dragon Clan knew how to use gunpowder, it was the Serpent Clan which uncovered its secrets. Stealthy, flexible, and cunning, the Serpent Clan uses a plethora of Battle Gears to disable their opponents and produce an advantage.
作为龙族的衍生物,蛇族忘记了他们的光荣方式,采取了盗窃和欺骗的方式。蛇族人是阴的追随者。与他们的龙祖不同,他们并不轻视枪支的使用;相反,他们已经学会了将它用于他们的许多格斗艺术中。尽管龙族知道如何使用火药,但揭开其秘密的是蛇族。隐蔽、灵活、狡猾的 Serpent Clan 使用大量的 Battle Gear 来瘫痪对手并产生优势。
☯ Wolf Clan: The Spirit of Might
☯ 狼族:力量之魂
The wild Wolf Clan prizes freedom above all else. They are Yang followers with freedom as their symbol. Unlike the other clans, they have no cavalry, nor do they have healers. They feed the horses to their wolves, which accompany them and partake in their battles. Their wounds knit surprisingly fast, even more so with the use of herbs. They know some magic, and much of what they do know is tied to nature. Wolf clansmen are down to earth, hardworking people, and take a delight in nature. They are also known for their use of shale as their armor.
☯ Lotus Clan : The Essence of Darkness
☯ Lotus Clan : 黑暗之本质
The Lotus Clan is the remnant of a Yang Clan of old, but it is now a Yin Clan. Lotus clansmen are Yin followers with corruption as their symbol. They follow the Forbidden Path, which focuses on death and decay. Their religion centralizes around three ancient brothers, now long gone, who tended the Tree of Corruption. The Lotus Clan's strategy is based on their immense understanding of magic, which translates to unit abilities and Battle Gear.
莲花一族是古代杨氏的残余,但现在是阴氏一族。莲花氏族是以腐败为象征的阴追随者。他们遵循的是专注于死亡和腐烂的禁忌之路。他们的宗教集中在三位古老的兄弟周围,他们现在早已不在了,他们照料着腐败之树。Lotus Clan 的策略基于他们对魔法的深刻理解,这转化为单位能力和战斗装备。
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![图片[16]-免费下载| 魔域帝国:禅版 Battle Realms Zen Edition Build.16919443 -飞星(英文)-飞星免费游戏仓库](https://shared.cdn.queniuqe.com/store_item_assets/steam/apps/1025600/extras/History_tab.png?t=1736442585)
![图片[17]-免费下载| 魔域帝国:禅版 Battle Realms Zen Edition Build.16919443 -飞星(英文)-飞星免费游戏仓库](https://shared.cdn.queniuqe.com/store_item_assets/steam/apps/1025600/extras/620x311_TarrantBreakingTheWorld.png?t=1736442585)
Sit by the fire, young nobleman, and help yourself to a goblet of jasmine tea. You are wise to come here. So many warriors before you attempted to unite this realm under their reign. They were brave and strong. They had the noble knowledge of tactics. They knew how to choose the best steel for swords. They had fists that could punch holes through stone walls. They had eyes that could spot a sneaking ninja in the middle of a cloudy night. They had hearts that knew no fear nor remorse. But none of them came to seek advice of an old man living on the mountain. And--one by one--they failed. Their power crumbled, their dreams vanished, and their lives faded. You are wise to come here, young nobleman. But this is only your first step towards the true wisdom and the true power that only comes with balance...
Once upon a time there was a proud empire with many great clans. The Serpent Clan ruled this empire while the other clans like the Lotus and Crane maneuvered for greater control of it. It is said, that in those times a great darkness grew from the shadows and formed sinister creatures of pure night. Like droplets of rain they dotted the land and overwhelmed the one clan after another. Tarrant, the leader of the Serpent clan, was the first to accept the fate of the empire. He fled to the south with the remnants of the Serpent Clan and its prized possession, the Dragon Orb.
Further and further they travelled until he could see the Southern Seas and the end of the land. It was here that he turned and faced the Horde. Summoning all the power of the Dragon Orb, he separated the southern tip of the continent from the rest of the mainland with the awesome power of the orb. Neither it nor he would ever be seen again. The Horde could not cross running water, so Tarrant had saved his people at the cost of his own life and the Orb.
To this protected place came two other Clans, the Lotus and the Wolf. The Lotus Clan, twisted and corrupt managed to cross to safety by means unknown. The Wolf Clan, whose matriarchal Druidesses foresaw the drowning of their lands by tidal wave (a result of Tarrant breaking the world) built massive arks for their people which rode the surge and shipwrecked on the new formed island.
How they came to know one another and fight for their piece of the island is the story of Battle Realms!
他们是如何相互了解并为自己的岛屿而战的,这就是 Battle Realms 的故事!
- 操作系统: Windows 10 or later
- 处理器: Pentium III 750MHz or equivalent
- 内存: 256 MB RAM
- 显卡: DirectX 8 compliant 16MB VRAM 3D AGP accelerated video card
- DirectX 版本: 9.0c
- 存储空间: 需要 1024 MB 可用空间
- 声卡: DirectX 9 compliant sound card
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