海权/海上力量:导弹时代海战 Sea Power Naval Combat in the Missile Age Early Access -飞星(官中)-飞星免费游戏仓库
海权/海上力量:导弹时代海战 Sea Power Naval Combat in the Missile Age Early Access -飞星(官中)

资源始终为 免费下载,积分不可以购买,但是可以通过 注册登录(2 积分)、签到(2 积分)、回复评论(1 积分)、发布帖子(2 积分)获取。累积签到将会获取更多的积分。如此做是为了增加网站活跃度,希望大家能够能够理解!我们一起做大做强,再创辉煌!


发行日期:2024 年 11 月 12 日
已售 63
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海权/海上力量:导弹时代海战 Sea Power Naval Combat in the Missile Age Early Access -飞星(官中)



Sea Power | Upcoming launch tomorrow

Hello Again Everyone, all 27,234 of you who have followed the game, only 19 places outside of the top 100 wishlists, can we make it? Fingers crossed that the Steam algorithm is benevolent and gives us a front page slot tomorrow!
大家好大家,所有27,234你们谁有随后的游戏,只有19个地方以外的顶100的心愿,我们可以做它吗? 手指穿过蒸汽算是仁慈,并为我们提供了一个前页的时隙明天!

Sea Power: Naval Combat in the Missile Age is scheduled to release into early access at 1000 UTC on the 12th November 2024, also available as an additional purchase on the first day will be the soundtrack. This has been lovingly put together by Aleksi Aubry-Carlson and Jonathan Figoli, sales of the soundtrack go direct to them, please show your support if you can!
海的力量:海军作战导弹的年龄是计划释放到早访问在1000UTC在12月2024,也可作为额外购买的第一天将是音乐。 这个经过精心放在一起,通过阿列克西*阿列克西什维利奥布里-卡尔森和乔纳森*菲戈利少将、销售的音去直接对他们请出示您的支持如果你可以!

As a thankyou from us, for your support the first two weeks after EA launch will have a 10% discount applied to the price (which will use Steam’s regional pricing feature). Please do remember that this is an Early Access game, it will not be perfect, it will break, but it will improve! We hope that you love exploring that along with us.
作为一个谢谢你,从我们对你的支持的第一次两个星期后EA启动将有10%的折扣适用的价格(其中将使用蒸汽的区域的定价特征)。 请千万记住,这是一个早期访问的游戏,也不会是完美的,它将破坏,但它将改善! 我们希望你喜欢探索,随着我们。

During Early Access we expect to release a regular weekly or bi-weekly update to the stable branch that you will have access to. Where we find more terminal bugs we will push updates more rapidly. You will find new bug reporting areas on Steam and Discord, please help us out by using them if you find something wrong!
在早期的访问,我们希望释放一个定期的每周或每两周更新的稳定的分支,你将有机会获得。 我们在哪里找到更多的终端错误,我们将推动更新更为迅速。 你会找到新的错误报告的领域上的 蒸汽 和 不和谐,请帮助我们通过使用他们,如果你找错误的东西!

As for what we have been up to in the last couple of weeks … some things are not so obvious, like Mission Editor now supports localisation for whatever you might create without having to hand edit INI files (phew!). We have also added some really important background tooling, what we are calling “virtual” INI files that allow us to create single databases of truth from multiple locations on disk controlled through a load order (see where this is going?).
为什么我们在过去的几周...一些事情并不那么显而易见,如特派团编辑,现在支持本地化为什么你可能会造成不必要的手编辑INI files(唷!). 我们还增加了一些真正重要的背景工具,我们是什么叫"虚拟"INI文件,使我们能够创建一个数据库的真相从多个地点的磁盘上控制通过一个载了(见这是怎么回事?).

There is a really good chance that Save/Load functionality will be going in properly in the next few days (well done Victor! You are smashing it!) so that should be available either on release or very shortly after. Saves in the default folder will be synced to Steam Cloud so you can keep track of them across multiple devices. On the subject of Steam Cloud we have also included a “user” folder in the file system that will also be synced. This is so that you can share your own creations across multiple sessions and devices.
有一个很好的机会,节省/装载功能将会在适当地在接下来的几天(做得好维克托! 你是砸吧!) 因此,应该提供以释放或不久之后。 存在默认文件夹中的文件将会同步蒸汽云,所以你可以跟踪他们横跨多个设备。 在主题的蒸汽云,我们还包括一个"用户"文件夹中的文件系统,该系统还将同步。 这是这样,你可以分享自己的创作跨越多个会议和设备。

Localisation has been a massive piece of work too, we have been going through the game stripping out anything hardcoded that we find is still in there and redirecting it to the Language files in the system. Hopefully we haven’t missed any!
本地化已经被一个巨大的作品也一样,我们已经通过游戏剥离出任何东西硬编码,我们发现仍然存在,并向它的语言文件的系统。 希望我们没有错过任何一个!

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On the visual side tweaks and new additions continue, last week this Haze was only a model, now it is an ASW Hunter in game, adding to the threats the Soviets can provide!

New things continue too, Nils and I spent a nice couple of hours (it’s always at midnight for some reason!) looking at models and pictures of classic cruise ships. This is the Ivan Franko-class liner, a handsome ship I am sure you will agree!
新的情况继续下去太多,尼尔和我花了好几个小时(这是总是在午夜由于某些原因!) 看模型和图片的典型游船。 这是伊凡*弗兰科流的衬垫,一个英俊的船我相信你会同意!

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Five of these ships were built by the Soviets and if you are a SCUBA diver and take a visit to New Zealand you can visit the 5th ship, the Mikhail Lermontov where she lies on the bottom in 38m of water after a baffling accident, check out this fascinating article. I might have to pay a visit after I finish my advanced decompression diving course.
五的这些船舶建造过的苏联,如果你是一个潜水员和采取一个访问新西兰,你可以访问的5艘船,米哈伊尔*莱蒙托夫在她位于底部在38m的水后一个莫名其妙的事故, 检查出这个迷人的文章. 我可能要付出一个访问之后,我完成我的高级解压潜水课程。

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Mek has reverted to type (sorry Mek you know it is true) and started making armed speedboats again, this one is pretty special, it’s the Polish design Project 664 "Wisla". It has a top speed of nearly 50 knots because it's a CODAG (Combined Diesel and Gas Turbine). I always love to include these images of the ships being worked on as it lets you see the process that our artists go through.
Mek已经恢复到类型(对不起Mek你知道它是真实的),并开始作出武装快艇再次,这是一个很特殊的,这是波兰设计项目664"维斯". 它有一个最高时速将近50节,因为它是一个CODAG(合并的柴油和天然气涡轮). 我总是喜欢包括这些图像的船舶正在工作,因为它让你看到的过程中,我们的艺术家通过。

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Also, some new ground assets by Mek, like MIM-23 Hawk, T-55 and ZSU-57-2 made their way into build. I hope that keeps your appetite whetted, see you all tomorrow when you have your hands on the game. Please try not to kill our bug reporting server!
此外,一些新的地面资产的Mek,像MIM-23鹰,T-55和ZSU-57-2作出自己的方式到建立。 我希望让你的食欲刺激了,看到你所有的明天时,你有你手上的游戏。 请尽量不要杀了我们的错误报告的服务器!

The Triassic Team (Nils, Martin, Mek, Ivan, Daniil, Ben, Matt, Noah, Victor and Ian)


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  • 60年代到80年代的冷战时代
  • 战场包括北大西洋、波斯湾、北部湾和地中海地区
  • 全战场规模的动态战役(2025年第2季度测试)
  • 大量史实和虚构的单项任务
  • 超过150种海上单位,包括原创船只和60种以上飞机
  • 可暂停即时控制和时间压缩
  • 每场战斗都有动态时间和天气
  • 定制配乐
  • 即时战斗
  • 真实的飞行和船只物理
  • 真实的传感器模拟
  • 完整的玩家场景编辑器
  • 随时随地保存游戏(2025年第1季度测试)
  • 精细的3D画质
  • 130种武器系统和50种不同的地面目标
  • 地面设施和真实世界地形



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  • 需要 64 位处理器和操作系统
  • 操作系统: Windows 10 64-bit
  • 处理器: AMD Ryzen 5 5600X / Intel Core i5-12600
  • 内存: 16 GB RAM
  • 显卡: 8 GB VRAM, AMD Radeon RX 6700 / Nvidia GeForce RTX 3060
  • DirectX 版本: 11
  • 存储空间: 需要 20 GB 可用空间

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