加油站模拟器2 Pumping Simulator 2 v0.7.2 -飞星(官中)-飞星免费游戏仓库
加油站模拟器2 Pumping Simulator 2 v0.7.2 -飞星(官中)

资源始终为 免费下载,积分不可以购买,但是可以通过 注册登录(2 积分)、签到(2 积分)、回复评论(1 积分)、发布帖子(2 积分)获取。累积签到将会获取更多的积分。如此做是为了增加网站活跃度,希望大家能够能够理解!我们一起做大做强,再创辉煌!


发行日期:2023 年 9 月 12 日
已售 12
官方赞助迅雷加速器,输入兑换码 “XL456” 即可获得7天免费会员,大家可以点击上面图片试试!
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加油站模拟器2 Pumping Simulator 2 v0.7.2 -飞星(官中)



Hotfix 0.7.2 修补程序0.7.2

[Changed] [改变]

-Kid customer spawn rate -孩子客户的产卵率

-Now our cars does not get dirty in same day

[Fixed] [修正]

-Nullreference issues on workers

-Drug is not interactable while selling at register

-If the shelf breaks, the drugs disappear

-Zonama does not shown up when opened in computer

-Product settings can be reset by workers

-Police can trigger searching twice

*I’m sorry you’ve had to deal with these bugs since the update, if you encounter any other bugs please let me know on our discord server or here

Hotfix 0.7.1 修补程序0.7.1

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[Added] [加入]

-Dog Sign as decoration -狗标志作为装饰

-Cat Food -猫粮

-Dog Collar -狗项圈

-Now zonama shows which grocery requires cooler

-Average price info for crypto

-Shelf Product Sort by NameDescending, Price, PriceDescending

-Sound effect for basketball goal

[Changed] [改变]

-Spoil time now depends on game difficulty

-Now, when the vending machine breaks, it takes out the products in boxes

-If the manager orders gasoline, no notification will appear anymore

[Fixed] [修正]

-We are constantly hearing the sound of item drop due to a bug at the lemonade stand

-Some irrelevant products are shown with a cold sign

-Several bugs in the process of employees rearranging shelves

-Employees can put non-cold products into the box cooler

-Employees does not use shelf sorting selection for box shelves

-Noodle requires cooler -面需要冷却器

-Sign edit panel not closing with escape key

-Some vehicle windows look strange under fog

-If we try to modify a vehicle after modifying it, the settings may not be reset

-We cannot remove 5 products from the shelf using Shift

-Tip visual not shown up on level 3 cash register

-Sound bug on shelf panel

-Some workers can teleport when we are away

-Workers has weird wander path

-Gallery can show different save images

-When image deleted from gallery is not removed from save

-Flag and Tube man not customizable

[Performance] [性]

-Reduced some fps drops at late game

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Version 0.7.0 版本0.7.0

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[Added] [加入]

-Rearrange shelves option to stocker, with this option stockers can take not allowed items from shelves and carry to right shelf

-New Customer Characters -新客户的字符

-New Customer Vehicles -新客户车辆

-New Driveable Vehicles -新车辆的操控性

-Upgrade money threshold option for builder

-Now while painting, it switches to a camera angle that shows where you are painting

-Customization to warehouse, office

-Use Water option to washer

-More hotel guests upgrade

-Employee work tracking dashboard. Appears with the last 30 job with dates
-雇员的工作,跟踪仪表板。 似乎与最后30个工作日期

-Different camera angles to car customization

-Now our vehicles are getting dirty and we need to wash them

-Commission to crypto -委员会密

-Price sort type to zonama

-Shelf panel to vending machines for easy setup

-Product Settings to vending machines

-Customers can now get angry when they can’t find an empty toilet

-Priority Shelf to stocking employees

-Give room option to receptionist

-Solar panel and battery sockets to station roof

-Fill lemonade cups option to workers

-Fill lemonade inventory option to workers

-Lemonades can not add from lemonade panel

-Now farmer need insecticide to spray trees

-New dirt texture to clean

-Roof Sign -屋顶的标志

-Now if spoiled products stay on the shelves for too long or dirts was not cleaned for a long time, rats will come

-Added directional sign to make it easier to understand the direction of objects such as computer parts

-Atm now shows how much money withdrawn today by customers

-The cat now catches rats if it is trained

-Sound to rats -给大鼠的声音

-Now some customers will be able to react to something on the TV

-Honk to driveable vehicles

-Now if the station is closed, customers stop browsing from shelf to shelf and go to the cash register

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[Changed] [改变]

-Now, only tutorial products can be purchased in tutorial

-Stocker fill plane with drug option is now on by default

-Taken pictures now saves to right to the save file folder

-General Performance Improvements

-Engine Version Updated -发动机的更新的版本

-Manager default money threshold for order is increased

-Oil Pump gain increased a lot

-Painting panel -画面

-When we order same product more than 30, it does not come in a single box anymore, the rest will be sent in another box

-Bedless workers now regenerates less energy

-Now, when we want to take multiple products off the shelves at once, they all come out in a single box

-Now, if we are empty-handed, we directly pick up the product we took off the shelf

-Hit effect -撞击效果

-Employees now check to see if there is another shelf nearby where it can be placed, before returning a box to the warehouse

-Now lemonade stands shows lemonades visually

-Computer case model -计算机的情况下模型

-Now sleep requires a long press to prevent accidental sleep

-Hotel customer price increased

-Now the harvest from the trees is collected in one box

-Battery capacity increased

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[Fixed] [修正]

-Some tutorial tasks like exit building does not count while tutorial is disabled

-Sometimes products fall from our hands

-Very rarely rope renderer can cause crash

-Navigation bugs that cause employees to get stuck

-Sometimes employees try to get behind the wall when placing items to the dispensers

-Sometimes when bodyguard hit a customer we can get a bill

-Sometimes the customer does not drop the package when first hit

-Customer vehicles instantly teleported to auto wash machine

-Oil Pump panel refreshing constantly

-Some achievements does not trigger for some players

-If we hit an employee who quits, he comes back to work for a short time

-If auto save occurs while on the painting screen, we can have that painting without paying

-Level 2 and Level 3 arcade does not have smell and heat area

-Car shines even when the washer doesn’t use water

-When we buy a vehicle, if it is marked on the map, the mark does not disappea

-When we modify a vehicle, if we do not have enough money, we keep the modifications

-Some vehicles are very difficult to wash

-Owned vehicles inventory accessible with equipment

-A wrong text that provides misinformation about decorating the Christmas tree

-Employees immediately take the box back from the shelf and take it to the warehouse

-If the key image is not found in the tutorial texts, it says MISSING

-The automatic lemonade stand spends one lemonade per customer

-Beds cannot be used for a while when you first enter the game

-Toilet Turnstile can placed inside another turnstile

-Toilet Turnstile category is station

-The farmer is constantly watering the trees

-The farmer does not use tools while irrigating

-If an employee puts a product into the box shelf panel while it is open, the panel does not update

-Farmer not playing lemon squeezing animation on the ground

-If we beat the customer while he is waiting in the car, he may get stuck there

-If we beat the customer while he is paying, his payment drops to zero and never leaves the cash register


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欢迎来到《泵动模拟器2 – 加油站模拟器》!















  • 从零开始建立和管理你的加油站。
  • 通过杂货店、汽车清洗、卫生间等多样化服务。
  • 定制和升级你的加油站,使其脱颖而出并吸引顾客。
  • 在高峰时段有效地制定策略和管理时间。
  • Twitch整合



  • 操作系统: Windows 10
  • 处理器: I5-8400 // AMD Ryzen 5 2600
  • 内存: 16 GB RAM
  • 显卡: Nvidia GeForce GTX 1060 or equivalent
  • DirectX 版本: 11
  • 存储空间: 需要 8 GB 可用空间

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