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气球塔防6/猴子塔防6 Bloons TD 6 Build.16753321 -飞星(官中)



  • 2025年1月17日:Build.16767206(v46.0)→ Build.16753321(v46.3)
  • 2024年12月19日:v45.0 → Build.16767206(v46.0)


Bloons TD 6 v46.0 - Update Notes!
Bloons TD 6 v46.0 - 更新说明!

Available now please restart your storefront or be patient if it does not appear for you, these updates can take some time to be rolled out to every region due to how the storefronts are set up.

Update Video: youtu.be/N9MC7GZSan8

New Awesome 新 Awesome

  • New Tack Shooter Paragon, the Crucible of Steel and Flame. Tacks, blades, fire - what more could there be? Well, plenty actually, as the Monkeys realized they can cram blades full of hot tacks! We could leave it at that, but for those who’d like a little more detail, read on!
    新的大头钉射击游戏 Paragon,钢铁与火焰的熔炉。钉子、刀片、火 - 还能有什么呢?嗯,实际上很多,因为猴子们意识到他们可以把刀片塞满热钉!我们可以就此结束,但对于那些想要更多细节的人,请继续阅读!
    • Constantly attacking with a short range maelstrom of white hot blades that burst into a nova of tacks when they expire, this paragon creates quite a spectacle to behold. The tack monkey inside (!) is unable to see unrevealed Camo Bloons, however with its 2 abilities this isn’t enough to hold back its power.
      这个典范不断用白热的刀片的短距离漩涡攻击,当它们过期时会爆裂成一堆大头钉,创造了一个相当值得一看的奇观。里面的钉猴 (!) 无法看到未公开的 Camo Bloons,但是凭借它的 2 种能力,这不足以阻止它的力量。
    • Maelstrom ability: given that the main attack already is a permanent maelstrom, this ability gives the tower a massive temporary increase to projectile lifespan & pierce in order to greatly expand the coverage of that local maelstrom. While this is occurring, high pierce jets of blue flame will periodically blast around the tower to wipe out any smaller targets. This is a coverage & cleanup ability, so it has an extremely short cooldown but is not a single target damage dealer.
    • Meteor Impact: As the Maelstrom ability is more of a utility, a second ability is here to bring the damage! Meteor Impact calls down a blast that deals high damage to an unfair area, and any Bloons foolish enough to withstand the initial impact will be wiped out when this meteor breaks apart into a ring of 32 homing fireballs
      流星撞击:由于大漩涡技能更像是一种实用性,因此第二个技能可以带来伤害!流星撞击会召唤一次爆炸,对不公平的区域造成高额伤害,当这颗流星碎成一个由 32 个自动寻的火球组成的环时,任何愚蠢到承受初始冲击的气球都会被消灭
  • New Revenge Map, Last Resort!
    • For those who thought Resort was too much of a chill vacation. Although honestly it really doesn’t look all that bad to me, maybe everything’s fine and it’s just a nice winter resort?
      对于那些认为 Resort 太过寒冷的假期的人来说。虽然老实说,在我看来真的没有那么糟糕,但也许一切都很好,它只是一个不错的冬季度假胜地?
  • Battle Cat Crossover! 战斗猫跨界!
    • Heralding our new integration partnership with the Masters of the Universe brand from Mattel, Battle Cat is featured as the first of several drops planned through 2026.
      Battle Cat 预示着我们与 Mattel 的 Masters of the Universe 品牌建立新的集成合作伙伴关系,它是计划到 2026 年的几款产品中的第一款。
    • Check out Battle Cat in his very own Quest and on most platforms as a highly effective, single-target, purchasable Power.
      在他自己的任务和大多数平台上查看 Battle Cat 作为高效、单目标、可购买的力量。
    • More details: Using the Powers tab, place the timid Cringer and he’ll stick around untransformed for the whole game, meekly swiping at a few Bloons. You’ll notice he comes with an activated ability, though. Activate this and he transforms into Battle Cat, tearing into Bloons, knocking them back, and applying a powerful damage over time that also nullifies Bloon immunities. This ability is so powerful, it can’t last forever, so after a few rounds Battle Cat must portal back home to Eternia.
      更多细节:使用 Powers 选项卡,放置胆小的 Cringer,他会在整个游戏中保持不变,温顺地滑动几个气球。不过,你会注意到他带有一个起动式异能。激活它,他就会变成 Battle Cat,撕扯 Bloons,将它们击退,并随着时间的推移施加强大的伤害,也会使 Bloon 免疫无效。这个能力太强大了,不可能永远持续下去,所以几轮后,Battle Cat 必须传送回 Eternia 的家。
    • On most platforms, Battle Cat Powers can be obtained via the Battle Cat Prestige Pack that comes with tier 5 Beast Handler Insta Monkeys, an exclusive Avatar, and an exclusive Banner and for repeat use the Battle Cat Booster Pack that also comes with a selection of Insta Monkeys.
      在大多数平台上,可以通过 Battle Cat Prestige Pack 获得 Battle Cat Powerstige,该包附带 5 级 Beast Handler Insta Monkeys、独家头像和独家横幅,并重复使用 Battle Cat Booster Pack,该包还附带一系列 Insta Monkeys。
  • New Quests 新任务
    • Alternate CHIMPoppable - CHIMPS Rules. Impoppable prices. Alternate Bloon Rounds. Is it even possible?
      替代 CHIMPoppable - CHIMPS 规则。超值的价格。交替气球回合。这甚至可能吗?
    • Adora Explorer! - Discover Adora’s strengths and abilities
      爱探险家!- 发现 Adora 的优势和能力
    • By the Power of Battle Cat! - Test out the exclusive new Battle Cat Power
      凭借 Battle Cat 的力量!- 测试独家的新 Battle Cat Power
  • New Trophy Store Items 新的 Trophy Store 物品
    • Monkeys: Druid Holiday projectiles, wildly festive and available anytime the Druids feel the spirit
  • New Limited Time trophy items (Note: Not available until the seasonal event begins!)
    • Christmas Snowmonkey avatar, Magical Christmas banner

Game Changes / Additions 游戏更改/添加

  • 2024 Hero Packs including all heroes and skins up to 2024 from the game start. This includes a full pack of every hero & skin, which is substituted for a small completion pack for players who already own many of these.
    2024 英雄包,包括游戏开始到 2024 年的所有英雄和皮肤。这包括一个包含每个英雄和皮肤的全套包,对于已经拥有许多这些的玩家来说,这个包被一个小的完成包所替代。
  • Blastapopoulos added to Contested Territory
    Blastapopoulos 被添加到争议领土

Bug Fixes & General Changes

  • Resolved a number of localization issues
  • Hero hotkey should function again without a delay when restarting a game
  • Failing Quest objectives no longer shows a victorious monkey on the summary screen
  • Resolved an issue with certain high starting round challenges crashing with Fast Track
    解决了某些高起点回合挑战在 Fast Track 中崩溃的问题
  • Having only "Selected Hero" in the Challenge Editor should no longer prevent the challenge from being played
    在挑战编辑器中只有 “Selected Hero” 应该不会再阻止挑战的进行
  • Resolved an edge case that could cause heroes to gain less XP from Fast Track when also benefiting from Empowered Heroes
  • Owned Avatars within with profile selection menu will now order to the top
    具有配置文件选择菜单中的 Owned Avatars 现在将排在顶部
  • CHIMPS mode should no longer offer a ‘retry last round’ on the very first round
    CHIMPS 模式不应再在第一轮提供“重试最后一轮”
  • Resolved a crash that could sometimes eventually occur when rapidly placing and selling a heli then placing and selling a mortar then placing and selling a heli then placing and selling a mortar then placing and selling a heli then placing and selling a mortar, probably.’
  • Hero placement animations should display correctly when hero levels during placement
  • Resolved a bug that could cause attacks to bypass Vortex’s skull immunity window
    解决了可能导致攻击绕过 Vortex 的颅骨免疫窗口的错误
  • Resolved a number of reported elusive game crashes that could occur
  • Resolved a number of prop texture issues in Map Editor
    解决了 Map Editor 中的许多 prop 纹理问题
  • Removed a deal pixel from many text entry fields
  • Fixed a number of map texture issues

Events & Quests 活动和任务

  • The Slime Counter on the A Slimey Expedition quest should no longer break on restart
    A Slimey Expedition 任务中的史莱姆计数器在重启时不应再中断
  • Resolved a case in which Collection Events could softlock while claiming rewards
    解决了 Collection Events 在领取奖励时可能软锁的问题
  • Resolved an issue that could cause dialogue to not correctly display
  • Elite Blastapopoulos should now take extra damage from paragons
    Elite Blastapopoulos 现在应该会受到典范的额外伤害

Map Specific 特定于地图

  • Ancient Portals resolved a case in which some towers retained buffs after being moved away from buff platforms
  • Engineer cleansing foam now layers correctly on Ancient Portal

Tower Specific Fixes Tower 特定修复

Dart Monkey 飞镖猴

  • 502 Ultra Juggernaut should no longer have less knockback than the previous tier
    502 超主宰的击退不再低于前一级别

Bomb Shooter 炸弹射手

  • x5x MOAB Eliminator’s ability explosion correctly deals explosive damage
    x5x MOAB Eliminator 的 Explosion 技能正确造成爆炸伤害

Monkey Sub 猴子潜艇

  • Sub Paragon should no longer keep its radiation attack when unsubmerged
    Sub Paragon 在未被淹没时不应再保持其辐射攻击

Monkey Buccaneer 猴子海盗

  • 510 Plane radial projectile speed should no longer decrease when upgraded (100 > 200)
    510 平面径向射弹速度在升级后不再降低 (100 > 200)

Mortar Monkey 砂浆猴

  • 032 Heavy Shells can now apply Burny Stuff to DDTs if it has camo detection
    032 Heavy Shells 现在可以对 DDT 施加 Burny Stuff,前提是它有迷彩检测功能

Druid 德鲁伊

  • 032 Druid of the Jungle’s vine attack should now benefit from Heart of Vengeance
    032 丛林德鲁伊的藤蔓攻击现在应该受益于复仇之心

Mermonkey 美人鱼

  • xx4 Symphonic Resonance resolved a crash that could occur when repositioning the totem after spawning Blastapopoulos
    xx4 Symphonic Resonance 解决了在生成 Blastapopoulos 后重新定位图腾时可能发生的崩溃
  • Lord of the Abyss's radius should no longer cause new Mermonkey primed for placement to display incorrectly range circles
    Lord of the Abyss 的范围应该不再导致准备放置的新 Mermonkey 显示错误的范围圆圈

Banana Farm 香蕉农场

  • xx1 EZ Collect bananas should be more effectively collected by Banana Farmers
    xx1 EZ Collect 香蕉应该由香蕉种植者更有效地收集

Engineer 工程师

  • Paragon’s Green Sentry should no longer display a non-functional ‘first’ target prio when first placed
    Paragon 的 Green Sentry 在首次放置时不应再显示无效的“第一”目标 Prio
  • xx5 XXL Trap when created will clear any existing XXXL traps owned by the player, this will now allow the newly placed engineer to place its trap without requiring the old trap to be filled first
    xx5 XXL 陷阱创建后将清除玩家拥有的所有现有 XXXL 陷阱,现在允许新放置的工程师放置其陷阱,而无需先填充旧陷阱

Beast Handler 驯兽师

  • Resolved an issue with Beast placement clipping through the void in some cases
    解决了在某些情况下 Beast 放置会穿过虚空的问题

Ezili 埃兹利

  • Lv3 Heartstopper can be used when Blastapopoulos is the only ‘Purple’ Bloon on screen
    Lv3 Heartstopper 可以在 Blastapopoulos 是屏幕上唯一的“紫色”气球时使用

Pat Fusty 帕特·福斯蒂

  • Kaiju Pat should correctly use his 'mechanized' voice lines at level 20
    Kaiju Pat 应该在 20 级时正确使用他的“机械化”语音台词

Geraldo 杰拉尔多

  • Gerry’s Fire should no longer gain its own range circle when attached to xx4 Mermonkey
    Gerry's Fire 在附加到 xx4 人鱼时不应再获得自己的射程圈
  • Geraldo’s shop should correctly be stunned by Blastapopoulos
    Geraldo 的商店应该被 Blastapopoulos 震惊

Rosalia 罗莎莉亚

  • Resolved an issue with some of Rosalia’s attacks undercounting on stat tracking
    解决了 Rosalia 的一些攻击低估统计数据跟踪的问题

Platform Specific fixes 特定于平台的修复

  • [Android] Resolved a softlock that could occur on startup on some devices
  • [Arcade] Profile save slots should now correctly display Veteran stars when applicable

Balance Changes 平衡性更改

Our past couple updates included massive widespread balance changes in order to dedicate balance time at the end of the year to working on our new Legends game mode for v46. However as the Rogue Legend has ended up being delayed we’ve gone ahead with a small focused list of balance changes mainly responding to a number of points raised by the community this year.
我们过去的几次更新包括大规模的平衡性变化,以便将平衡时间用于开发 v46 的新传奇游戏模式。然而,由于 Rogue Legend 最终被推迟,我们继续进行一个小的平衡性更改列表,主要是针对社区今年提出的一些观点。

Tower Balance 塔平衡

Bomb Shooter’s base pierce is plenty for the early game but low enough that 1xx crosspath feels too important later, we’re shifting pierce out of crosspath into the base upgrade to alleviate this. Players found the recent increased coverage of 024 recursive too much, but we like the functionality so we’ve tightened the spread for the base xx4 recursive to make 024 about the same as it was before but 004 even tighter. Bomb Blitz has been upgraded to double attack rate from the previous tier.
Bomb Shooter 的基础穿透对于游戏早期来说已经足够了,但足够低,以至于 1xx 交叉路径在以后感觉太重要了,我们将穿透从交叉路径转移到基础升级中以缓解这种情况。玩家发现最近增加的 024 递归覆盖率太高了,但我们喜欢这个功能,因此我们收紧了基础 xx4 递归的分布,使 024 与以前大致相同,但 004 更加紧密。炸弹闪电战已从上一级升级为双倍攻击速率。

  • 000 Bomb Shooter pierce increased from 14 > 22
    000 炸弹射手的穿透从 14 > 22 增加
  • 100 Bigger Bombs pierce increased from 20 > 28
    100 个更大的炸弹穿透从 20 > 增加 28
  • 200 Heavy Bombs pierce increased from 30 > 38
    200 枚重型炸弹的穿透率由 30 > 提升至 38
  • 300 Really Big Bombs pierce remains 80
    300 枚真正的大炸弹穿透 80
  • xx4 Recursive Cluster min cluster distance 30 > 20
    xx4 递归簇 最小簇距离 30 > 20
  • xx4 Recursive Cluster max cluster distance 36 > 30
    xx4 递归集群 最大集群距离 36 > 30
  • xx5 Bomb Blitz attack cooldown reduced from 1 > 0.75
    xx5 炸弹闪电战的攻击冷却时间从 1 > 0.75 降低

Tack Shooter 谢谢你射手

Every Tack Shooter Tier 3 needed a different attack rate boost, so to tidy this up we’ve moved much of that rate to the base tack shooter. Given the bottom path Tack is slightly nerfed from this rate change, it is seeing additional pierce to make an overall buff. Finally Blade Shooter has always visually increased the projectile size considerably but not actually changed this value at all, Blades will now actually be bigger.
每个 Tack Shooter Tier 3 都需要不同的攻击率提升,因此为了解决这个问题,我们将大部分攻击率转移到了基础 Tack Shooter。鉴于底部路径 Tack 因此速率变化而略微削弱,它看到了额外的穿孔以产生整体增益。最后,Blade Shooter 在视觉上总是大大增加了射弹大小,但实际上根本没有改变这个值,Blades 现在实际上会更大。

  • 000 Tack Shooter reload rate reduced from 1.4 > 1.12
    000 钉射手的装填速度从 1.4 > 1.12 降低
  • 3xx Hot Shots reload rate remains 0.63
    3xx Hot Shots 装填率保持 0.63
  • x3x Blade Shooter reload rate reduced from 1.19 > 1.12
    x3x Blade Shooter 的装填速度从 1.19 > 1.12 降低
  • xx3 Tack Sprayer reload rate increased from 1.05 > 1.12
    xx3 钉式喷雾器的装填速度从 1.05 > 1.12 提升
  • xx5 The Tack Zone reload rate reduced from 0.2275 > 0.224
    xx5 马具区的装填速度从 0.2275 > 0.224 降低
  • xx3 Tack Sprayer pierce increased from 1 > 2
    xx3 钉式喷雾器的穿孔从 1 > 2 提升
  • xx4 Overdrive pierce remains 2
    xx4 超速穿透仍为 2
  • x3x Blade Shooter projectile radius increased from 0 > 4
    x3x Blade Shooter 射弹半径由 0 > 4 提升
  • x4x Blade Maelstrom ability projectile radius increased from 2 > 4
    x4x Blade Maelstrom 技能的投射物半径由 2 > 4

Sniper Monkey 狙击猴

Players have requested a bonus for the 025 Sniper shrapnel given it’s meant to be a pierce crosspath but struggles on anything non-MOAB, so we’d like to try moving the bonus MOAB damage on 024 shrapnel into base damage instead.
玩家要求 025 狙击手弹片的加成,因为它本来是一个穿刺的交叉路径,但在任何非 MOAB 上都很困难,所以我们想尝试将 024 弹片的额外 MOAB 伤害改为基础伤害。

  • 024 Full Auto Rifle shrapnel damage increased 1 > 2
    024 全自动步枪弹片伤害增加 1 > 2
  • 024 Full Auto Rifle shrapnel MOAB bonus reduced 1 > 0
    024 全自动步枪弹片 MOAB 加成 降低 1 > 0
  • Applies to xx5 Elite Defender
    适用于 xx5 Elite Defender

Monkey Buccaneer 猴子海盗

Instead of increasing the amount of cash generated, the Navarch will now increase the number of Merchantmen that can receive the benefit. This is an overall increase to cash generation though requiring more of a space investment to fully utilize.
Navarch 现在将增加可以获得该福利的商人数量,而不是增加产生的现金数量。这是对现金生成的整体增加,尽管需要更多的空间投资才能充分利用。

  • Paragon cash per merchant reduced 15 > 10
    每个商户的 Paragon 现金减少 15 > 10
  • Paragon number of merchants benefited increased 20 > 40
    Paragon 受益商户数量增加 20 > 40

Monkey Ace 猴王牌

As efforts to improve the feeling of top path Buccaneer have gone relatively well, projectile seeking has now been greatly improved for the Bottom path Ace as well.
随着改善顶部路径 Buccaneer 感觉的努力相对顺利,Bottom path Ace 的弹道搜索现在也得到了极大的改进。

  • xx3 Neva-Miss radial darts no longer miss
    xx3 Neva-Miss 径向飞镖不再失手
  • xx4 Spectre targeted dart attack seeking improved
    xx4 Spectre 目标飞镖攻击搜索改进

Dartling Gunner 飞镖枪手

Plasma Accelerator’s cost is shifting further down to improve upgrade progression. Rocket Storm is gaining a greater bonus to Ceramics for better cleanup breakpoints, and at T5 damage is being moved out from base attack into the ability for a more significant burst of damage when used as currently the ability is underwhelming compared to the main attack at T5.
Plasma Accelerator 的成本进一步降低,以改善升级进度。火箭风暴对陶瓷获得了更大的加成,可以更好地清理断点,并且在 T5 时,伤害从基础攻击转移到使用时具有更显着伤害爆发的能力,因为目前该技能与 T5 的主要攻击相比平淡无奇。

  • 3xx Laser Cannon $3650 > $3000
    3xx 激光炮 $3650 > $3000
  • 4xx Plasma Accelerator $11100 > $11750
    4xx 等离子加速器 $11100 > $11750
  • x4x Rocket Storm ability deals bonus to Ceramic +1
    x4x 火箭风暴技能对陶瓷造成加成 +1
  • x5x M.A.D ability bonus to Ceramic increased 4 > 5
    陶瓷的 x5x M.A.D 能力加成增加 4 > 5
  • x5x M.A.D bonus to MOAB-Class reduced 550 > 450
    MOAB 级的 M.A.D 加成减少 550 > 450
  • x5x M.A.D ability Bonus to MOAB-Class increased 18 > 250
    x5x M.A.D 能力 MOAB 级加成 增加 18 > 250

Wizard Monkey 巫师猴

Archmage’s secondary attacks are gaining bonus MOAB damage increases as due to Archmage’s unique mechanics, nerfs building up from Dragon's Breath have also indirectly caused an impact for the Archmage. Prince of Darkness’ buff to other Zombies damage doesn't get much interest, so we’re buffing it. Though the expected dps should be high Magus doesn’t fit well into boss dps windows, so we’re reducing its mana drain rate to increase Metamorphosis duration.
大法师的二次攻击获得了额外的 MOAB 伤害增加,因为由于大法师的独特机制,龙息积累的削弱也间接地对大法师造成了影响。黑暗王子对其他僵尸伤害的增益并没有引起太多兴趣,所以我们对其进行了增强。虽然预期的 dps 应该很高,但 Magus 并不适合 Boss dps 窗口,因此我们降低了它的法力消耗速度以增加 Metamorphosis 持续时间。

  • 5xx Archmage fireball bonus to MOAB-Class increased 9 > 27
    MOAB 级的 5xx 大法师火球加成增加 9 > 27
  • 5xx Archmage wall of fire bonus to MOAB-Class increased 1 > 4
    MOAB 级的 5xx 大法师火墙加成增加 1 > 4
  • 5xx Archmage dragon's breath bonus to MOAB-Class increased 2 > 6
    5xx 大法师龙息加成 MOAB 级 增加 2 > 6
  • xx5 Prince of Darkness buff to zombie damage increased 1 > 3
    xx5 黑暗王子对僵尸的伤害增益增加 1 > 3
  • Paragon Metamorphosis mana drain reduced 5000 > 4000
    Paragon Metamorphosis 魔法消耗 减少 5000 > 4000

Ninja Monkey 忍者猴

Based on the x5x ability Ninja Paragon will now grant bonus range to all non-paragon ninjas, it will provide the Shinobi Tactics buff to any other Ninja in radius, and its global camo detection will also apply to other paragons.
基于 x5x 能力,忍者典范现在将为所有非典范忍者提供加成范围,它将为半径内的任何其他忍者提供忍者战术增益,其全球迷彩检测也将适用于其他典范。

  • Paragon now grants increased range to all ninja +10
    Paragon 现在为所有忍者提供更大的范围 +10
  • Paragon now provides the Shinobi Tactics buff for Ninja in radius
    Paragon 现在为半径内的忍者提供 Shinobi Tactics 增益
  • Paragon now bestows Camo Detection upon other paragons
    Paragon 现在将 Camo Detection 赋予其他 paragon

Druid 德鲁伊

As it’s really good, and it’ll still be really good.

  • 3xx Druid of the Storm tornado gains a ceramic pierce penalty of +1
    3xx 风暴德鲁伊龙卷风的陶瓷穿透惩罚 +1
  • further tiers unaffected 其他等级不受影响

Mermonkey 美人鱼

While we were happy with Arctic Knight’s Ice Jet being a high pierce MOAB layer removal that could with other tower combinations be upgraded to a more effective full-clear, there is not currently enough varied ways of quickly dealing with White Bloon layers, so for a long cooldown based ability this heavy a weakness is too much for now. Bottom path Mermonkey is proving to be very high uptime for the strong support it provides, while still exceptional this is only seeing a light nerf for now.
虽然我们对 Arctic Knight's Ice Jet 是一种高穿透 MOAB 层移除感到满意,可以与其他塔组合一起升级到更有效的全清除层,但目前没有足够的不同方法来快速处理白气球层,因此对于基于长时间冷却的技能来说,如此沉重的弱点目前太过分了。事实证明,Bottom path Mermonkey 提供的强大支持具有非常高的正常运行时间,虽然仍然非常出色,但目前只看到了轻微的削弱。

  • x4x Arctic Knight ability projectiles pass over White Bloons unless can damage
    x4x 极地骑士技能射弹会越过白气球,除非能造成伤害
  • xx3 Alluring Melody tranced Bloon cooldown increased 3 > 4
    xx3 诱人的旋律 tranced 气球冷却时间增加 3 > 4
  • xx4 Symphonic Resonance tranced Bloon cooldown increased 3 > 4
    xx4 交响共振恍惚气球冷却时间增加 3 > 4
  • xx5 Final Harmonic Trance Bloon cooldown unchanged
    xx5 Final Harmonic Trance Bloon 冷却时间不变

Spike Factory 斯派克工厂

While this won’t change the effective DPS of spike storm at all, the ability will now occur over a slightly longer duration to reduce the effective ‘instapop’ on many targets and give more time to see what’s going on.
虽然这根本不会改变尖刺风暴的有效 DPS,但该能力现在将在稍长的持续时间内发生,以减少对许多目标的有效“instapop”,并给予更多时间来了解发生了什么。

  • x4x Spike Storm ability duration increased 1s > 2s
    x4x 尖刺风暴技能持续时间增加 1 秒 > 2s
  • x4x Spike Storm ability attack cooldown increased 0.02 > 0.04
    x4x 尖刺风暴技能 攻击冷却时间 增加 0.02 > 0.04
  • xx5 Permaspike unchanged xx5 Permaspike 不变

Monkey Village 猴村

Primary Expertise is gaining enough damage to allow it to continue to 1 shot MOABs until round 100, but in exchange it will attack slower for an overall power increase.
主要专长获得足够的伤害,使其能够继续 1 次 MOAB 射击直到第 100 回合,但作为交换,它会攻击得更慢,以获得整体力量增加。

  • 5xx Primary Expertise bonus damage to Ceramic/MOAB increased 190 > 270
    5xx 主要专长对陶瓷/MOAB 的额外伤害增加 190 > 270
  • 5xx Primary Expertise attack cooldown increased 2.5 > 3
    5xx 主要专长攻击冷却时间增加 2.5 > 3

Engineer 工程师

Now that Ultraboost has an initial cooldown we are again allowing it to be used between rounds. Middle crosspath feels too good for Bloontraps because of the massive quality of life it brings, so we’re pushing the DPS more for top crosspath by allowing Double Gun to also double the projectiles of Sentries. The expensive XXL Trap's cash generation comes in too late given Bloontraps fall off as an income generator in the late game, so we’re reducing the upgrade cost and increasing the cash generation that it brings.
现在 Ultraboost 有了初始冷却时间,我们再次允许在回合之间使用它。中间交叉路径对 Bloontraps 来说感觉太好了,因为它带来了巨大的生活质量,所以我们通过允许双枪也可以将哨兵的射弹加倍来进一步推动顶部交叉路径的 DPS。鉴于 Bloontraps 在游戏后期作为收入来源的来源会下降,昂贵的 XXL Trap 的现金生成来得太晚了,因此我们正在降低升级成本并增加它带来的现金生成。

  • x5x Ultraboost can activate between rounds false > true
    x5x Ultraboost 可以在回合之间激活 false > true
  • 103 Double Gun Sentries shoot twin projectiles
    103 双枪哨兵发射双炮弹
  • xx5 XXXL Trap collected Bloons cash multiplier increased 2 > 3
    xx5 XXXL 陷阱收集 气球现金乘数 增加 2 > 3
  • xx5 XXXL Trap price reduced 48,000 > 45,000
    xx5 XXXL 陷阱价格降低 48,000 > 45,000

Beast Handler 驯兽师

Max power Great White drags in MOAB's too quickly which actually causes it to thrash less from this and overall perform worse, so a minimum drag time has been set. Megalodon's 'not 1 shotting' damage feels too low compared to when it is able to 1shot, so we’re increasing this damage.
最大功率 Great White 拖入 MOAB 的速度太快,这实际上导致它从这个抽搐中抽搐更少,整体性能更差,因此设置了最小拖拽时间。与能够 1 次射击时相比,巨齿鲨的“非 1 次射击”伤害感觉太低了,因此我们增加了这种伤害。

  • 3xx Max MOAB grab time increased 0 > 6s
    3xx 最大 MOAB 抓取时间增加 0 > 6s
  • 5xx Megalodon damage increased 350 > 700
    5xx 巨齿鲨伤害增加 350 > 700
  • 5xx Megalodon damage range increased 400 > 1400
    5xx 巨齿鲨伤害范围增加 400 > 1400

Hero Balance 英雄平衡

Ezili 埃兹利

Ezili’s first bonus against MOABs is swapping forward to an earlier level so she can do something in time for the first MOAB on round 40.
Ezili 对 MOAB 的第一个加成是向前切换到更早的级别,这样她就可以及时为第 40 轮的第一个 MOAB 做一些事情。

  • Ezili Lv8 bonus MOAB damage moved to Lv6
    Ezili Lv8 额外 MOAB 伤害移至 Lv6
  • Ezili Lv6 DoT duration/rate moved to Lv8
    Ezili Lv6 DoT 持续时间/速率移至 Lv8

Etienne 艾蒂安

Etienne's final level activated UCAV power is being increased
Etienne 的最后一关激活的 UCAV 功率正在增加

  • Lv20 UCAV ability active cast damage increased 10 > 12
    Lv 20 UCAV 技能主动施法伤害 增加 10 > 12

Geraldo 杰拉尔多

Geraldo is coming into line with himself, though as he still feels too far ahead of other heroes we are scaling up some of the shop prices to more justify the power level.

  • Lv1 Creepy Idol price increased $100 > 120
    Lv1 令人毛骨悚然的偶像价格上涨 $100 > 120
  • Lv1 Jar of Pickles price increased $100 > 150
    Lv1 罐泡菜价格上涨 $100 > 150
  • Lv4 Tube of Amaz-O-Glue price increased $100 > 150
    Lv4 Tube of Amaz-O-Glue 价格上涨 $100 > 150
  • Lv8 Gerry’s Fire price increased $600 > 650
    Lv. 8 格里之火 价格 增加 $600 > 650
  • Lv10 Pet Rabbit price increased $1500 > $2000
    Lv10 宠物兔 价格上涨 $1500 > $2000
  • Lv12 Genie Bottle price increased $2000 > 2500
    Lv. 12 精灵瓶价格 上调 $2000 > 2500

Corvus 乌鸦座

We don’t want to knock him down hard before the holidays, but Corvus’ placement cost is being increased and Spirit move speed is being shifted from passive power into the Haste spell with Haste’s cooldown also being cut so it can almost always be available when required at the cost of active mana management.
我们不想在假期前狠狠地击倒他,但 Corvus 的放置成本正在增加,并且 Spirit 的移动速度正在从被动能力转移到 Haste 法术,Haste 的冷却时间也被缩短了,因此它几乎总是可以在需要时使用,但代价是主动法力管理。

  • Lv1 placement cost increased $925 > 1025
    Lv1 安置费用增加 $925 > 1025
  • Lv1 Spirit maximum move speed reduced 125 > 100
    Lv1 灵性最大移动速度 降低 125 > 100
  • Lv3 Haste cooldown reduced 15s > 5
    Lv3 急速冷却时间减少 15秒 > 5

Powers 权力

While working on the new Battle Cat power we concluded a number of existing powers that haven’t had love since launch are no longer living up to a worthy level of power in the modern state of Bloons, so we’ve made modifications to some of these to make them more useful for the cost. In particular, we felt like there were very few times to ever use MOAB Mines over Super Monkey Storms so these have been given a considerably more powerful single target use case to use in situations in which Super Monkey Storm would normally struggle.
在开发新的 Battle Cat 能力时,我们得出结论,许多自发布以来就没有受到喜爱的现有能力在现代气球状态中不再达到有价值的能力水平,因此我们对其中一些进行了修改,使它们对成本更有用。特别是,我们觉得使用 MOAB 地雷而不是 Super Monkey Storm 的次数很少,因此它们被赋予了更强大的单一目标用例,可以在 Super Monkey Storm 通常会遇到困难的情况下使用。

  • MOAB Mine damage increased 300 > 5000
    MOAB 地雷伤害增加 300 > 5000
  • MOAB Mine can now re-hit same target & children targets with cooldown 1s
  • Super Monkey Storm damage increased 2000 > 4000
    超级猴子风暴伤害增加 2000 > 4000
  • Time Stop no longer slows tower attacks as much 70% > 40%
    时间停止不再使防御塔攻击减速 70% > 40%
  • Energizing Totem range increased 40 > 54
    充能图腾范围增加 40 > 54
  • Camo Trap grants 2 for every purchase
    Camo Trap 每次购买都会获得 2 个
  • Glue Trap grants 2 for every purchase
    Glue Trap 每次购买都会提供 2 个

Paragons 典范

The Paragon formula applying a flat +100p to any attacks has been limiting our design in building low-pierce balanced attacks for Paragon upgrades, in particular we could not embody the design of the Tack Shooter’s 1 pierce meteor attack due to this, so we have lowered this flat pierce bonus for further review.
Paragon 公式对任何攻击应用固定的 +100p 限制了我们为 Paragon 升级构建低穿透平衡攻击的设计,特别是由于这个原因,我们无法体现 Tack Shooter 的 1 穿透流星攻击的设计,因此我们降低了这个固定穿透加成以供进一步审查。

  • Paragon Formula: Flat pierce per degree reduced 1 > 0.1
    Paragon 公式:每度平穿孔减少 1 > 0.1
  • Paragons still also receive an additional +1% pierce per degree
    典范每度仍会额外获得 +1% 穿孔

Powers Knowledge

  • Powerful Monkey Storm bonus damage increased 300 > +1000 (+25%)
    强大的猴子风暴加成伤害增加 300 > +1000 (+25%)
  • Mauling MOAB Mines bonus damage increased 100 > 1250 (+25%)
    重击 MOAB 地雷的额外伤害增加 100 > 1250 (+25%)
  • Longer Boosts bonus duration increased 2s > 5s
    更长的加成持续时间增加 2 秒 > 5s
  • Longer Time Stop bonus duration increased 3s > 5
    更长的时间停止加成持续时间增加 3 秒 > 5

Bosses 老板

Blast has been quite unforgiving in Boss Rush events, so we’re squeezing in a reduction to both health and heat gain within this mode.
Blast 在 Boss Rush 活动中是相当无情的,因此我们在此模式下压缩了对生命值和热量增益的减少。

  • Blastapopoulos Boss Rush heat gain on kill reduced 0.02 > 0.015
    Blastapopoulos Boss Rush 杀敌时热度增加 降低 0.02 > 0.015
  • Blastapopoulos Boss Rush starting health reduced 400 > 350
    Blastapopoulos Boss Rush 起始生命值降低 400 > 350

Super Monkey - The Monkey Temple
超级猴子 - 猴子庙

This is now a ‘part 2/3 temple rework', the actual bonuses have not been the focus of changes this time, instead we have shuffled around the different benefits gained from temple sacrifices to set the stage in balancing out the different categories.
这现在是“第 2/3 部分神庙重做”,这次实际的加成并不是更改的重点,相反,我们围绕从神庙祭祀中获得的不同好处进行了洗牌,为平衡不同类别奠定了基础。

Too much is changed here to fully detail every sacrifice tier, but for now the same bonuses exist but moved around:

  • Temple main attack damage increases have been moved from Primary to Military
  • Temple main attack pierce increases have all been moved to Magic
  • Temple main attack projectile size increases have been moved from Military to Magic
  • Temple Sacrifices follow a more consistent unlock pattern, first bonus adding a secondary attack, second bonus improving the power of the Temple’s main attack, third bonus adding or improving a secondary attack, and so on.

We’re interested to hear your feedback in a few weeks, but for a future update we are now considering another step after this is to make temple sacrifices less wide but deeper. One possible option for this that we have discussed is reducing the max number of categories of sacrifice from 3 to 2, but raising the limits that can be invested in a single category to grant the same or more total power from investing in fewer categories. For this to work however each category needs to have a defined use case to pick it over the other categories, we’ve taken one step in this direction with the newly buffed Primary Blades attack dealing massive damage only at close range, and are considering doubling down on the Military category of sacrifices functioning much better at a far range while Magic sits well in the middle.
我们很想在几周内听到您的反馈,但对于未来的更新,我们现在正在考虑在此之后的另一个步骤,即减少寺庙祭祀的范围,但更深。我们已经讨论过的一个可能选项是将牺牲类别的最大数量从 3 个减少到 2 个,但提高可以投资于单个类别的限制,以通过投资于更少的类别来授予相同或更多的总能量。然而,要做到这一点,每个类别都需要有一个明确的用例才能选择它而不是其他类别,我们已经朝着这个方向迈出了一步,新增强的主刃攻击仅在近距离造成大量伤害,并且正在考虑加倍投入军事类别的牺牲,在远距离上效果更好,而魔法则位于中间。

Looking Forward 期待

Huge thanks for another awesome year! We so appreciate you reading these notes, playing and replaying the game, giving us feedback, participating in community, sharing fanart, making memes, posting videos, streaming your best moments, and helping us remember who it is that we’re building this game for.

And double huge thanks for supporting us in the Pocket Gamer voting, where this amazing community threw incredible support behind Bloons TD 6 and selecting it as the Best Game of the Year. This is absolutely astounding, and while we feel immensely proud of the care and craft we’ve put into BTD6, we are equally grateful for and humbled by the outpouring of your support that made this award happen!
再次非常感谢您在 Pocket Gamer 投票中支持我们,这个了不起的社区为 Bloons TD 6 提供了难以置信的支持,并将其选为年度最佳游戏。这绝对令人震惊,虽然我们为我们对 BTD6 的关怀和技巧感到无比自豪,但我们同样感谢您的大力支持,使这个奖项得以颁发,我们同样感到谦卑!

Here we are at the 45th major update to the game in 6.5 years, and next year we’ll hit the 50th update. We have big plans for 2025, which we’ll share in the new year after we’ve had time to confirm our schedules in the planning discussions that follow this release. Until then here are a few updates so that you are not left wondering about previously mentioned features.
现在是游戏 45 年来的第 6.5 次重大更新,明年我们将进行第 50 次更新。我们对 2025 年有宏伟的计划,我们将在有时间在此版本之后的规划讨论中确认我们的时间表后,在新的一年分享这些计划。在此之前,这里有一些更新,这样您就不会对前面提到的功能感到疑惑。

  • Those who have been following along may note we planned to release our first Legends DLC along with version 46, but there was even more we wanted to add to truly make it a full game within the game, so we hope you won’t mind waiting until update 47 in early February.
    那些一直在关注的人可能会注意到,我们计划在版本 46 的同时发布我们的第一个 Legends DLC,但我们还想添加更多内容,以真正使其成为游戏中的完整游戏,因此我们希望您不介意等到 2 月初的更新 47。
  • Game Editor also continues to make great strides, adding both functionality and improved UI. Current thinking is to launch this as its own 47.x update in March.
    Game Editor 还继续取得长足进步,增加了功能和改进的 UI。目前的想法是在 3 月份将其作为自己的 47.x 更新推出。
  • Console content updates are out on PlayStation and in submission on Xbox.
    主机内容更新已在 PlayStation 上发布,并在 Xbox 上提交。

As we head into the end of the year, we wish you and all of your favorite Monkeys lots of gaming time together, and absolutely awesomer holiday season, and the very best for 2025 - thank you from all of us at Ninja Kiwi!
随着我们进入年底,我们祝愿您和您的所有您最喜欢的 Monkeys 一起度过更多的游戏时光,绝对精彩的假期,以及 2025 年最好的时光 - 感谢 Ninja Kiwi 的所有人!


图片[2]-免费下载| 气球塔防6/猴子塔防6 Bloons TD 6 Build.16753321 -飞星(官中)-飞星免费游戏仓库
图片[3]-免费下载| 气球塔防6/猴子塔防6 Bloons TD 6 Build.16753321 -飞星(官中)-飞星免费游戏仓库
图片[4]-免费下载| 气球塔防6/猴子塔防6 Bloons TD 6 Build.16753321 -飞星(官中)-飞星免费游戏仓库
图片[5]-免费下载| 气球塔防6/猴子塔防6 Bloons TD 6 Build.16753321 -飞星(官中)-飞星免费游戏仓库
图片[6]-免费下载| 气球塔防6/猴子塔防6 Bloons TD 6 Build.16753321 -飞星(官中)-飞星免费游戏仓库
图片[7]-免费下载| 气球塔防6/猴子塔防6 Bloons TD 6 Build.16753321 -飞星(官中)-飞星免费游戏仓库
图片[8]-免费下载| 气球塔防6/猴子塔防6 Bloons TD 6 Build.16753321 -飞星(官中)-飞星免费游戏仓库
图片[9]-免费下载| 气球塔防6/猴子塔防6 Bloons TD 6 Build.16753321 -飞星(官中)-飞星免费游戏仓库
图片[10]-免费下载| 气球塔防6/猴子塔防6 Bloons TD 6 Build.16753321 -飞星(官中)-飞星免费游戏仓库



凭借十多年的塔防游戏历史和定期海量更新内容,《Bloons TD 6》成为广受全球数百万玩家欢迎的一款游戏。现在就玩《Bloons TD 6》,享受无尽的策略游戏乐趣。


  • 定期更新!通过每年发布的数次更新,我们会推出新的角色、功能和游戏玩法。
  • Boss 活动!令人生畏的Boss气球前来挑战固若金汤的防线。
  • 征程模式!完成由一系列地图组成的战斗,通常按主题、规则和奖励划分。
  • 争议领地!和其他玩家组成战队,携手对抗五支其他战队,争夺领地。夺取共同地图上的地块,在排行榜上展开竞争。
  • 任务!通过任务深入了解猴子特点,体验精彩剧情和分享各种知识。
  • 奖杯商店!赚取奖杯即可解锁几十种装饰品,用于自定义自己的猴子、气球、动画、音乐等。
  • 内容浏览器!创建你自己的挑战和征程,然后与其他玩家分享,即可畅玩最受喜爱的社区内容。
图片[11]-免费下载| 气球塔防6/猴子塔防6 Bloons TD 6 Build.16753321 -飞星(官中)-飞星免费游戏仓库


  • 23种强大的猴子塔,每种都有3条升级路径和独特的激活技能。
  • 巅峰! 探索最新巅峰升级带来的惊人力量!
  • 16位不同英雄,每位都有20项标志性升级和2种特殊技能,以及可解锁的皮肤和配音。
图片[12]-免费下载| 气球塔防6/猴子塔防6 Bloons TD 6 Build.16753321 -飞星(官中)-飞星免费游戏仓库


  • 4 人合作模式!最多可与 3 名其他玩家在公开或私人游戏中一起畅玩每张地图和每种模式。
  • 随时随地畅玩 –即使没有WiFi,也可通过单人模式享受游戏乐趣!
  • 70+张手工绘制地图,每次更新都会增加新地图。
  • 猴子知识!超过100项元升级,可在你需要的地方增加力量。
  • 可通过游戏、活动和成就获得力量和Insta猴子!立即增加力量,帮助你应对棘手的地图和模式。

我们尽可能多地将大量内容放入每一次更新,并且会继续通过定期更新为你带来新的功能、内容和挑战。我们十分尊重你投入的时间和提供的支持,我们希望《Bloons TD 6》成为你玩过的最优秀的策略游戏。如果你有任何意见和建议,请通过https://support.ninjakiwi.com联系我们!

那些气球可不会乖乖束手就擒哦……磨利你的飞镖,开始《Bloons TD 6》吧!


Ninja Kiwi 说明:


《气球塔防 6》游戏中有需要用真实金钱购买的物品。你可以在设备设置中禁用内购,或联系我们寻求帮助:https://support.ninjakiwi.com。你的购买将为我们开发更新和新游戏��供资金,衷心感谢你的信任和购买。

Ninja Kiwi 团体:

Ninja Kiwi 一直在积极地宣传和推广 YouTube 和 Twitch 上的频道创作者。如果你尚未与我们合作,请继续制作视频并向我们介绍你的频道:streamers@ninjakiwi.com。


  • 需要 64 位处理器和操作系统
  • 操作系统: Windows 10 (64bit)
  • 处理器: 2Ghz or better (x86-64)
  • 内存: 8192 MB RAM
  • 显卡: OpenGL 2.0 compatible, ATI, Nvidia or Intel HD
  • 存储空间: 需要 4096 MB 可用空间
  • 声卡: Windows compatible sound card

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