家园3 Homeworld 3 v1.3 全DLC -飞星(官中)-飞星免费游戏仓库
家园3 Homeworld 3 v1.3 全DLC -飞星(官中)

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发行日期:2024 年 5 月 14 日
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家园3 Homeworld 3 v1.3 全DLC -飞星(官中)

《Homeworld 3》为您提供了一个运筹帷幄、蔚为壮观且绝对独一无二的世界,带您再度领略年度最佳游戏大奖的科幻即时战略系列游戏的魅力。在令人炫目的全 3D 空间中掌控全局,带领舰队作战,并体验浩瀚银河中徐徐展开的荣获大奖的故事剧情。


开发者更新:解读 1.3 更新中最大的改进

Hi everyone, 大家好,


November 21

, we are releasing a mothership-sized update for 

Homeworld 3

 that contains a gargantuan number of improvements, fixes, and some entirely new features. We are grateful for your continued support and patience as we’ve worked to bring you this update!

11 月 21 日,我们将发布《

Homeworld 3》的母舰大小的更新,其中包含大量的改进、修复和一些全新的功能。感谢您一直以来的支持和耐心等待,因为我们一直在努力为您带来此更新!

The full patch notes for Update 1.3 (spoiler alert: they’re big), released alongside this Dev Update, detail every change both big and small. But we’d like to provide our insight into Update 1.3’s biggest and most exciting gameplay improvements and new features. There’s a lot of ground to cover, so we’re going to divide this Dev Update into two major sections:
与本次开发更新一起发布的更新 1.3 的完整补丁说明(剧透警告:它们很大)详细介绍了每一项大大小小的变化。但我们想提供我们对 1.3 更新中最大、最令人兴奋的游戏改进和新功能的见解。有很多内容需要涵盖,因此我们将此开发更新分为两个主要部分:

  • Combat and Balance Overhaul
  • Skirmish & War Games Changes, and Other Improvements

Lastly, at the end of this Dev Update, we will share an announcement about future support for 

Homeworld 3

 and a special farewell message from the development team at Blackbird Interactive.

Homeworld 3 的支持的公告,以及来自 Blackbird Interactive 开发团队的特别告别信息。

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Combat and Balance Overhaul

With Homeworld 3, it was important to us that we evolved the series’ iconic space combat in exciting new directions. Our team has been working continuously to fine-tune that experience based on player feedback. Updates 1.1 and 1.2 introduced a ton of adjustments, but there was still more work to be done to bridge the gap between Homeworld 3’s combat and what you enjoyed about earlier Homeworld titles.
在《Homeworld 3》中,重要的是将该系列的标志性太空战斗发展到令人兴奋的新方向。我们的团队一直在努力,根据玩家的反馈来微调这种体验。更新 1.1 和 1.2 引入了大量调整,但还有更多工作要做,以弥合 Homeworld 3 的战斗与您对早期 Homeworld 游戏的喜爱之间的差距。

To that end, we’re very excited to reveal that Update 1.3 will introduce a near-total overhaul of combat. When we began this effort, our objectives were to:
为此,我们非常高兴地宣布,1.3 更新将对战斗进行近乎全面的改革。当我们开始这项工作时,我们的目标是:

  1. Increase the importance of strategic decision making
  2. Make those decisions more intuitive and relevant to the outcome of battles
  3. Eliminate inconsistencies between how you’d expect units to react to orders and how they were actually behaving
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Creating more strategic depth

In Update 1.3, we’ve completely redone how damage and armor works. 

This is a sweeping overhaul that is complemented by a comprehensive re-balancing of nearly every single unit in the game.

 All of this in service of giving each unit a meaningful niche to fill, with more clearly defined strengths and weaknesses.
在 1.3 版本中,我们完全重做了伤害和护甲的运作方式。


The reworked armor system now groups ships into four varieties, each offering more overall damage mitigation.

  • Light Armor - 10% mitigation
    轻装甲 - 10% 缓解
  • Medium Armor - 20% mitigation
    中型护甲 - 20% 缓解
  • Heavy Armor - 30% mitigation
    重甲 - 30% 缓解
  • Mothership Armor - 50% mitigation
    母舰护甲 - 50% 缓解

What’s more, we’ve reworked how directional damage is applied. 

Now, attacks that strike the aft of a ship grant a much more potent 2.5x multiplier.

 We’ve also removed the bonus multiplier for attacks that strike the side of a ship to better emphasize the advantage gained from clever positioning.

现在,打击船尾的攻击会提供更强大的 2.5 倍乘数。我们还移除了打击船舷的攻击的加成倍数,以更好地强调通过巧妙定位获得的优势。

In order to ensure these balancing changes hit the mark, we’ve been working closely with a group of dedicated playtesters from our community. They’ve been instrumental in helping us tweak each and every unit in the game so they fill more distinct and satisfying niches — far too many changes to cover in this Dev Update. So, today, we’ll share just a few examples.

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Since launch, we’ve heard from many of you that you’d like strike craft to be more survivable and formidable — especially the Hiigaran Bombers. Bombers now have more health, increased speed, a reduced attack cooldown, and increased missile damage and AoE.
自发布以来,我们从你们中的许多人那里听说,您希望打击艇更具生存性和强大性——尤其是 Hiigaran 轰炸机。轰炸机现在拥有更多的生命值、更高的速度、更短的攻击冷却时间以及更高的导弹伤害和 AoE。

What’s more, we’ve shortened the distance before strike craft will turn around to re-engage after making an attack run while also giving them more maneuverability.

 This means all your strike craft will spend much more time actively engaging hostiles.


We’ve also rebalanced ships that we felt were uncharacteristically effective against strike craft to give fighters more of a… fighting (sorry) chance. Hiigaran Torpedo Frigates, for example, are now less accurate against strike craft (and corvettes, too). Capital ships across the board will also be less effective at targeting strikecraft, and some frigates now have reduced rotation speed so they’ll struggle to keep fast-moving fighters in their sights as easily as they once did.
我们还重新平衡了我们认为对攻击艇异常有效的船只,为战斗机提供了更多的......战斗(对不起)机会。例如,Hiigaran 鱼雷护卫舰现在对攻击艇(以及护卫舰)的准确度降低。整体主力舰在瞄准攻击艇方面也将不那么有效,一些护卫舰现在降低了旋转速度,因此它们将难以像以前那样轻松地将快速移动的战斗机保持在他们的视线中。

Be sure to check out the patch notes to see granular details of how we rebalanced each unit.

More intuitive ways to control your fleet

Homeworld has always been a very complex and demanding game. While we’re proud of the work we’ve done with Homeworld 3’s controls, we heard from many of you that there were some very specific pain points that you’d like to see addressed.
Homeworld 一直是一个非常复杂和要求很高的游戏。虽然我们为我们在 Homeworld 3 的控制方面所做的工作感到自豪,但我们从你们中的许多人那里听说,您希望看到一些非常具体的痛点得到解决。

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First, a simple one: 

We’ve added a Reinforce targeted ship ability to all ships — allowing you to seamlessly integrate new ships into existing formations.

 When instructing a unit to reinforce another ship, that unit will adopt the assigned formation, stance, and current target of the ship being reinforced. Do note, that you’ll still need to manually add units to control groups since that is a separate layer of controlling and organizing your fleets.


Somewhat related, another item of community feedback we’ve addressed is that ships will now automatically adopt the stance of the ship that produced them.


let’s talk about bandbox attacking

 — or giving an attack order to a group by dragging a selection box around a group of enemies. In Update 1.3, we’ve implemented an entirely new logic for target selection and prioritization. Instead of a large formation focus-firing on a single ship, units given a bandbox attack command will now seamlessly split into smaller formations and spread fire more intelligently and evenly across the targeted units. Ships will also prioritize targets that they are most effective against. As a basic example, a group of Bombers will now prioritize frigates and capital ships when given a bandbox attack order against a mixed enemy fleet.

我们来谈谈 bandbox 攻击 — 或者通过在一组敌人周围拖动选择框来给一组敌人下达攻击命令。在 Update 1.3 中,我们实现了一个全新的目标选择和优先级排序逻辑。被赋予乐队攻击命令的单位现在可以无缝地分成更小的编队,并更智能、更均匀地将火力分散到目标单位上,而不是集中射击在一艘船上。飞船还将优先考虑它们最有效的目标。举个基本的例子,当接到针对混合敌方舰队的乐队箱攻击命令时,一组轰炸机现在将优先考虑护卫舰和主力舰。

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Reducing inconsistencies in unit behavior

This last pillar of our combat overhaul is a sweeping number of smaller, individual adjustments that — on their own — might seem insignificant. But together, they dramatically improve how units respond to orders and behave in various combat scenarios.

For starters, we have revisited the retaliation range of all units in the game. Retaliation range is a key component of target acquisition and ship combat behavior. Now units will more consistently acquire new targets during combat, more consistently engage encroaching enemies when their stance is set to aggressive, and more consistently defend themselves when their stance is set to neutral.

How ships behave in combat is broadly defined by what we internally call “attack styles.” Think of this like the base personality of a ship — how does it juggle competing priorities like tracking targets, firing, avoiding incoming damage, and so on? In the case of ships like Battle Cruisers and Destroyers, their attack styles were a little too hyperactive. We’ve fine tuned them (among others), so they’ll spend less time maneuvering and more time punching enormous holes in enemy ships.

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We have also made a number of other improvements to ship behavior to make ships feel more responsive to player commands and enable a greater level of tactical control in combat. This isn’t one single change, but rather a lot of edge-case bugs that sometimes resulted in player commands being overruled by various automatic ship behaviors. That is no longer the case, resulting in ships now being more reliable and consistent.

Skirmish, War Games, and Other Meaningful Improvements

Since launch, we’ve been hard at work making Skirmish a more rewarding and meaningful experience for players who love the thrill of fighting one another (or squaring off against computer opponents).
自发布以来,我们一直在努力使 Skirmish 成为一种更有意义和更有意义的体验,让那些喜欢互相战斗(或与电脑对手对战)的玩家感到更加有趣和有意义。

We’ve already spoken about some of these changes, so we’ll focus more on stuff we haven’t revealed. But, just to close the loop, Update 1.3 introduces Hyperspace jumping in Skirmish, allowing you to quickly teleport your fleet around the map at the cost of RUs — just be wary of enemy ships with a Hyperspace Inhibitor as they’ll pull you out of Hyperspace early and into a potential ambush!
我们已经讨论了其中的一些变化,因此我们将更多地关注我们尚未透露的内容。但是,为了结束循环,更新 1.3 在《Skirmish》中引入了超空间跳跃,让您可以以 RU 为代价在地图上快速传送您的舰队——只是要小心带有超空间抑制剂的敌舰,因为它们会提前将您拉出超空间并进入潜在的伏击!

We also previously spoke about some changes that we were making to resourcing to heighten strategic decision making, particularly in Skirmish (do note, that some of these changes also are present in Campaign and War Games). At a glance, these changes include:

  1. Lowering the rate at which resourcing units gather RUs by 10 percent.
    将资源单位收集 RU 的速率降低 10%。
  2. Significantly lowering the default amount of starting RUs in Skirmish
    显著降低 Skirmish 中默认的起始 RU 数量
  3. Doubling the cost of Resource Controllers in Skirmish and Campaign
    将 Skirmish 和 Campaign 中资源控制器的费用翻倍
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For Skirmish, these changes will emphasize the need for smart decision making — especially in the early minutes of a match

 — The classic RTS strategic decision trichotomy: do I invest more resources in developing my economy, building combat units to attack or defend, or in progressing my tech? Do I push heavily in one direction to try and gain an advantage over my enemy in the early, mid, or late game or do I take a more balanced approach?

对于 Skirmish 来说,这些变化将强调做出明智决策的必要性——尤其是在比赛的早期几分钟——经典的 RTS 战略决策三分法:我是投入更多资源来发展我的经济、建立战斗单位来攻击或防御,还是用于发展我的技术?我是向一个方向大力推进以尝试在游戏早期、中期或后期获得对敌人的优势,还是采取更平衡的方法?

Play some Skirmish matches and you’ll quickly notice 

we’ve entirely reworked the tech trees for both Hiigaran and Incarnate factions

. Now, Research functions like a classic tech tree, where ships and abilities are spread across branches that you gradually unlock piece by piece. In addition to the Research Queue added in Update 1.2 (which made it so you can only research one upgrade at a time), you’ll now feel further empowered to make meaningful strategic decisions on how your fleet evolves over the course of a match.

我们已经完全重新设计了 Hiigaran 和 Incarnate 阵营的科技树。现在,研究的功能就像一棵经典的科技树,其中飞船和能力分布在分支上,您可以逐渐一点一点地解锁。除了 1.2 版本中添加的研究队列(一次只能研究一个升级)之外,您现在将更有能力就您的舰队在比赛过程中的演变做出有意义的战略决策。

Your mothership also comes with an apocalyptic new research option: The Fusion Missile.

 This endgame superweapon unleashes hell on a targeted ship and anything unfortunate to be close by, making it a thrilling (and terrifying) ace up the sleeve for endgame fleet battles.


Something else that we haven’t discussed: We’ve reconfigured the Standard and Hard AI difficulties so they’re much more capable of delivering a beating to unprepared players. What’s more, 

we’ve also added AI Personas that change the personality and unit preferences of AI opponents

. These options exist separately from difficulty and bring even more variety to computer matchups. The Sentinel, for example, favors expensive, heavy-hitting ships while the Swarm persona prioritizes cheap, fast ships to overwhelm foes.
还有一点我们没有讨论过:我们重新配置了标准和困难 AI 难度,让它们更有能力击败毫无准备的玩家。此外,

我们还添加了 AI 角色,可以改变 AI 对手的个性和单位偏好。这些选项独立于难度存在,并为计算机对决带来了更多变化。例如,哨兵 (Sentinel) 偏爱昂贵、重击的船只,而 Swarm 角色则优先考虑廉价、快速的船只来压倒敌人。

War Games tech tree revamps and new features

In Update 1.3, all players can enjoy several new features and meaningful updates to War Games aimed at addressing player feedback.
在 1.3 版本中,所有玩家都可以享受 War Games 的多项新功能和有意义的更新,旨在解决玩家的反馈。

First, we’ve added 45 new Artifacts to obtain — including Ultimate Artifacts. These powerful new Artifacts only become available after you’ve collected the associated Pattern Artifact and one of each available Upgrade Artifact. Each one partially cancels out the negative effects of their requisite Artifacts, opening up new possibilities for ever-more powerful ships.
首先,我们添加了 45 个新的神器可供获取——包括终极神器。这些强大的新 Artifact 只有在您收集了关联的 Pattern Artifact 和每个可用的 Upgrade Artifact 中的一个后才能使用。每一个都部分抵消了他们必要的神器的负面影响,为更强大的飞船开辟了新的可能性。

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We’re also injecting some much-desired variety into War Games missions with Interstitials. These new “mini-missions” have a chance to appear between each of the traditional War Games maps and will throw some fun curveballs your way. The Shop, for example, will let you buy Artifacts at a steep price (hopefully you saved up your RUs!), while the Bombing Run interstitial rewards you for destroying enough targets within the allotted time.
我们还通过插页式广告为 War Games 任务注入了一些令人期待的多样性。这些新的“迷你任务”有机会出现在每张传统的战争游戏地图之间,并将向您抛出一些有趣的曲线球。例如,商店将允许您以高价购买神器(希望您存下了 RU!),而 Bombing Run 插页式广告会奖励您在规定的时间内摧毁足够的目标。

Since we’ve rebalanced tech trees everywhere else, we didn’t want War Games’ fleets to feel left out. In particular, we heard from many of you that the Platform, Raider, and Remastered Fleets could use some work so we’ve restructured their tech trees entirely. Across all fleets, however, more ships and ship abilities now require you to first research them. This, in addition to the resourcing changes mentioned above, will inject some more challenge and strategy into the early minutes of War Games matches.
由于我们在其他地方都重新平衡了科技树,我们不希望 War Games 的舰队感觉被冷落了。特别是,我们从你们中的许多人那里听说,Platform、Raider 和 Remastered Fleets 可能需要一些工作,因此我们完全重组了他们的科技树。然而,在所有舰队中,现在有更多的船只和船只技能需要您首先研究它们。除了上面提到的资源变化外,这将为 War Games 比赛的早期几分钟注入更多的挑战和策略。

Other Improvements 其他改进

One piece of feedback we have heard frequently and consistently since launch was that the pace of the Campaign was too fast. Players wanted the freedom to continue playing in a mission after the objectives were completed (similar to how many missions worked in earlier Homeworld games). Many players felt like there was no room to catch your breath, no opportunity to take your time to repair or rebuild your fleet, and no time to gather the remaining resource nodes or chunks of salvage scattered around a map after your hard-won battles.
自发布以来,我们经常听到的一条反馈是,营销活动的节奏太快了。玩家希望在目标完成后能够自由地继续玩任务(类似于早期 Homeworld 游戏中的许多任务)。许多玩家觉得没有喘口气的空间,没有机会花时间修复或重建你的舰队,也没有时间收集你来之不易的战斗后散落在地图上的剩余资源节点或大块打捞物。

We have gone back through the Campaign, and, where it made sense narratively, given you control over when you proceed to the next mission. There are some missions where we have not made this change as it didn’t make sense with the mission narrative. However, by and large, you will now have more control over when to move the Campaign forward after each mission.

It is also worth noting that many of the improvements in combat behavior, unit responsiveness and tactical decision making — along with balance tuning and resourcing changes — have directly benefited Campaign gameplay. While many of these changes have increased the overall difficulty of the Campaign (particularly on Hard), your ability to affect the outcomes of individual engagements through smart, tactical decision making is also improved.

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Expanding the potential for modding
扩大 Mod 的潜力

One last thing we’d like to mention: A number of improvements have also been made to the Homeworld 3 mod tools, such as the ability to inject custom Unreal Blueprints and the inclusion of Homeworld 3’s Campaign Blueprints. This should further empower the modding community to make more awesome creations. Be sure to check out the patch notes for more details!
最后我们想提的是:《家园 3》的 Mod 工具也进行了多项改进,例如注入自定义虚幻蓝图的能力以及包含《家园 3》的战役蓝图。这应该会进一步授权 Mod 社区做出更多精彩的创作。请务必查看补丁说明了解更多详情!

Thank you to our community

This update marks the completion of the revised road map we announced back in September. We’d like to take this opportunity to share that 

Update 1.3 will be the last major content update for Homeworld 3.
此次更新标志着我们在 9 月份宣布的修订路线图的完成。我们想借此机会与大家分享,

更新 1.3 将是《家园 3》的最后一次主要内容更新。

To be clear, this means that while we won’t be expanding Homeworld 3 with more content, we still want to ensure a positive experience for players. Gearbox will be carefully monitoring incoming reports and will address any widespread critical issues that may arise in the wake of Update 1.3’s launch. Homeworld 3’s multiplayer functionality and mod support (including the in-game mod browser) will remain online.
需要明确的是,这意味着虽然我们不会用更多内容来扩展 Homeworld 3,但我们仍然希望确保为玩家提供积极的体验。Gearbox 将仔细监控收到的报告,并将解决 1.3 版本发布后可能出现的任何广泛关键问题。Homeworld 3 的多人游戏功能和 Mod 支持(包括游戏内 Mod 浏览器)将保持在线。

We’re extremely grateful to the players who have accompanied us on this journey and hope that Update 1.3 delivers an even deeper, more satisfying Homeworld experience.
我们非常感谢陪伴我们踏上这段旅程的玩家,并希望 1.3 更新能带来更深入、更令人满意的《家园》体验。

We’d now like to share a personal message from the development team at Blackbird Interactive:
现在,我们想分享来自 Blackbird Interactive 开发团队的个人信息:

“Blackbird Interactive was born from Homeworld and the enduring passion of its community. We dreamed of creating a spiritual successor which, by a twist of fate, became a reality when Gearbox Publishing acquired the rights to Homeworld and enlisted our help in continuing the franchise with both Deserts of Kharak and Homeworld 3. It was a dream come true.“Blackbird Interactive 诞生于 Homeworld 及其社区的持久热情。我们梦想着创造一个精神上的继任者,当 Gearbox Publishing 获得 Homeworld 的版权并寻求我们的帮助继续《Deserts of Kharak》和《Homeworld 3》的特许经营权时,它成为了现实。这是梦想成真。

But it is now time to close this chapter and begin a new one. Revisiting the Homeworld universe has had a profound impact on just about every person at Blackbird. To that end, we’d like to offer our heartfelt thanks to Gearbox Publishing for bringing us in to work on Homeworld with them. We wish them all the best.但现在是时候结束这一章并开始新的篇章了。重访 Homeworld 宇宙对 Blackbird 的几乎每个人都产生了深远的影响。为此,我们衷心感谢 Gearbox Publishing 让我们与他们一起开发 Homeworld。我们祝愿他们一切顺利。

We also want to thank you. The fans who, through your support and dedication, have helped Homeworld persevere across so many decades. It was an honor to contribute to this unfolding saga.我们还要感谢你们。通过您的支持和奉献,帮助 Homeworld 坚持了几十年的粉丝们。很荣幸能为这个正在展开的传奇做出贡献。

We’re deeply grateful for those of you who have supported us through launch and beyond, and who took the time to articulate thoughtful, constructive feedback. We read and listened to every word of it and everyone involved worked like hell to address as much of it as possible. Update 1.3 is the culmination of that effort, and we sincerely hope that you enjoy its many new features and refinements. They wouldn’t have been possible without you.我们非常感谢那些在发布期间及以后一直支持我们的人,以及那些花时间表达深思熟虑、建设性反馈的人。我们阅读和聆听它的每一个字,每个参与其中的人都像地狱一样努力,以尽可能多地解决它。更新 1.3 是这一努力的结晶,我们真诚地希望您喜欢它的许多新功能和改进。没有您,他们不可能。

Until next time, 下次再见,

Blackbird Interactive”

We’re hopeful that these sweeping changes and updates will make Homeworld 3 a game you’ll return to — especially as the modding community only continues to grow in capability and ambition (seriously, if you haven’t checked out the modding section in the Homeworld Discord server, we urge you to take a look at all the exciting projects in the works)!
我们希望这些彻底的更改和更新将使 Homeworld 3 成为您会回归的游戏——尤其是在 Mod 社区的能力和雄心壮志不断增长的情况下(说真的,如果您还没有查看 Homeworld Discord 服务器中的修改部分,我们敦促您看看所有正在进行的令人兴奋的项目)!

Thank you for taking the time to read this Dev Update. We’re very excited to deliver Update 1.3 later this week and to see your response to its many additions.
感谢您花时间阅读此开发更新。我们非常高兴能够在本周晚些时候发布 Update 1.3,并期待看到您对其中许多新增功能的回应。

- The Homeworld 3 team
- 《家园 3》团队


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图片[14]-免费下载| 家园3 Homeworld 3 v1.3 全DLC -飞星(官中)-飞星免费游戏仓库
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《Homeworld 3》为您提供了一个运筹帷幄、蔚为壮观且绝对独一无二的世界,带您再度领略年度最佳游戏大奖的科幻即时战略系列游戏的魅力。在令人炫目的全 3D 空间中掌控全局,带领舰队作战,并体验浩瀚银河中徐徐展开的荣获大奖的故事剧情。

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战局全权由您掌控。被称为“巨石”的巨型太空遗迹将 3D 地形带入了传统的《Homeworld》战场。利用古代文明的残垣断壁,将敌人引入精心策划的埋伏,或是将您的舰队隐藏起来,以躲避强大敌人的追击。堡垒中到处都是火力强悍的炮塔,引导您的战斗艇穿过危险的战壕并深入敌后。然而,并非一切都尽在您的掌握之中。太空中危险的天文现象,如粒子风暴和小行星带等,对经验丰富的指挥官来说也是一种挑战。

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您可以选择正面冲锋、巧妙地展开侧翼包抄甚至是从上方和下方攻击敌人。《Homeworld 3》中完全模拟的弹道系统将使战场上的视线和掩护成为关键的战略因素。您的舰队将在一次次的任务中为您效命,您舰船上的伤痕也会被保留下来,成为荣耀的勋章。在战场上,战斗艇的飞行员和主力舰的舰长也会互相交流,传递重要信息。

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《Homeworld》荣获年度最佳游戏大奖的故事剧情仍在继续。自《Homeworld 2》结束以来,由于超空间门网络的存在,银河系迎来了一个富足的时代。修生养息,战火再起,接连轮回不止。如今,超空间门出现了灾难性的故障,而已然化身神话与宗教传奇的卡兰,则成为银河系未来面临的威胁谜团中的关键人物。

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图片[26]-免费下载| 家园3 Homeworld 3 v1.3 全DLC -飞星(官中)-飞星免费游戏仓库


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在与人类对手斗智斗勇的较量中,您的战术技巧将迎来终极考验。在 AI 冲突战中磨炼您的技能,随后在 1v1、大乱斗或团队战中与真人玩家对手一较高下。

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模组允许玩家为《家园 3》打造属于他们自己的游戏内容,并与全世界的玩家分享。从使用巨型构造物重新设计地图,到强化舰船,Unreal 游戏编辑器可供你自如运用。如果你并不擅长于创作,也可以通过游戏内整合的 mod.io 功能方便快捷地下载模组,体验游戏社区的绝佳创意。


  • 操作系统: Windows 10 64-bit/Windows 11 64-bit
  • 处理器: Intel i5-6600/AMD Ryzen 5 1600X
  • 内存: 12 GB RAM
  • 显卡: Nvidia GTX 1060/AMD RX 480/Intel ARC A380
  • 存储空间: 需要 40 GB 可用空间
  • 声卡: OpenAL Compatible Sound Card

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