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荣耀之吠 Ruff Ghanor v1.0.0.4 -飞星(英文)

Ruff Ghanor is a Deckbuilder game with Roguelite elements, where each collected card represents a crucial action in your journey. Build the perfect deck, strategize, and create powerful synergies as you progress to face your destiny.
Ruff Ghanor 是一个带有 Rogueling 元素的 Deckbuilding 游戏,每一张收集到的卡片都代表着你旅程中的一个关键动作。建立完美的甲板,制定战略,并创造强大的协同作用,因为你的进步,以面对你的命运。


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Get ready to embark on an epic and challenging journey, where you will become Ruff Ghanor, the young cleric destined to confront the tyrant Red Dragon, Zamir, and free the kingdom from his relentless oppression. Trained by the monks of St. Arnaldo Monastery, Ruff will face the forces of the fearsome dragon to protect his people while discovering the truth about himself.
准备好踏上史诗般的挑战之旅,您将成为 Ruff Ghanor,这位年轻的牧师注定要对抗暴君红龙 Zamir,并将王国从他的无情压迫中解放出来。Ruff 接受圣阿纳尔多修道院僧侣的训练,将面对可怕巨龙的力量,以保护他的人民,同时发现关于自己的真相。

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Master the Deckbuilding Strategy!

Each collected card represents a crucial action. Build the perfect deck, strategize your moves, and create powerful synergies as you progress. Show your bravery and cunning in a game that combines strategy, adventure, and narrative in an unparalleled way.

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The Magic of Ruff Ghanor!
Ruff Ghanor 的魔力!

Step into a captivating world inspired by a bestselling fantasy novel, facing various types of encounters, from intense battles to moments of exploration and storytelling that bring to life the pivotal events of the book. Gather loyal allies, each with their own special deck, and take the dynamics of combat to a whole new level.

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  • 操作系统 *: Windows 7/10/11
  • 处理器: Intel Core i5-3470; AMD FX-4350
  • 内存: 4 GB RAM
  • 显卡: 2GB Dedicated GPU Memomy
  • 存储空间: 需要 3 GB 可用空间

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