![图片[1]-免费下载| 先民 TFM: The First Men v0.7.30A -飞星(英文)-飞星免费游戏仓库](https://shared.st.dl.eccdnx.com/store_item_assets/steam/apps/700820/header.jpg?t=1726314169)
先民 TFM: The First Men v0.7.30A -飞星(英文)
![图片[2]-免费下载| 先民 TFM: The First Men v0.7.30A -飞星(英文)-飞星免费游戏仓库](https://flystar.site/wp-content/uploads/2024/11/9c3a44c5dd20241121200613.png)
Version 0.7.30 - Season of Renewal
版本 0.7.30 - Season of Renewal
Offsprings of the first men, once again, welcome back to another update!
We're excited to celebrate the Steam Summer Sale with a new update and a special 20% discount on Steam for newcomers to TFM’s Early Access journey.
我们很高兴地庆祝 Steam 夏季特卖,推出全新更新,并为 TFM 抢先体验之旅的新人提供 Steam 20% 的特别折扣。
![图片[3]-免费下载| 先民 TFM: The First Men v0.7.30A -飞星(英文)-飞星免费游戏仓库](https://clan.st.dl.eccdnx.com/images//33034732/4b0cfff22033cb9c5bd89f166d5e57e96ff754d3.png)
As we press on with content enhancements for the upcoming major update, we invite you to preview the changes in progress.
Please be aware that, due to the extensive overhaul still underway, some aspects of the game might seem outdated until the major update is complete.
Let’s continue with the changelog to see the detailed list of additions made until the last update.
Changelog 更改日志
◆ [Content] Complete overhaul of BASE buildings implemented, integrating Crafters and Combat Characters into the base section of the build panel, each building now linked to specific game mechanics.
◆ 【内容】对基地建筑进行了全面大修,将工匠和战斗角色整合到建造面板的基地部分,每个建筑现在都与特定的游戏机制相关联。
◆ [Content] Streamlined Tinker’s activity list by removing all trees except those designated for future aura benefits.
◆ [内容] 简化了 Tinker 的活动列表,删除了除指定用于未来光环福利的树木之外的所有树木。
◆ [Content] Overhauled Tinker’s rewards, removing outdated content and optimizing both wood collection and experience gain mechanisms.
◆ [内容] 大改修补匠的奖励,删除过时的内容,优化木材收集和经验获取机制。
◆ [Content] Introduced a new crafting activity for the Enchanter, utilizing Trees and Paper to create enchantments.
◆ [内容] 为附魔师引入了一种新的制作活动,利用树木和纸来创造附魔。
◆ [Content] Revised the Transmuter's role, now collecting Dust—previously known as Magic Dust—a Tier 0 and colorless resource.
◆ [内容] 修改了变形师的角色,现在收集 0 级无色资源——以前称为魔法尘埃。
◆ [Content] Renamed Hunter’s Tent to Hunter’s Hut and Fishing Hut to Fisher’s Hut, enhancing their functions and integrating them as Tier 0 colorless structures. The Hunter's Hut now supports hunting and carving activities with outcomes like Game, Hide, and Bones, and allows for crafting traps. Both Hunter’s Hut and Fisher’s Hut can be rewarded by Tinker and Cook, each costing 20 Wood and 20 Seeds.
◆ [内容] 将猎人帐篷更名为猎人小屋,将钓鱼小屋更名为渔夫小屋,增强其功能并整合为 0 级无色结构。猎人小屋现在支持狩猎和雕刻活动,其结果包括 Game、Hide 和 Bones,并允许制作陷阱。猎人小屋和渔夫小屋都可以由 Tinker 和 Cook 作为奖励,每个都花费 20 个木头和 20 个种子。
◆ [Content] Executed a comprehensive overhaul of the Farmer, Cultivator, Orcharder, and Fermenter buildings, alongside a major revision of the harvesting activities and rewards for Wheat, Corn, Strawberry, Tomato, Eggplant, Potato, Sugarbeet, Cabbage, Carrot, Turnip, Celery, Pumpkin, Hemp, Tobacco, and Cotton, which now result in replanting these crops.
◆ [内容] 对农民、耕耘者、果园和发酵罐建筑进行了全面改造,同时对小麦、玉米、草莓、西红柿、茄子、马铃薯、甜菜、卷心菜、胡萝卜、萝卜、芹菜、南瓜、大麻、烟草和棉花的收获活动和奖励进行了重大修改,现在这些作物需要重新种植。
◆ [Content] Introduced the Cultivator's Hut, a new building where Cultivators harvest Silk from Whildwheats and manage additional industrial crops. Silk has also been added as a new item. Tinker and Craftward can now select the Cultivator's Hut as a reward, costing 20 Wood and 20 Fiber.
◆ [内容] 引入了耕种者小屋,这是一座新建筑,耕种者在这里收获小麦的丝绸并管理额外的经济作物。Silk 也被添加为新物品。Tinker 和 Craftward 现在可以选择耕耘者的小屋作为奖励,花费 20 个木材和 20 个纤维。
◆ [Content] Introduced several new professions and corresponding buildings to enrich settlement dynamics: Mason at Mason’s Hut, Miner at Miner's Hut, Tanner at Tanner's Hut, Carpenter at Carpenter's Hut, Animal Husband managing livestock, Gardener at Gardener's Hut, and Resinier, each specializing in essential resource collection and management activities.
◆ [内容] 引入了几个新的职业和相应的建筑来丰富定居点的动态:梅森小屋的泥瓦匠、矿工小屋的矿工、坦纳小屋的坦纳、木匠小屋的木匠、管理牲畜的动物丈夫、园丁小屋的园丁和树脂商,每个都专门从事必要的资源收集和管理活动。
◆ [Content] Updated the Beekeeping system: renamed Honeycomb to Honey and introduced the Queen Bee item, necessary for creating new Bee Hives, which can be tamed by the Beekeeper.
◆ 【内容】更新了养蜂系统:将 Honeycomb 重命名为 Honey,并引入了 Queen Bee 物品,这是创建新的蜂箱所必需的,可以被养蜂人驯服。
◆ [Content] Overhauled agricultural fields and the Orcharder's operations, balancing crop outcomes and fruit tree yields to enhance the farming experience.
◆ [内容] 大修农田和果园的运营,平衡农作物产量和果树产量,以提升耕作体验。
◆ [Content] Executed a complete overhaul of woodworking activities, rewards, and resources, ensuring a robust and rewarding crafting system.
◆ [内容] 对木工活动、奖励和资源进行了彻底的改革,确保了强大且有益的制作系统。
◆ [Content] Revised content related to Gem and Salt mining, optimizing resource extraction processes and aligning them with overall game balance.
◆ 【内容】修改了宝石和盐开采相关内容,优化了资源提取流程,使其与整体游戏平衡保持一致。
◆ [Content] Thoroughly revamped animal resource yields and world drops from killed animals, streamlining resource collection and utilization in the game.
◆ [内容] 彻底改造了动物资源产量和被杀死的动物的世界掉落物,简化了游戏中的资源收集和利用。
◆ [Content] Undertook a complete overhaul of the Livestock animals, introducing a diverse range of new animals to the settlement including Cows, Bulls, Ewes, Rams, Jennets, Jacks, Hens, Roosters, Ducks, Drakes, Mares, Stallions, Nannies, Billys, Vixens, Reynards, Does, Bucks, Sows, Boars, Queens, Toms, Bitches, and Dogs.
◆ [内容] 对畜牧动物进行了全面改造,为定居点引入了各种新动物,包括奶牛、公牛、母羊、公羊、珍妮特、杰克、母鸡、公鸡、鸭子、龙、母马、种马、保姆、比利、泼妇、雷纳德、母鹿、雄鹿、母猪、野猪、女王、汤姆、母狗和狗。
◆ [Content] Updated the Animal Husband's role, now rewarding him with the ability to spawn new livestock animals for the settlement.
◆ [内容] 更新了动物丈夫的角色,现在奖励他为定居点生成新牲畜的能力。
◆ [Content] Refined the resource drops from critters and beasts, now exclusively dropping Game, Hide, Bones, Silk, Feather, Ichor, Venom, Ivory, Horn, Tail, Chitin, and Fur. Over a hundred less relevant resources have been removed to streamline gameplay and resource management.
◆ [内容] 优化了小动物和野兽的资源掉落,现在只掉落游戏、兽皮、骨头、丝绸、羽毛、灵液、毒液、象牙、角、尾巴、几丁质和毛皮。已删除 100 多个不太相关的资源,以简化游戏玩法和资源管理。
◆ [Content] Conducted a complete overhaul of the Adventurer rewards and introduced a series of new feats.
◆ 【内容】对冒险家奖励进行了全面改革,并引入了一系列新专长。
◆ [Content] Implemented a complete overhaul of the Cook's rewards system, allowing for the preparation of newly added foods using fresh resources, enriching the culinary experience within the game.
◆ 【内容】对厨师的奖励系统进行了全面改革,允许使用新鲜资源准备新添加的食物,丰富了游戏中的烹饪体验。
◆ [Balance] Reduced frequency of Hygiene needs for settlers to once after activities and once after combat.
◆ [平衡] 将定居者的卫生需求频率降低到活动后和战斗后一次。
◆ [Balance] Overhauled woodcutting mechanics; Thorns now consistently drop wood, enhancing resource gathering.
◆ 【平衡】大改木刻机制;荆棘现在会持续掉落木材,从而增强资源收集。
◆ [Balance] Adjusted Armswright's experience gain to better align with gameplay progression.
◆ 【平衡】调整了 Armswright 的经验获取,以更好地与游戏进度保持一致。
◆ [Balance] Reduced the durations for pregnancy, infancy, and childhood to 45, 150, and 450 moons respectively, streamlining life stages.
◆ 【平衡】将怀孕、婴儿期和童年的持续时间分别减少到 45、150 和 450 个月,简化了生命阶段。
◆ [Balance] Elders now generate Divine Favor during their decay phase, albeit at a faster decay rate.
◆ [平衡] 长老现在在腐烂阶段产生神圣恩惠,尽管腐烂速度更快。
◆ [Balance] Updated Paper to a Tier 0 item and elevated the Transmuter to a Tier 0 trait, simplifying early gameplay.
◆ [平衡] 将 Paper 更新为 0 级物品,并将变形器提升为 0 级特性,简化了早期游戏过程。
◆ [Balance] Updated Armswright and Hunter traits to Tier 0, streamlining early gameplay progression. Additionally, removed outdated rewards from the Hunter database to maintain a clean and relevant rewards system.
◆ [平衡] 将 Armswright 和 Hunter 特性更新为 0 级,简化了早期游戏进度。此外,从 Hunter 数据库中删除了过时的奖励,以维护一个干净且相关的奖励系统。
◆ [Balance] Implemented a new limit on the maximum number of consecutive babies from the same gender to two.
◆ 【平衡】对同性别的连续婴儿的最大数量限制为两个实施了新的限制。
◆ [Balance] Updated invasion logic, refining defense and attack strategies within the game for improved challenge and engagement.
◆ 【平衡】更新了入侵逻辑,完善了游戏中的防御和攻击策略,以提高挑战和参与度。
◆ [Balance] Modified the randomness of drops from clearing thorns, making them more predictable and rewarding, thus improving the early game progression for the settlement.
◆ 【平衡】修改了清除荆棘掉落物的随机性,使其更具可预测性和奖励性,从而改善了定居点的早期游戏进度。
◆ [UI/UX] Implemented fixes and improvements to the Track button.
◆ [UI/UX] 对“跟踪”按钮进行了修复和改进。
◆ [UI/UX] Enhanced the Map view with new legend icons and visual upgrades, including fresh images for newly added objective types and other visual elements of the Map view.
◆ [UI/UX] 通过新的图例图标和视觉升级增强了地图视图,包括新添加的目标类型和地图视图的其他视觉元素的新图像。
◆ [UI/UX] Improved several Tutorial images and refined the user interface for the Party UI block, ensuring a more intuitive and visually appealing experience.
◆ [UI/UX] 改进了多张教程图像,并改进了 Party UI 块的用户界面,确保了更直观和视觉上吸引人的体验。
◆ [UI/UX] Enhanced functionality of the Inspire button, enabling immediate activation for new professions to streamline professional transitions and actions.
◆ [UI/UX] Inspire 按钮的增强功能,可立即激活新职业以简化专业过渡和操作。
◆ [UI/UX] Updated tooltips for the Inspire, Draft, Disband, and Encamp buttons, improving clarity and usability for better player guidance and interaction.
◆ [UI/UX] 更新了 Inspire、Draft、Disbus 和 Encamp 按钮的工具提示,提高了清晰度和可用性,从而更好地引导和互动玩家。
◆ [Fix] Enhanced elder character mechanics to decay every 30 seconds.
◆ [修复] 增强了长老角色机制,每 30 秒衰减一次。
◆ [Fix] Resolved an issue with the Goldmane Tavern of Lindaris.
◆ [修复] 解决了 Lindaris 的 Goldmane Tavern 的问题。
◆ [Fix] Corrected the display name for the Caretaker’s Nursery and addressed issues with the Armswright’s leveling rules and path rewards.
◆ [修复] 修正了看守人托儿所的显示名称,并解决了 Armswright 的升级规则和路径奖励的问题。
◆ [Fix] Ensured all world characters now correctly engage in designated activities, restoring functionality and interaction within the game.
◆ [修复] 确保所有世界角色现在正确参与指定活动,恢复游戏内的功能和交互。
◆ [Fix] Resolved a persistent issue where characters would cease movement when attempting to engage in Downtime activities due to these activities having a zero weight assigned in the database, which previously halted character actions.
◆ [修复] 解决了一个持续存在的问题,即由于这些活动在数据库中分配的权重为零,导致角色在尝试进行停机活动时会停止移动,这之前会停止角色操作。
◆ [Internal] Conducted a cleanup and removal of outdated building rewards, streamlining reward structures for current gameplay relevance.
◆ [内部] 对过时的建筑奖励进行了清理和删除,简化了当前游戏相关性的奖励结构。
◆ [Internal] Addressed over 5000 traits to resolve "key not found" issues, preventing disruptions in database workflows and enhancing game stability.
◆ [内部] 解决了 5000 多个特征,以解决“找不到密钥”的问题,防止数据库工作流程中断并增强游戏稳定性。
TFM: The First Men 公告
TFM: The First Men 公告2023年1月21日周六
TFM Early Access Roadmap TFM 早期使用路线图
Updated roadmap for TFM: The First Men. Come help us and be a part of our future plans!
更新了 TFM: The First Men 的路线图。快来帮助我们,成为我们未来计划的一部分!
Here is a brief rundown of what’s ahead: We’ve nearly finalized the content overhaul, transitioning from one set of features to another—a challenging task, but we've managed to complete the hardest part!
Our next goal is to introduce many new meaningful resources, objects, and rewards into the game.
Once this phase is completed and we have fully functioning systems and content in sync, we will announce the major update!
Following this,
we plan to return to creating new stories and maps
, which was the original inspiration for starting work on TFM. We can't wait to bring new adventures to you all, continuing through and beyond Early Access!
我们计划重新开始创建新的故事和地图,这是开始 TFM 工作的最初灵感。我们迫不及待地想为大家带来新的冒险,继续完成抢先体验!
![图片[4]-免费下载| 先民 TFM: The First Men v0.7.30A -飞星(英文)-飞星免费游戏仓库](https://clan.st.dl.eccdnx.com/images//33034732/48afe8a520cb066980fad4c79ca5a0abf70d11d9.png)
Enjoy the
Steam Summer Sale
, and we wish you many more hours of gaming, adventures, and fun!
Steam 夏季特卖,我们祝愿您有更多的游戏、冒险和乐趣!
Have a fantastic summer, and we'll see you in the next update!
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TFM: 先民 是一款策略模拟游戏,包含但不限于:人物驱动的基地建设,基于小队的探索机制,以及可暂停的即时战术玩法。本作灵感来自于许多创世故事,《骑士与商人》、《环世界》,以及几乎每一款幻想风格的角色扮演游戏。
![图片[10]-免费下载| 先民 TFM: The First Men v0.7.30A -飞星(英文)-飞星免费游戏仓库](https://shared.st.dl.eccdnx.com/store_item_assets/steam/apps/700820/extras/TFM_Base_Building.gif?t=1726314169)
以现代的聚焦于人物的方式,获得老派的基地建造的乐趣。通过多种途径,如建设、外交、风俗,和自诩的权利,来发展你的领地,并满足你的聚居地的需求。将你的人物们鞭策成可塑之才,让无限多变的可能性代代相传。“肉体”、“思维”、“心神”、“灵魂”和“自我”等属性,以及数百种特质和技能,提供了丰富且多样的人物成长。选择对的人,踏上对的路,将是游戏的重要一环 —— 因为他们能成为你未来的福祉或是厄运!
![图片[11]-免费下载| 先民 TFM: The First Men v0.7.30A -飞星(英文)-飞星免费游戏仓库](https://shared.st.dl.eccdnx.com/store_item_assets/steam/apps/700820/extras/TFM_Exploration.gif?t=1726314169)
如同你在角色扮演游戏中带领多个小队一样,将你的人物们组织起来 —— 探索一个活生生、会呼吸、并不断变化的世界,世界中充满了会奖励探索的奇迹。互动并学习冒险中你将遇到的众多种族、原真的文化、神话般的生物,和特别的人物。
![图片[12]-免费下载| 先民 TFM: The First Men v0.7.30A -飞星(英文)-飞星免费游戏仓库](https://shared.st.dl.eccdnx.com/store_item_assets/steam/apps/700820/extras/TFM_Combat.gif?t=1726314169)
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- 操作系统 *: Windows® 7+
- 处理器: Dual Core Processor
- 内存: 4 GB RAM
- 显卡: Open GL 3.2+ Compliant
- 存储空间: 需要 2 GB 可用空间
- 声卡: Windows Compatible Card
- 附注事项: 1080p, 16:9 recommended