深渊求生 Surviving the Abyss v1.0.3 -飞星(英文)-飞星免费游戏仓库
深渊求生 Surviving the Abyss v1.0.3 -飞星(英文)

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发行日期: 2024 年 11 月 5 日
已售 16
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深渊求生 Surviving the Abyss -飞星(英文)

Earth, 1976. You have been tasked with managing a deep-sea science facility working to perfect cloning. Explore the darkness and keep your crew alive in this hardcore survival colony builder. And beware. The darkness hides untold horrors.



  • 2024年11月28日:升级至v1.0.3


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  • 修复可能导致游戏卡顿的性能问题
  • 现在,处于黑暗中的动物陷阱可以被正确攻击
  • 修复在运行时可能会从动物实验室移除基因组,致使动物无法被使用的问题
  • 修复之前受克隆实验室问题影响的保存文件
  • 将摄像机发送至一个位置时不进行旋转


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Earth, 1976. The cold war is in full swing and you have been tasked to construct and direct a deep sea research facility working to perfect human cloning. Survive against the odds in the extremely unforgiving abyss maintaining oxygen, power, food, and much more to keep your crew alive. Discover and mine resources for construction, light your way in the dark, and expand into your surroundings to advance your research. Capture the diverse, highly-adapted flora and fauna of the deep, but beware: the darkness hides unexpected horrors, with only the light keeping them at bay.
地球上,1976年。 冷战是在如火如荼,你已经,负责建造和直接的深海研究设施的工作来完美的人的克隆。 对生存的几率非常无情的深渊维持氧气、电力、食品,以及更多的保持你的船员都还活着。 发现和矿产资源建筑、光你的方式在黑暗中,并扩大到周围的环境来提升你的研究。 捕获的多样化,高度适应植物群和动物群的深,但要注意:黑暗藏着意想不到的恐怖,仅仅只有光线让他们在海湾。

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 Lead a team of scientists conducting genetic experiments on local wildlife on the ocean floor.

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 Keep your population sane, obedient and alive as you expand your base and discover the secrets of cloning and genetic research.

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 Improve life and progress in your facility by researching advanced technologies.

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 The fate of your crew is in your hands! Make crucial decisions through the event system.
 你的命运的船员是在你的手中! 使关键的决定通过该事件的系统。

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 Ensure the survival of your crew by planning, placing and building essential infrastructure for manufacturing, research and life support.

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 Expand and optimize your base and its available resources. Connect your buildings and mining facilities efficiently with tunnels and powerlines.
 扩大和优化基础及其可用资源。 连接建筑和采矿设施有效地与隧道和电力线.

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 Conquer the uneven terrain of the ocean floor with clever planning and vertical construction.

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 Build light pylons and push back the darkness to expand your base.

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 Secure resources far away from your main base by using exploration submarines and outposts.

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 Prevent disaster by making sure power does not fail, together with life support and light sources.

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 Your crew senses it, and so do you. Something is lurking at the edge of darkness, slithering and seething.
 你的船员,感觉它,你也一样. 什么是潜伏在黑暗边缘,滑行和沸腾。

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 Darkness is danger, light is safety. Do not turn off the light.
 黑暗的危险,光是安全的。 不要关灯。


  • 操作系统 *: Windows 7 Service Pack 1 or newer (64 bit)
  • 处理器: 5th Generation Intel i5 CPU or equivalent
  • 内存: 16 GB RAM
  • 显卡: NVIDIA GeForce 1070 GTX or AMD Radeon RX 5700
  • 存储空间: 需要 8 GB 可用空间

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