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图片[1]-免费下载| 林间小世界 Tiny Glade v1.11.0 -飞星(官中)-飞星免费游戏仓库

林间小世界 Tiny Glade v1.11.0 -飞星(官中)



  • 2024年12月19日:v1.10.3f → v1.11.0
  • 2024年11月14日:v1.10.1 → v1.10.3f
  • 2024年10月23日:将游戏版本从v1.8.0a升级至v1.10.1


v1.11.0 Update – Movable Clutter & Many Lights
v1.11.0更新 – 可移动的杂物和许多灯光

Hello-hello! Hope you’re well and feeling festive ⛄ You might have noticed that we’ve been beta testing new features 👀 You might even have participated, in which case – wholeheartedly thank you 🧡 We’re happy to say that it is time to release this update into the wild!
你好!希望您一切安好,感觉愉快 ⛄ 您可能已经注意到,我们一直在对新功能👀进行 Beta 测试,您甚至可能已经参与其中,在这种情况下 – 衷心感谢您 🧡 我们很高兴地宣布,是时候将此更新发布到野外了!

Highlights 突出

Movable clutter 可移动的杂物

First highlight of the update is the ability to adjust the automatically spawned clutter. You can now move, rotate, delete and clone it. I can’t wait to see what you make – picnic spots, taverns, a hut where a hoarder of food baskets dwells? :DD
更新的第一个亮点是能够调整自动生成的地物。您现在可以移动、旋转、删除和克隆它。我迫不及待地想看看你做了什么 – 野餐地点、小酒馆、住着一大堆食物篮的小屋?:D D

Many lights 许多灯光

build by Omayli 由 Omayli 建造

You might have noticed that only 32 lights illuminated things before. Not anymore! We’ve cooked fancy lighting tech that has allowed us to remove the light count limit as well as adjust the intensity of lights. Just in time for the festive season :3
您可能已经注意到,以前只有 32 盏灯照亮了事物。现在不是了!我们设计了花哨的照明技术,使我们能够消除光数限制并调整光的强度。正好赶上节日 :3

Daily themes + Winter music
每日主题 + 冬季音乐

We’ve prepared 7 festive daily themes that will run from Dec 19 until Dec 26. And we’ve also updated Winter music with new layers for the holiday season ❄
我们准备了 7 个节日每日主题,将于 12 月 19 日至 12 月 26 日举行。我们还为假期❄更新了冬季音乐的新层次

New clutter objects 新的待筛选对象

I couldn’t resist a fantasy of making a market for the holiday season, so there’s now a stall with bread and a stall with veggies. And then I thought a crate of fish would go well too. A few evenings later, there were also an anvil, fabric rolls (Tom says they look like bedrolls, heh), a rack with brooms, a door bell, a dörrkrans and a new flower box. And then I thought, why not bring back Halloween clutter too (a barrel with candles, 2 variants of pumpkins, a cart with pumpkins, boxes with pumpkins). Hopefully these will be fun to play with, especially now that you can arrange them to your liking 😊
我忍不住想在节日期间做个市场,所以现在有一个卖面包的摊位和一个卖蔬菜的摊位。然后我想一箱鱼也会很好。几个晚上后,还有铁砧、布卷(汤姆说它们看起来像床卷,呵呵)、一个带扫帚的架子、一个门铃、一个 dörrkrans 和一个新花箱。然后我想,为什么不把万圣节的杂物也带回来(一个装蜡烛的桶、两种不同的南瓜、一辆装南瓜的手推车、装南瓜的盒子)。希望这些玩起来会很有趣,尤其是现在您可以根据自己的喜好😊安排它们

Okay, phew, this covers the highlights 😄 and below you can find the full changelog 📝
好的,呸,这涵盖了亮点😄,您可以在下面找到完整的更新日志 📝

Changelog 更改日志

Major: 主要:
✨ Automatically spawned clutter can now be moved, rotated, deleted and cloned
✨ 现在可以移动、旋转、删除和克隆自动生成的杂物
💡 Light limit has been lifted from 32 to 32,768
💡 光限制已从 32 个提高到 32,768 个
🎶❄ Updated Winter music with more festive layers for the holiday season
🎶❄ 更新了冬季音乐,为节日增添了更多节日色彩

Minor: 次要:
💡 Lantern light intensity can now be chosen among 3 values
💡 灯笼光强度现在可以在 3 个值中进行选择
💡 Lantern light colors now have equal luminous power (so blue and purple look similar in intensity to other colors)
💡 灯笼灯颜色现在具有相同的发光功率(因此蓝色和紫色看起来与其他颜色的强度相似)
🗃 New clutter objects: anvil, fabric rolls, stall with breads, stall with veggies, crate with fish, rack with brooms, bench without basket, door bell, dörrkrans, flower box + halloween themed clutter (barrel with candles, 2 variants of pumpkins, crate with pumpkins, boxes with pumpkins)
🗃 新的杂物对象:铁砧、布卷、带面包的摊位、带蔬菜的摊位、装鱼的板条箱、带扫帚的架子、带篮子的长凳、门铃、dörrkrans、花箱 + 万圣节主题的杂物(带蜡烛的桶、2 种南瓜变体、带南瓜的板条箱、带南瓜的盒子)
📅 7 festive daily themes coming on Dec 19 – Dec 26
📅 12 月 19 日至 12 月 26 日的 7 个节日每日主题即将推出
🐦Birds can sit on bird nests, lanterns, flags, and some clutter objects
🐑 Sheep will now avoid clutter
🐑 羊现在可以避免杂乱
🧱 Brick limit has been lifted from 1M to 2M
🧱 砖块限制已从 1M 提高到 2M
🐼 Roof tile limit has been lifted from 128k to 256k
🐼 屋顶瓦片限制已从 128k 提高到 256k
💌 F6 feedback tool can now also be used to send performance benchmarks to us
💌 F6 反馈工具现在也可用于向我们发送性能基准
👻 Lanterns and flags now ignore collision with fences when placed on terrain, so you can place them closer for neater arrangements
👻 现在,灯笼和旗帜在放置在地形上时会忽略与栅栏的碰撞,因此您可以将它们放置在更近的地方以获得更整洁的排列
💫 Holding a disable snapping key (LCtrl by default) while manipulating rotatable objects (ground flags, ground lanterns and clutter) will switch to rotation
💫 在操作可旋转对象(地面旗帜、地面灯笼和杂物)时按住禁用对齐键(默认为 LCtrl)将切换到旋转
💌 In the main menu, there’s a newsletter button now next to Discord
💌 在主菜单中,Discord 旁边现在有一个时事通讯按钮
👩‍🏫 In the settings menu, Tutorials have been renamed to “Control Hints”, and there’s no longer “enable tutorial” button. Instead, there’s “complete all” which will mark all hints as completed to hide them. This way, when a new feature arrives, you always get a hint about the new controls.
👩 🏫 在设置菜单中,Tutorials 已重命名为 “Control Hints”,并且不再有 “enable tutorial” 按钮。相反,有 “complete all” 将所有提示标记为已完成以隐藏它们。这样,当新功能出现时,您始终会得到有关新控件的提示。

Fixes: 修复:
😱 Fixed incorrect handling of WinAPI display mode errors, which could result in a crash loop upon enabling Fullscreen.
😱 修复了对 WinAPI 显示模式错误的错误处理,这些错误可能导致在启用全屏时出现崩溃循环。
💾 Use “File::sync_all” / “FlushFileBuffers” before closing files to reduce save corruption risk on Windows (thanks, Notepad++ forums folks!)
💾 在关闭文件之前使用 “File::sync_all” / “FlushFileBuffers” 以降低 Windows 上的保存损坏风险(感谢 Notepad++ 论坛的人们!
🐛 Fix rogue underground floors and columns which sometimes were interfering with placement of objects
🐛 修复有时会干扰物体放置的流氓地下地板和柱子
🐛 Fix NaN-related crash when looking perfectly down and placing lanterns
🐛 修复了在完美俯视并放置灯笼时与 NaN 相关的崩溃
🔉 Fix water ambience attenuation in first person mode
🔉 修复第一人称模式下的水环境衰减
🔉 Fix water ambience audio source to prioritize playing the source closest to the player camera
🔉 修复了水环境音源,以优先播放最靠近玩家摄像机的音源
🐛 New tutorial additions will no longer reset the whole tutorial state (oops!)
🐛 新添加的教程将不再重置整个教程状态(哎呀!
🧹 Left-clicking on lanterns and clutter is now ignored, since they don’t have a random seed that can be changed as a result of the clicking
🧹 左键点击灯笼和杂乱物品现在会被忽略,因为它们没有可以因点击而改变的随机种子
🚩 Ground flags will change their pattern if you click on rotation gizmo too (not just the bottom white dot)
🚩 如果您也单击旋转小工具(不仅仅是底部的白点),地面标志将更改其模式。
👀 The crash reporter will now detect crashes caused by OBS, and provide workaround info
👀 崩溃报告器现在将检测由 OBS 引起的崩溃,并提供解决方法信息
🌳 Big tree in Olden glade is now easier to grab, and when grabbing it, it will no longer jump
🌳 Olden glade 中的大树现在更容易抓住,而且当抓住它时,它不会再跳跃
🎨Fix settings menu overlay from purple to dark green when in Olden glade at night
🎨修复夜间在 Olden glade 时设置菜单覆盖从紫色变为深绿色的问题

Aaaaand that’s all for now. Thank you for reading :3 We wish you happy holidays!
啊啊,这就是现在的全部内容。感谢您的阅读 :3 我们祝您节日快乐!

Love, 爱
Ana, Tom, Martin & Oda


图片[2]-免费下载| 林间小世界 Tiny Glade v1.11.0 -飞星(官中)-飞星免费游戏仓库
图片[3]-免费下载| 林间小世界 Tiny Glade v1.11.0 -飞星(官中)-飞星免费游戏仓库
图片[4]-免费下载| 林间小世界 Tiny Glade v1.11.0 -飞星(官中)-飞星免费游戏仓库
图片[5]-免费下载| 林间小世界 Tiny Glade v1.11.0 -飞星(官中)-飞星免费游戏仓库
图片[6]-免费下载| 林间小世界 Tiny Glade v1.11.0 -飞星(官中)-飞星免费游戏仓库
图片[7]-免费下载| 林间小世界 Tiny Glade v1.11.0 -飞星(官中)-飞星免费游戏仓库
图片[8]-免费下载| 林间小世界 Tiny Glade v1.11.0 -飞星(官中)-飞星免费游戏仓库
图片[9]-免费下载| 林间小世界 Tiny Glade v1.11.0 -飞星(官中)-飞星免费游戏仓库


“Tiny Glade is the most beautiful pile of digital lego I’ve ever seen!”

“I absolutely love this game. But it’s not just me who loves it, my whole family loves this game. My kids walked in my office while I was playing this, and both asked if they could play. Soon after, my wife walked in and asked if she could play. And all of us had an absolute blast with it.”
City Planner Plays

“The truly magnificent visuals allow for great screenshots, and the procedural adaptation never ceases to amaze me”

图片[10]-免费下载| 林间小世界 Tiny Glade v1.11.0 -飞星(官中)-飞星免费游戏仓库


图片[11]-免费下载| 林间小世界 Tiny Glade v1.11.0 -飞星(官中)-飞星免费游戏仓库
图片[12]-免费下载| 林间小世界 Tiny Glade v1.11.0 -飞星(官中)-飞星免费游戏仓库



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图片[14]-免费下载| 林间小世界 Tiny Glade v1.11.0 -飞星(官中)-飞星免费游戏仓库



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图片[16]-免费下载| 林间小世界 Tiny Glade v1.11.0 -飞星(官中)-飞星免费游戏仓库




  • 需要 64 位处理器和操作系统
  • 操作系统: Windows 10+
  • 处理器: Intel Core i5 or AMD Ryzen
  • 内存: 4 GB RAM
  • 显卡: For 1080p: Radeon RX 580, GeForce GTX 1060, Intel Arc A380, or similar (with 4+ GB of VRAM)
  • 存储空间: 需要 3 GB 可用空间
  • 声卡: Absolutely

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