远征军:罗马 Expeditions Rome v1.6 -飞星(官中)-飞星免费游戏仓库
远征军:罗马 Expeditions Rome v1.6 -飞星(官中)

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发行日期: 2022 年 1 月 21 日
已售 12
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远征军:罗马 Expeditions Rome v1.6 -飞星(官中)



Expeditions Rome 1.6 Patch Notes
远征罗马 1.6 补丁说明

Gameplay improvements: 游戏改进:

No unique items drop randomly anymore. The handful of unique items that formerly did so are now spread across Act 1 and the first half of Act 2. Additionally, some predetermined Linen drops have been added as well to increase the availability of that resource.
不再随机掉落独特物品。以前这样做的少数独特项目现在分布在第 1 幕和第 2 幕的前半部分。此外,还添加了一些预定的亚麻掉落物,以增加该资源的可用性。

Changed the flow of Pacification missions so you no longer have to run your world map avatar to a level entrance point: When you retrieve a Pacification mission, you now get to assign the Companion and Praetorians directly from the conversation with the Primus, which will start a timeline event. You can then proceed as normal, and when the timeline event triggers, the selected party will enter the pacification level.
更改了 Pacituation 任务的流程,因此您不再需要将世界地图头像运行到关卡入口点:当您检索 Pacation 任务时,您现在可以直接从与 Primus 的对话中分配 Companion 和 Praetorian,这将启动一个时间线事件。然后,您可以照常进行,当时间线事件触发时,所选方将进入安抚级别。

New Game Option: Disable Pacifications. This option disables turn-based pacification missions (except the first tutorial pacification), forcing all pacifications to be of the Legion mission type.
New Game 选项:禁用 Pacations。此选项将禁用回合制安抚任务(第一个教程安抚任务除外),强制所有安抚任务均为 Legion 任务类型。

New Game Option: Auto Praetorian Management. This option disables the need to manually equip gear and select skills on non-companion praetorians and automatically handles this for the player. You will still need to manage your own character and main companions.
新游戏选项:Auto Praetorian Management。此选项禁用了对非同伴禁卫军手动装备和选择技能的需要,并自动为玩家处理此问题。您仍然需要管理自己的角色和主要同伴。

Adjusted Rural Village pacification “Burn Lumber” to only require you to burn 9 of the 12 stacks of lumber.
调整了乡村安抚“燃烧木材”,只需要你燃烧 12 组木材中的 9 组。

Adjusted the Rural Village pacification “Save Legionarii” to be slightly easier.

Adjust the Forest Caravan pacification “Protect Official” to be slightly easier.

Customisation unlocks: 自定义解锁:

  • All themes, emblems, and trophies from Twitch drop campaigns are now available by default for everyone.
    Twitch 掉宝活动中的所有主题、徽章和奖杯现在都默认对所有人开放。
  • Added one additional colour theme unlock for players who also own Expeditions: Viking.
    为同时拥有 Expeditions: Viking 的玩家添加了一个额外的颜色主题解锁。
  • Added one additional colour theme unlock for players who also own Expeditions: Conquistador.
    为同时拥有 Expeditions: Conquistador 的玩家添加了一个额外的颜色主题解锁。
  • Added one new colour theme unlock to each of the two primary Act 4 paths.
    为两个主要的第 4 幕路径中的每一个添加了一个新的颜色主题解锁。
  • Added the THQN theme and emblem as a default unlock.
    添加了 THQN 主题和徽章作为默认解锁。

Fixes: 修复:

  • Fixed a bug that could cause the game to freeze after starting Act 4 on the Die is Cast path (previously, this freeze could be resolved by pressing escape twice and waiting 10 seconds).
    修复了一个错误,该错误可能导致游戏在 Die is Cast 路径上开始第 4 幕后冻结(以前,可以通过按 Esc 两次并等待 10 秒来解决此冻结)。
  • Fixed a mistake that caused the unique item Spectacle to drop as only a schematic instead of the actual item. This fix is retroactive: When loading an existing save, if you have the schematic, you will now receive the actual item.
    修复了一个错误,该错误导致独特物品 Spectacle 仅作为示意图而不是实际物品掉落。此修复是追溯性的:加载现有存档时,如果您有原理图,您现在将收到实际项目。
  • Changed the piercing damage affix of Tutankhamon’s Dagger from a % modifier (that didn’t do anything on this weapon) to a corresponding flat addition modifier. Note: in existing save-games you will need to dismantle and recraft the weapon for this to take effect.
    将图坦卡蒙匕首的穿刺伤害词缀从 % 修饰语(对此武器没有任何影响)更改为相应的降号添加修饰语。注意:在现有的存档游戏中,您需要拆卸并重新制作武器才能使其生效。
  • Fixed a bug that caused the Gracing Shot skill to receive its accuracy penalty twice.
    修复了导致 Gracing Shot 技能两次受到准确度惩罚的错误。
  • Fixed a bug where a specific sequence could cause you to get stuck in the Golden Wolf quest during the step where you must talk to Lunja. Existing saves stuck in this state should also now resolve themselves upon re-loading in the new version.
    修复了一个错误,该错误会导致您在必须与 Lunja 交谈的步骤中陷入 Golden Wolf 任务。卡在这种状态的现有存档现在也应该在新版本中重新加载时自行解决。
  • Fixed an issue where in most cases you were unable to craft Tier 2 and 3 version of the Cocles unique armour.
    修复了在大多数情况下你无法制作 Cocles 独特盔甲的 2 级和 3 级版本的问题。
  • Fixed a bug where observatories could sometimes spawn unreachable loot.
  • Minor tweak to the navigation mesh in the Africa world map.
  • Added missing male snoring sounds to ambient sleeping animations.


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在《Expeditions: Rome》中,你在世界舞台的一举一动都代表着罗马的意志,从希腊的蔚蓝海岸线到高卢茂密的丛林,你的举动和决策会影响到众人对你以及对罗马城的看法。你倾向于以武力相逼,还是打算用说客来解决问题?你究竟准备接纳共和国的理念传承,还是希望在罗马元老院复杂的政治体系中开辟出一条新的执政道路来?请记住,你做出的每个选择都将决定你的军团、你的至亲同伴,乃至罗马的命运。

  • 创造属于你自己的罗马军团长!依照你的玩法偏好和角色扮演理念来随心所欲自定义角色的外观、性别、职业和技能
  • 踏上回合制战斗的战场。游戏采用一套庞大、复杂且细致的技能动作系统,每一把武器的更换都可能会影响你在战场的发挥
  • 与 5 名个性、身世故事截然不同的同伴共同出生入死
  • 探索多姿多彩的世界,体验不同的环境地貌,从北非到希腊,再到高卢。当然也包括罗马帝国本身
  • 体验一段充斥着家族沉沦、权谋交织的历史衍生故事,伴随着全语音剧情做出重大抉择,影响故事的最终走向
  • 升级每个角色,在众多技能和被动技能中进行挑选,探索多种多样的战略可行性
  • 搜集,打造及装备各类武器、盔甲和战略物品,帮助每位角色获得更多战术选择,进一步打造专属于你的游戏体验
  • 带领你的军团参与分别发生在希腊、北非和高卢的三场宏大战役。你可以招募军团士兵、升级兵营、征服周边地区,攫取资源,守卫领土,最终带领你的军团取得胜利


  • 需要 64 位处理器和操作系统
  • 操作系统 *: Windows 7, 10 (64-bit)
  • 处理器: AMD FX-8350 X8 / Intel i5-4690K
  • 内存: 8 GB RAM
  • 显卡: AMD R9 380 4GB / GTX 960 4GB
  • DirectX 版本: 11
  • 存储空间: 需要 30 GB 可用空间
  • 声卡: DirectX compatible

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