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幽暗森林 Gloomwood The HIVE Early Access -飞星(英文)

Trapped in a dark, Victorian city consumed by an ancient curse, you must plan your survival and daring escape using nothing but stealth, an arsenal of eccentric weapons, and your wit in this haunting adventure inspired by the immersive sims and survival horror greats of the late 90s and early 2000s.
被困在一个被古老诅咒吞噬的黑暗维多利亚式城市中,你必须仅依靠潜行、一批古怪的武器以及你的才智来规划生存和大胆逃脱,在这场受到 90 年代末及 21 世纪初的沉浸式模拟游戏和生存恐怖佳作启发的令人胆战心惊的冒险中。


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Gloomwood is a stealth horror FPS that follows your mysterious abduction to a forgotten, twisted Victorian metropolis in the midst of a horrifying transformation. Wield your canesword and take to the shadows as you uncover the accursed mystery hidden within the fog.
Gloomwood 是一款潜行恐怖 FPS,讲述了您被神秘绑架到一个被遗忘、扭曲的维多利亚时代大都市的故事,其中正经历着可怕的转变。挥舞你的手杖剑,在阴影中开隐藏在迷雾中的被诅咒的谜团。

The producers of DUSKAMID EVILULTRAKILL and FAITH bring you a frightening, gothic immersive sim full of haunted streets, dark tunnels and decadent mansions.
DUSKAMID EVIL、ULTRAKILL 和 FAITH 的制作人为您带来了一款令人恐惧的哥特式沉浸式模拟游戏,其中充满了闹鬼的街道、黑暗的隧道和颓废的豪宅。

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  • An intricate, hand-crafted city with freeform exploration - from towering rooftops down to hidden passages, the routes you take and paths you make, are your choice.
    一个错综复杂的手工城市,自由探索 - 从高耸的屋顶到隐藏的通道,您走的路线和走的路,都是您的选择。
  • A detailed stealth and sound system that tracks your light visibility and propagates noise accurately through the world. Tread lightly. Or prepare to get loud.
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  • unique arsenal to meet any situation - a stealthy canesword, six-shot revolver, folding shotgun, hand-placed traps, rope-slinging harpoon rifle and more.
    一个独特的武器库,可以满足任何情况 - 一把隐蔽的手杖剑、六发左轮手枪、折叠霰弹枪、手动放置的陷阱、绳索吊索鱼叉步枪等等。
  • In-depth player interactivity, from leaning to eavesdrop, peeking through door cracks, checking the bullets in your firearms and mantling onto ledges.
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  • A mob of ghastly denizens and monsters with acute senses, like the sharp-clawed Crowmen and the fearsome, cadaver-seeking Corpse Duster.
  • Gloomwood is full of objects to pick up, throw, climb, smash and use to your advantage.
    Gloomwood 到处都是可以捡起、投掷、攀爬、砸碎和利用的物品。
    There is more to this city than you can possibly imagine...


  • 操作系统 *: Windows 7 Or Later
  • 处理器: 2.4 GHz Dual Core Processor Or Higher
  • 内存: 4 GB RAM
  • 显卡: GeForce GTX 660 Or Equivalent
  • DirectX 版本: 9.0
  • 存储空间: 需要 1 GB 可用空间
  • 声卡: A gloomy one
  • 附注事项: Why'd ya spill yer beans?

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