班迪与暗黑重生 Bendy and the Dark Reviva Build.16185805 -飞星(官中)
Bendy and the Dark Revival® is a first-person survival horror game set in the creepiest cartoon studio to ever exist. Discover the truth. Escape the studio. Above all, fear the Ink Demon…and survive.
《班迪与黑暗复兴》是一款第一人称生存恐怖游戏,设定在有史以来最令人毛骨悚然的卡通工作室中。探寻真相。逃离工作室。最重要的是,惧怕墨水恶魔…… 并生存下来。
Play as Audrey as she explores the depths of a curiously creepy animation studio that’s gone completely mad.
Return to a drawn world of nightmares to sneak, fight, and solve your way through its many deep shadows. Collect the powers of the ink and upgrade your weapon to overcome terrifying obstacles and unspeakable monsters.
A twisted rogue's gallery of re-animated abominations await you. They stalk the halls ready to attack and demolish anything in their path. Prepare to face these inky inhabitants on their own dark turf. Above all, beware the Ink Demon.
一个扭曲的流氓画廊里有重新复活的可憎之物等着你。他们潜行在大厅里,准备攻击和摧毁任何挡在他们面前的东西。准备好在他们自己的黑暗草坪上面对这些墨色的居民。最重要的是,要小心 Ink Demon。
The grim story unfolds as you dive in the lost reaches of the past. Discover who you are. Uncover the truth to set yourself free from the stained hell of Joey Drew Studios.
当您潜入过去失落的深渊时,严峻的故事就会展开。发现您是谁。揭开真相,让自己从 Joey Drew Studios 的污点地狱中解脱出来。
- 需要 64 位处理器和操作系统
- 操作系统: Windows 10 (64 bit)
- 内存: 8 GB RAM
- 显卡: 2GB VRAM GeForce GTX 1030, AMD RX 550
- DirectX 版本: 11
- 存储空间: 需要 15 GB 可用空间
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