图片[1]-免费下载| 星轮 Starground v0.10.2.0 -飞星(官中)-飞星免费游戏仓库

星轮 Starground v0.10.2.0 -飞星(官中)



  • 2025年1月15日:v0.8.0.0 → v0.10.2.0


图片[2]-免费下载| 星轮 Starground v0.10.2.0 -飞星(官中)-飞星免费游戏仓库

Starground v0.10.2.0 发布

Starground v0.10.2 is now here! This update adds in a couple new nice to haves, along with a ton of QOL changes, additions, and fixes to some old bugs.
Starground v0.10.2 现已推出!此更新添加了一些新的好东西,以及大量的 QOL 更改、添加和对一些旧错误的修复。

Whats New  新增功能

Editable Terrain  可编辑地形

Stargrounders are now able to modify and move terrain tiles around on Veridan! Once unlocking the Terrain Manipulation research, players can access the new shovel tool to break tiles. You can also place them back down from the building menu, and buy more in the space hub from the Snail.
Stargrounders 现在可以在 Veridan 上修改和移动地形图块了!解锁地形操纵研究后,玩家可以使用新的铲子工具来打破图块。你也可以从建筑菜单中将它们放回原处,并在太空中心从 Snail 购买更多。

This will allow players to build out their island for ideal factory layouts, and convert resource nodes from and to oil.

Commands  命令

Commands are finally here in Starground! While they don't mean much for regular play, it allows for a type of "creative mode" world, or changing things to spice up gameplay. Enabling commands will disable achievements that will eventually be added in the future.
命令终于在 Starground 中出现了!虽然它们对常规游戏没有多大意义,但它允许一种“创造模式”世界,或者改变事物以增加游戏玩法的趣味性。启用命令将禁用最终将在将来添加的成就。

All the commands available are:

  • /tp - teleport to a location
    /tp - 传送到某个位置
  • /give - gives an item and/or quantity
    /give - 给出物品和/或数量
  • /kill - kills the player
    /kill - 杀死玩家
  • /time - sets the current day time
    /time - 设置当前日期时间
  • /noclip - enables/disables noclip
    /noclip - 启用/禁用 noclip
  • /movespeed - changes player movespeed
    /movespeed - 更改玩家的移动速度
  • /zoomlimit - enables/disables the zoom limit
    /zoomlimit - 启用/禁用缩放限制
  • /miningspeed - changes player mining speed
    /miningspeed - 更改玩家的挖矿速度
  • /rain - start/stop rain  /rain - 开始/停止下雨
  • /create - creates a scene that exists within the game files (be careful spawning on some kinds of scenes!)
    /create - 创建存在于游戏文件中的场景(在某些类型的场景中生成时要小心!
  • /help - gives a list of commands
    /help - 提供命令列表

Custom commands can also be added via modding (check the modding repo for more details)
自定义命令也可以通过 Modding 添加(查看 Modding 仓库了解更多详情)

Resource Clustering  资源集群

Resources now spawn in a new way. Instead of being randomly placed around, they spawn in clusters. This means collectors and thumpers are much better when placed in resource-dense locations, and voids between clusters are left free of resources. These are perfect places to build your factory without decreasing your resource production.

Resource positions and types are now also linked to the world seed. This means they will always be the same kind of resource, and spawn in the same location every time you load a game, or use the same seed.

These changes aim to make early game much easier to sustain (especially with fuel), and to make end-game designs more interesting, since clustering requires more thought-process instead of the "place collectors everywhere" approach.

As always, let me know on the Steam forums, or on Discord if you run into any new issues. Enjoy!
与往常一样,如果您在 Steam 论坛上遇到任何新问题,请在 Discord 上告诉我。享受!

Full Changelog  完整更新日志

Additions  增加

  • Added the ability to go through old chat messages with up and down arrow keys
  • Added commands  添加的命令
  • Added the tp command  添加了 tp 命令
  • Added the noclip command  添加了 noclip 命令
  • Added the rain command  添加了 rain 命令
  • Added the kill command  添加了 kill 命令
  • Added the give command  添加了 give 命令
  • Added the movespeed command
    添加了 movespeed 命令
  • Added the miningspeed command
    添加了 miningspeed 命令
  • Added the create command  添加了 create 命令
  • Added the help command  添加了 help 命令
  • Added the time command  添加了 time 命令
  • Added editable terrain  添加了可编辑的地形
  • Added the shovel tool  添加了铲子工具
  • Added land tile items  添加了土地瓦格物品
  • Added the ability to rotate airlocks and storage interfaces to place them vertically
  • Added the ability to purchase land tiles from the snail in the Space Hub
  • Added a new resource clustering algorithm to make resources spawn in denser patches (and leave empty voids) instead of randomly or in a grid
  • Added the terrain manipulation research
  • Added the ability to clear a second keybind by rightclicking it
  • Added the new Sedna's Gift track to Tyria (thank you ace!)
    为 Tyria 添加了新的 Sedna's Gift 曲目(谢谢你,ace!
  • Added a world options menu to configure world settings on creation, or in-game (found in the options menu)
  • Added the ability to add a modifier to a keybind
  • Added infinite research for thumper speed
  • Added smooth mining mode for controller
  • Added a crosshair for controller
  • Added unbinded keys to toggle smooth mining mode and hit first object

Changes  变化

  • Increased the size of the back button icon for the chat on controller
  • Made it so that the hotbar no longer overlaps on the chatbox on large ui scales, now that the chatbox size is dynamic
    这使得热键栏在大 UI 规模上的聊天框上不再重叠,因为聊天框大小是动态的
  • Made it so V2 tesla coils placed in the water have a water sprite
    使放置在水中的 V2 特斯拉线圈具有水精灵
  • Decreased the cost of Better Automation and Clean Energy researches
    降低了 Better Automation 和 Clean Energy 研究的成本
  • Made it so the "Consumes" and "Generates" tags are now colored, and removed the negative sign
  • Made it so that training dummies now save their face and sync it on multiplayer
  • Made optimizations to game loading order, which will help with multiplayer connection issues
  • Made it so rain splash particles fade in and out
  • Reworked the controls menu to convert from physical to regular keycodes, make controller binds more obvious and intuitive, and better convert from inputs to icons and text
  • Made changes to the minimap to better represent shorelines and update dynamically with terrain changes
  • Changed the minimap colors to increase contrast and readability for those with red/green colorblindness (in the future, we'll likely have colorblindness modes and/or customizable colors)
  • Made it so the chat line edit now displays the binded key
  • Updated the translation sheet

Fixes  修复

  • Fixed an issue where beach balls flipped their orientation depending on the direction they are hit
  • Fixed an issue where beach balls rotated way too much
  • Fixed an issue where non-power using buildings would cause the power tooltip to play
  • Fixed an issue where tutorial tooltips were not translated
  • Fixed an issue where ui scale was unchangeable on controller
    修复了 UI 比例在控制器上不可更改的问题
  • Fixed an issue where resources could sometimes drop multiple times at low FPSs, or with extremely fast mining speed
    修复了资源有时会在低 FPS 或极快的挖矿速度下掉落数倍的问题
  • Fixed an issue where skateboards could start to multiply your speed up to infinity, softlocking the player and teleporting them to NaNland (NaN coordinates)
    修复了滑板可能会开始将你的速度乘以无穷大、软锁定玩家并将他们传送到 NaNland(NaN 坐标)的问题
  • Fixed an issue where rotating a building could cause offset issues with 3x2 buildings like the grinder and refinery
    修复了旋转建筑可能会导致 3x2 建筑(如研磨机和精炼厂)出现偏移问题的问题
  • Fixed an issue where the "Created In" popup on items showed multiple of the same building
  • Fixed an issue where treadmills still worked underwater
  • Fixed an issue where the metal tile sound effect would transfer to veridian
    修复了金属瓦片音效会转移到 veridian 的问题
  • Fixed an issue where movers could access the wrong index, causing crashes on load and during play
  • Fixed an issue where kickflips didn't sync on multiplayer
    修复了 kickflips 在多人游戏中不同步的问题
  • Fixed an issue where the amounts of lost items on death would overlap the pause menu
  • Fixed an issue where trees and rocks didn't drop their player-specific secondary items
  • Fixed an issue where rain splash particles didn't work for clients on multiplayer
  • Fixed an issue where tesla coils would not react to water changes, causing issues on load and allowing people to illegally connect tesla coils
  • Fixed an issue where the hotbar selection ability on controller crashed the game
  • Increased the initial thumper speed from 10 to 12 seconds
    初始重击速度从 10 秒增加到 12 秒


  • Added the CanPlaceShore and BannedRegions tags to buildings
    向建筑物添加了 CanPlaceShore 和 BannedRegions 标签
  • Added a function to ModAPI to add commands
    向 ModAPI 添加了一个函数来添加命令
  • Added the set_time function to ModAPI
    在 ModAPI 中添加了 set_time 函数
  • Added the set_rain function to ModAPI
    在 ModAPI 中添加了 set_rain 函数
  • Added the add_command function to ModAPI
    在 ModAPI 中添加了 add_command 函数
  • Organized and better documented the ModAPI script
    组织并更好地记录了 ModAPI 脚本
  • Added the input_type_changed signal to Global
    向 Global 添加了 input_type_changed 信号
  • Added the language_changed signal to Global
    向 Global 添加了 language_changed 信号
  • Added the get_input_icon_path() function to Global (returns an icon for a given InputEvent)
    向 Global 添加了 get_input_icon_path() 函数(返回给定 InputEvent 的图标)


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图片[4]-免费下载| 星轮 Starground v0.10.2.0 -飞星(官中)-飞星免费游戏仓库
图片[5]-免费下载| 星轮 Starground v0.10.2.0 -飞星(官中)-飞星免费游戏仓库
图片[6]-免费下载| 星轮 Starground v0.10.2.0 -飞星(官中)-飞星免费游戏仓库



Starground 是一个自上而下的自动化地下城爬行器组合。在你的家乡星球上收集和精炼资源,或者穿越太空冒险,在 Roguelite 风格的地下城中进行战斗。如何分配时间完全取决于您!游戏没有正确的玩法,任何路径都会推动故事的发展。


Starground 从一开始就以多人游戏为基础。体验 Starground 所提供的全面合作体验,您可以与尽可能多的朋友一起合作。邀请你的朋友为共同的目标而努力,或者分而治之,征服游戏的各个部分。如果您不喜欢多人游戏,您也可以在单人游戏中独自玩!



图片[7]-免费下载| 星轮 Starground v0.10.2.0 -飞星(官中)-飞星免费游戏仓库



图片[8]-免费下载| 星轮 Starground v0.10.2.0 -飞星(官中)-飞星免费游戏仓库

请务必将 Starground 添​​加到您的 愿望清单!



  • 需要 64 位处理器和操作系统
  • 操作系统: Windows 11
  • 内存: 4 GB RAM
  • 显卡: Vulkan Support
  • 网络: 宽带互联网连接
  • 存储空间: 需要 1 GB 可用空间

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