Stripped of Title is an adult game that follows the story of Bernadette. Forced to pay her Father's debt, she was reduced to poverty. Hunger, irregular work, demanding clients - her life is a nightmare. One day she learns about an ancient treasure, and the following events change her life forever.
Stripped of Title: Backlash is a 3d adventure in the "walking simulator" genre featuring modern graphics, deep story and plenty of adult content.
Stripped of Title: Backlash 是一款“步行模拟器”类型的 3D 冒险游戏,具有现代图形、深刻的故事和丰富的成人内容。
- Plenty of quests with branching dialogues and carefully crafted cutscenes to enhance the story.
大量带有分支对话和精心制作的过场动画的任务来增强故事。 - A wide range of fully animated uncensored sex scenes.
各种完全动画的未经审查的性爱场面。 - Modern 3d graphics powered by Unreal Engine. Using the engine's high-end rendering we are able to make our girls look better then ever!
由 Unreal Engine 提供支持的现代 3D 图形。使用引擎的高端渲染,我们能够让我们的女孩看起来比以往任何时候都更漂亮! - Highly detailed environments featuring several biomes.
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